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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

Clarifications & Explanations

John Sakowicz, omni-interested citizen in a county where few people pay close attention to purely local matters, posed an interesting question at the April 23 meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Sakowicz's query came after…

Milovina Fined

According to a wine-grower profile by Congressman Huffman’s (formerly Congressman Thompson’s) aide Heidi Cusick Dickerson back in 2010, Milovina Vineyards grows several varieties of grapes at their “manicured fish friendly farmed vineyards” outside of Hopland.…

Obamacare Baffles Mendo

On Monday, April 8, the Mendocino Board of Supervisors listened to two and a half excruciating hours of impenetrable insurance jargon. If you're inclined to rhetorical self-abuse you'll be ecstatic at “exchange reinsurance program fees,”…


The Board of Supervisors expressed plenty of skepticism during their March 12 discussion of the Exclusive Operating Area (EOA) proposal for County ambulance service. As “outreach” sessions commence around the County, all five Supervisors expressed…

Mendocino Media

My uncle, the late 5th District Supervisor Joe Scaramella, was an avid reader all his life. He described the county’s media during his tour in office in the 1950s and 60s as “mostly duplicative and…

Obamacare Lands On Mendo

The federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka PPACA/Obamacare) will go into effect in January of 2014. It's a hopelessly confusing mess of non-reform foisted off on America by the health insurance combines, and…

Caltrans’ Bait & Switch

Dozens of mostly Willits people spoke in opposition to the Caltrans bypass of Willits at last Tuesday's meeting of the Board of Supervisors, specifically the Board's draft letter to Caltrans endorsing the project. Most of…
