Last week the Santa Rosa Press Democrat ran a story titled, “Winegrowers facing labor hurdles as harvest season approaches.” The story began, “Grape growers and farmers throughout the state are facing a range of challenges…
Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”
Major Contributor
Mental health services in Mendocino County are at best very limited and underfunded, and several high-profile examples of inadequate responses have come to light in recent months and years. The question — or more accurately…
Fifty or so Valleyites showed up last Wednesday evening to look at the to-be-replaced Philo-Greenwood Road bridge. The first-hand walk-through at the bridge was followed by a presentation by three engineers from Quincy Engineering (Sacramento)…
Sheriff Allman appeared before the Board of Supervisors last Tuesday to explain why it is expected to cost $150,000 to paint the inside of the jail. First up was General Services Director Kristin McMenomey. McMenomey:…
Supervisor Hamburg last Tuesday told his Board colleagues about a Friday, May 17 meeting in Fort Bragg to discuss internet broadband service in the county. “The focus will be broadband planning in the city of…
In 2010, Bernard Meyers was the only NCRA director to publicly say that taxpayers are being ripped off by a sweetheart deal benefiting a private company that includes former congressman Doug Bosco — who happens to be the NCRA’s attorney.
(Note: This is a typical report from a "watershed group" meeting almost 20 years ago to discuss the status of a "study" costing hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars which produced nothing but a "report"…