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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

Supes Notes

Mendo’s Health & Human Services Agency boss, Stacey Cryer, generally does little more in Board meetings than introduce members of her staff who proceed to make dubious statements about things over which the Board has…

2015 Professional Pianist Concert January 10 & 11

This Saturday, January 10th at 7 p.m and Sunday, January 11 at 2 p.m., the 23rd annual 2015 Professional Pianist Concert will be held at the Mendocino College Center Theatre. Featured performers are Spencer Brewer,…

Willits Library Art Showcase

Willits Library has a locking glass cabinet suitable for displaying small works of local arts or crafts. We are scheduling our 2015 calendar. Display space is available for one calendar month on a first come/first…

Are You Crazy Enough For Laura’s Law? Ask Doug Losak.

The November 11 Board of Supervisors discussion leading to unanimous approval of a limited pilot program of Laura’s Law in Mendocino County got off to a bumbling start after Health and Human Services honcho Stacy…

Three Ukiah Library Events

Sign Painting Pizza Party, Friday, December 5th at 3:30PM Teens and tweens are invited to the Ukiah Library District Teens space to color our new District Teens sign and eat some pizza. We will also…

Visit Mendocino, Take Two

The Mendocino County Lodging Association (MCLA), is one of the several overlapping organizations involved in the promotion and marketing of Mendocino County. They met in Boonville last Wednesday afternoon. The meeting was hosted by the…
