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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

Visit Mendocino

A couple of weeks ago, we referred to Visit Mendocino County and its sister organizations — the Mendocino County Lodging Association and the Mendcoino County Promotional Alliance — as a "scam-a-rama." Wendy Roberts of Mendocino…

The Crisis At The AV Health Center

The Philo Grange Building was standing room only last Wednesday evening, and the crowd was united in their support for the Anderson Valley Health Center’s embattled staff over the Center’s arbitrary administration. Spiller’s Gotta Go,…

The Big Swindle

A READER WRITES: “What you and all of these latter day crusaders for preserving the sanctity of mediocrity (that has characterized county delivery of adult mental health services for a quarter century) seem to be…

Doug Losak: Master Of Evasion

What follows may seem tedious and perhaps difficult for readers to follow. Essentially, though, we think it confirms the smelly fact that the County of Mendocino, via a well-connected former employee acting on behalf of…

Grape Growers Congratulate Each Other

Back in 2009 the Grape People realized they needed to do something to counter the relatively small amount of negative publicity they were getting, particularly around water use and fish strandings caused by overpumping during…
