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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

County Notes: Insults, Indecisiveness & Inaction

Item 4a on Tuesday, July 25, 2023’s Board Agenda: “Discussion and Possible Action to Direct Staff to Initiate Modernization of New Hire and Annual Employee…

County Notes: Supes To Compound Their Errors

Item 4b) on next Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors Agenda is described as “Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction to Staff to Develop a Contingency Plan…

County Notes: Bright Spots

It might come as a surprise to some readers of this space that there were a couple of genuine, if minor, bright spots in Tuesday’s…

Is Mendo Imploding?

Watching the Board of Supervisors’ blasé attitude toward the County’s core function of property tax collection it’s hard to escape the sense that Mendo is…

County Notes: Behind The Curve

A large and uncharacteristically loud contingent of County employees showed up at the Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, June 20 to demand some kind of pay…

Mendo Management In Turmoil; Supes Do Nothing

Back in the Carmel Angelo Era, management staffers who presented a problem for the peevish CEO were summarily given the heave-ho on the spot and…

County Notes: The Mockel Debacle

(Mockel who? Mockel being shoved down our throats by the Democrat's Northcoast machine.) Last month, at the time I filed my Brown Act complaint to…

County Notes: The Answer Is No

Dozens of county employees and their union rep Patrick Hickey showed up at the Supervisors’ Tuesday morning budget hearing to ask that the County at…
