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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

Is The New Mental Health Contract Rigged?

During the first year of his first term, Supervisor Ted Williams correctly pointed that Mental Health Services in Mendocino County should be competitively bid, not handed over to the Schraeders Anchor Health Management (aka Redwood…

County Notes: Another Big Insult From The Supervisors

In your face, Board critics: Supervisors to raise their own salaries again. From $96k per year to $111k per year! Almost 12% over an already very high salary. Item 4c on next Tuesday’s Board Agenda:…

The Gjerde Defense

At Tuesday’s Supervisors meeting, the Board engaged in a lengthy un-agendized discussion of the recent State Controller’s office report which blamed the Supervisors for much of the County’s financial delays and difficulties. The unagendized discussion…

A Closer Look At The State Controller’s Report

A postscript is in order for Mike Geniella’s interesting summary of the State Controller’s July 1 report and findings, basically blaming the Supervisors for the County’s financial difficulties. Let’s focus on a few specific remarks…

County Agenda Notes 6/29/24

SUPERVISOR MULHEREN PROPOSES PAY RAISE FOR CEO ANTLE (Item 4e, Supervisors Agenda, June 25, 2024) “Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of an Employment Agreement Between the County of Mendocino and Darcie Antle to Serve…

CSD Notes: Mountain House Road Firebug?

AV FIRE CHIEF Andres Avila told the Community Services District Board on Wednesday that three suspicious wildland fires were started along the roadside of Mountain House Road between Yorkville and Hopland on the mornings of…

The Mis-Applied Wisdom Of Hieronymous Bosch

At Tuesday’s Board meeting, Supervisor Glenn McGourty invoked Detective Hieronymous ‘Harry’ Bosch’s slogan, “Everybody counts or nobody counts” during the budget discussion. McGourty didn’t mention that in one of his early Bosch novels author Michael…
