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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

Bud & Breakfast

Yes, marijuana inns furrowed the burdened brows of County leadership last week: “Mendocino County Board of Supervisors Cannabis Workshop, Tuesday, May 2, 2017.” Er, what’s…

Deputy Massey Looks Back

(This is the final segment of our interview with Mendocino County’s only and probably last black deputy, Orell Massey.) AVA: What’s your experience with domestic…

Deputy Massey Looks Back

AVA: What's your experience testifying in court? I gather that most deputies try to avoid it. It seems like sometimes the officer is on trial to prove that all the correct steps were taken rather than the suspect for the alleged crime.

Deputy Massey Looks Back

AVA: How much prostitution have you encountered in your duties? Massey: I've only run across a few cases. I don't think it's that widespread. But…

Deputy Massey Looks Back

I was born in Rock Hill, South Carolina. My parents signed for me to go into the military so I went in at a fairly young age. I stayed in the Marines for almost 22 years and got out of the Marines in 1994 as a master sergeant.

Policing Mendocino County

In this interview, Deputy Orell Massey, Mendocino County’s first and only black deputy, looks back... Midnight Rambler Incident — I was on patrol one night…

Deputy Orell Massey On Mental Health

Deputy Orell Massey is Mendocino County’s first and, so far, only black patrol deputy. He has recently semi-retired, shifting from patrol to prisoner transportation. The…

Philo: Speed Trap Or Death Trap?

Mr. Darren Hill, a Caltrans traffic engineer out of the Eureka 1 District office, opened the discussion of the downtown Philo speed limit at the…
