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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

Good Ship Mendo Heads for the Fiscal Rocks

Full steam ahead, Captain Angelo! Patrick Hickey, Service Employees International Union field representative for Mendocino County, effectively set the stage at Tuesday's supervisors meeting for the upcoming budget/salary negotiations that the Supervisors and the CEO…

Biloxi Days: Mr. Trent

In the late 60s and early 70s the Civil Rights Movement burned hot and fierce, fighting its fight into every area of American life, including the military where, as many Americans don't know, the first…

The Sheriff’s Frustration

After more than a year of pussyfooting around, Sheriff Allman seems to have accepted the idea that to get the Psychiatric Health Facility that he originally envisioned, energetically promoted and sold via “Measure B” for…

Biloxi Days: The Monument

Toward the end of my four-year tour at Keesler Air Force Base outside Biloxi, Mississippi, it was becoming clear that President Nixon’s quixotic attempt to “Vietnamize” the Vietnam war by, among other things, training Vietnamese…

Skyrocketing Fees & Mendo Mismanagement

At last Tuesday's mid-year budget presentation the Supes reviewed five contending "budget priorities," one of which was: "Board of Supervisors directive to prepare a report on how Planning and Building service fees are developed. (Discuss…

Biloxi Days: The Leak

I happened to be in the office of Chief Master Sergeant Ralph Johns, the Field Maintenance superintendent, when he received a call from Sergeant Wilkins in the aero repair shop over in Hangar 3. It…

Mendo’s Budget Chickens Circle the Coop

On Thursday, Official Mendo posted its “mid-year budget update” nearly three months after the mid-year ended. The pretty presentation package collides directly with the ugly budget reality contained within. To see the fruits of the…
