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Posts published by “Malcolm Macdonald”

Network of Spies

Willie Fisher was born in 1903 at Benwell, Newcastle upon Tyne, the second son of a man who had been a revolutionary agitator alongside Vladimir…

Coast Hospital Suffers Another Relapse

The Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) is in turmoil. Sure, if you go in for a routine blood draw, you will get prompt, positive service,…

Self Medication Nation

Just back from Ashland, Oregon, where I saw two plays. The good news: fifty to sixty high school students in attendance at Much Ado About…

Smoky Hike

Nearing mid-October and no end in sight to this drought. The etymological root of the word drought takes us back to the old, Old English…

Outlaw Ford (II)

Continuing the mildly fictionalized saga of young Les Ford in Mendocino County a hundred ten years or so ago, here is a second excerpt from…

Outlaw Ford

Early Mendocino County is filled with many yarns and tales. One of the characters in Outlaw Ford (the novel excerpted here) states, “Sometimes you have…

Fort Bragg’s Civil War

Last week PBS re-broadcast Ken Burns' landmark documentary The Civil War. Monday, September 14th, Fort Bragg played out its version at the City Council meeting.

Outdoor Adventuring

Within a week I've seen A Walk in the Woods and Meru, two films about outdoor adventuring. A Walk in the Woods made it to…

Coast Hospital Rifts Widen

There is a distinct rift within the Board of Directors of Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH). The divide between new physician board members William Rohr…
