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Posts published by “Malcolm Macdonald”

Presumed Dead

We are deep into the National Basketball Association (NBA) 2017 playoffs. Every once in awhile when I watch Klay Thompson or Steph Curry swish another…

Painful Truths At Coast Hospital

At an April 25th Finance Committee meeting, Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) Chief Financial Officer Wade Sturgeon and Chief Executive Officer Bob Edwards introduced a…

Coast Logging History

In 1979 my father sat at the kitchen table in the log house he, my mother, and paternal uncles constructed by hand. He stared in…

The Doctors of the Old Mendo Coast

Those dissatisfied with their local hospital or physician might want to consider the case of Dr. Thomas Goodsir, who in 1878 served the community of…

Coast Hospital Prognosis: Grim

The leadership at Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) has circled the wagons. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bob Edwards has moved out of the traditional CEO…

Hospitality House Eating Fort Bragg

Last week some non-law abiding person or persons drove a pickup truck into the northwest forty of the Macdonald Ranch and made off with a…

Ongoing Trouble at Coast Hospital

On March 16th Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) abandoned all plans to convert to a “Hospital Fee Structure” when it became clear that there was…

Once Upon A Time In Mendocino

Anyone who has ever been to Mendocino can direct you to the McCallum House on the north side of Albion Street, cattywampus from Daisy McCallum's…
