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Posts published by “Malcolm Macdonald”

What Are They Hiding?

Not many noticed, but part way into the March 31st Mendocino Coast Hospital (MCDH) Board of Directors meeting two members of that body's Finance Committee…

Coast Hospital Tax Maneuvers

Health care, in general, is indeed a mess in this country, and yet there are doctors and nurses doing their level best all over the place. They just get re-wound every so often, like an old watch that's supposed to keep on ticking no matter how much you use and/or abuse it.

Parcel Taxes & Legal Counsel

Bob Edwards, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) does not want the public to know what is discussed at…

Transparency Could Benefit MCHC

I went to the Mendocino Coast Hospitality Center (MCHC) Board of Directors meeting last Thursday, March 17. A belated Happy St. Patrick's Day to you…

Volunteer Model Failing

At the March 9th meeting of the Albion Littleriver Fire Protection District (ALRFPD) Board, first year Board member Alan Taeger said, “The Volunteer Fire Department…

Non-profit Boards & Non-voting Directors

Under the moniker, “Just in From Fort Bragg,” last week's AVA carried a submission that in its very first sentence asked readers to grasp, without…

SF Giants Quiz

Praise the sweet Lord, spring training has rolled around once more. As George Carlin once said, “Baseball is different from any other sport. In most…

Anniversaries of Justice

February marks the passing of US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, but it also is the anniversary of two other notable moments in the history…

River Views

Walking upriver a piece, beyond the forks where the sun bakes the gravel bar and pepperwoods shadow the Indian trail, eventually Ed Sniece's place comes…

Coast Hospital To Seek Parcel Tax

By now it is no secret that Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) has put its toes in the water to test the public's temperature about…

Gimme (Winter) Shelter

Last week's article concluded with a reminder that venues for emergency weather shelters (EWS) are still needed on the Mendocino Coast. Lynelle Johnson, one of…
