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Posts published by “Jonah Raskin”

Eat the 2020 Election

Voters were definitely on edge Election Day, but not so edgy that they couldn’t or didn’t abstain from eating. From coast-to-coast and in what’s known…

The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Whatever the outcome on Tuesday, November 3, the next day, November 4, will be the first day of the rest of my life and a…

Jack London’s Martin Eden: On the Screen Again

Jack London’s big, bold 1909 novel, Martin Eden, which some consider autobiographical, is on the screen again, this time in an Italian production that’s set in…

Joe Munson & Daughter On The Cops

The “No on P” signs, which have blanketed Sonoma County in October, hit Joe Munson where it hurt: in his moral compass. Arrested about 50…

Hydra Headed

“Tension between the need for urban progress and the ways that progress can crush vulnerable communities is evident all around.” – Brahinsky and Tarr on…

Tragedy or Farce?

Do all world historical facts and personage occur twice? The first time as tragedy, the second as farce? Marx apparently thought so. His often quoted…

Chile at a Crossroads & Chileans on the Move

Election Day this November rightly occupies the minds and hearts of American citizens, no matter what their political affiliations. The future of the republic itself…

Caught Between Passion & Cool

I took a stand the other day by taking a knee and kept it for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, the same amount of time that Derek Chauvin

Meat: To Eat or Not To Eat?

Meat is the enemy! That’s the mantra I hear these days from nearly all sides of the political spectrum. In The New York Times author, Jonathan Safran…
