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Posts published by “Jonah Raskin”

Another Fiasco in Berkeley

The shit is hitting the fan in Berkeley, again. The city, which is notorious for not thinking clearly or honorably about People’s Park and its…

Two Days in Frisco

I moved to San Francisco from Santa Rosa in Sonoma County on May 15, and for the first two weeks I sat in my one-bedroom…

Portrait of a Marijuana Widow

War makes women into widows. In fact, war is called "the widow maker." Football also makes some women into widows, especially during football season, which…

Melville, Our Contemporary

I spent a good part of August 1, 2019, the 200th anniversary of the birth of Herman Melville, by doing what every red-blooded American ought…

Losing & Saving the Apple

Long ago, the apple industry coined and popularized the slogan, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” A recent study concludes that the available…

Frenchy Cannoli (1956-2021)

Everyone in the northern California cannabis world knew of Frenchy Cannoli who proselytized tirelessly for hashish and who provided a living link to Europe and…

Dying Culture

What is seduction? It's when you aim to persuade someone to have sex with you, whether they want to or not. But maybe it's lots…
