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Posts published by “Jim Shields”

The Violent Side of Marijuana

Back when Tom Allman was Sheriff, he would periodically appear at Board of Supervisors meetings and weigh in on the now officially certified failed Pot Ordinance. At different times he told the Supes that growers…

The Laytonville-Pot Home Invasion

This past weekend there was a home invasion in the northern Laytonville area that stretched over several days starting on last Thursday, Sept. 17. The MCSO press release that’s been published does a good job…

Pot Ordinance Wishful Thinking

Be sure and read Mark Scaramella’s front-page report (in the AVA and The Observer newspaper) on the latest efforts by County officials to pump some life into the lifeless, four-year old deader-than-a-doornail Cannabis Ordinance. The…

Living with the Pandemic

Here in Mendocino County, by my non-empirical estimate anyway, barely a majority of folks comply with Pandemic Orders. It seems people living in unincorporated areas practice social distancing only in regards to Public Health Orders:…

Pot Ordinance Woes Continue

There are dark clouds on the horizon regarding the County’s failed Cannabis Ordinance and the resulting uncertain prospects of pot growers ever being licensed by state regulators. According to one county official, the licensing process…

Free Speech & Fallen Statues

As is the case with many issues, Bruce Anderson’s insights on the PC totalitarians out in the streets rendering nutso retroactive historical censorship on this country’s past, are irrefutable. Anderson, editor and publisher of the…

PG&E Undergrounding

I have a Saturday afternoon show on KPFN and recently I was discussing operational and infrastructure improvements PG&E, its lax Public Utilities Commission regulators, and blind watchdogs from the state Legislature should consider implementing prior…
