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Posts published by “Jim Shields”

Times Are Changing

At our Laytonville Water District meeting last week, the Board voted unanimously to send a letter to the California Coastal Commission recommending that it approve…

Introducing Hiram Johnson

Folks, please understand one thing: The politicians, special interests, the big money boys, and the namby-pamby-fake-liberal media all fervently believe you are stupid. These elites,…

Museum Follies

Last week, we discussed the Supes aversion to priorities. I cited three examples (Board approval of thousands of dollars of retroactive pay raises for four…

Water Works

For the past three years, I’ve been urging the Board of Supervisors to assert their leadership, via the dormant county Water Agency, in the critical…

Fishing For Dollars

Patti Campbell, Richard Shoemaker and David Colfax are to be commended for their actions at last week’s Supes’ meeting. They righted a wrong, and you…

Money Talk

The Board of Supervisors were told Tuesday the county’s finances are in pretty good shape following a mid-year budget review.  The real question, though, is…

Public Policy Gone Haywire

Bad public policy is like the proverbial ghost; haunting elected officials — and the public they represent — long after its ill-conceived implementation.  The lure…

The Elephant on the Table

Yes, as many of you have let me know, this column — actually a version of it — now appears every Friday in the Ukiah…

A Look Inside the Budget

Smooth sailing. Piece of cake. Easy money. Compared to the not too distant past, last week’s wrap-up of the 1999-2000 budget was a pain-free experience.…
