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Posts published by “Jeff Costello”

Law Abiding Citizen

To live outside the law you must be honest. — Bob Dylan I love a good man outside the law, just as much as I…

Dispatch From Denver

Met up with old friend Tom Woods yesterday for lunch, the only old Sausalito waterfronter in Colorado I know of since Jack the Fluke died.…

Two Sides Of Gun Propaganda

Two emails came in this morning, forwarded material from people trying to “spread the word.” The topic of both was guns, one rabidly pro andone…

Online Dating: What Do Women Want?

Am I admitting this? Yes, I guess so. I've been married (using the term loosely) twice, have four grown kids and four grandchildren. Not a…

A Nation Of Lone Nuts

How exceptional is the U.S.A.? Shall we count the ways? It is definitely exceptional that we can expect, on a regular basis, guys with multiple…

Road Notes: North For The Winter Redux

Early morning, a donut shop in Ukiah. I half-stumble from my room at Motel 6, hoping a large coffee will set my internal latitude and…

The Grand Tour

Tourists in California are missing a great opportunity. Where else can you travel north-south on either of two major highways and be so close to so many prisons - pardon me, correctional facilities - some in plain sight. And not just any prisons. Famous prisons, notorious prisons, prisons immortalized in song.

Labor Day 2012

John Stephens on the rich person's view of the poor: “They just can't understand what a terrible burden it is to have money.” I’m a…

The Crackpot Files

Insanity is the only sane reaction to an insane society.  — Thomas (“Mental illness is a myth”) Szasz   “…lunatics from the hospital up the…

Pete Seeger’s Contributions

Pete Seeger may well be the very essence of the earnest, self-serious folk singer. He seems to have built the mold. After a half-century of harassment by everyone from the local KKK in the small Hudson River Valley town where he lives to the House Un-American Activities Commission in the 50s, to J. Edgar Hoover himself, you could say Seeger has a right to be serious.

Memo To White Liberals

We no longer see or hear the terms Jewess or Negress, which are insulting in that people are put on a level with animals (tigress,…
