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Posts published by “Steve Heilig”

Beat Poets, Acid Gurus, The Governor & Me

A local saloon changing owners is rarely front-page news in the big city, but the recent sale of Tosca, in San Francisco's North Beach neighborhood, has received much attention. The much-beloved establishment had reportedly been…

‘Paranoia Strikes Deep’

Headline: A lone gunman opened fire today in (San Francisco, Aurora, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Tucson, Oak Creek...) and shot _____ innocent people, killing _____ people and wounding ____ more. Politicians offered sympathy, but no solutions.…

Taking More Control Of Your Final Days

One of the sick ironies of “pro-life” activism opposing abortion and euthanasia is that, if such self-identified advocates are successful in obtaining their goals, not only do more people suffer and die, but there is…

Mendocino ‘Magic’

Driving up Highway 101, late 1970s, hitchhikers at regular intervals and when they saw my VW van they would start jumping up and down with anticipation of a ride. I picked up one of the less deranged-looking guys and we had a nice chat as we entered Humboldt and the redwoods.

Genetically-Modified Democracy

Normally, I don't watch much television, as I am easily nauseated. But when the San Francisco Giants made the playoffs and then the World Series I made sure to catch every game. As a side-effect,…

A (Mormon?) Miracle?

Perhaps the most notable endorsement of a candidate in this year's heated Presidential campaign has been relatively unremarked, and begins like this: Nowhere has Mitt Romney's pursuit of the presidency been more warmly welcomed or…

The Doper In The Uniform

In 2011, bicycling champion Lance Armstrong demanded an apology from “60 Minutes” after the program alleged that he used banned drugs to ride faster. Then he shut up, and then the truth came out, and…

Stalking The Wild Superbug

Just under a century ago, following the carnage of WWI, an influenza pandemic swept over much of the planet, killing over 50 million people — more than three times the number killed in the war itself. Soldiers and others moving around globally were a crucial factor in the spread of the flu virus, even though transportation was nowhere near as efficient and far-reaching as it is today.
