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Posts published by “Fred Gardner”

Prohibition ’37, Part 2

A tragicomedy featuring the US Treasury Department, industries reliant on hemp, and the American Medical Association. Continued from last week’s AVA.

Prohibition ’37

Act one, scene one of a three-act tragicomedy featuring the Treasury Department, US industries reliant on hemp, and the American Medical Association. A radio is…

A Little Dab’ll Do Ya

When Pebbles Trippet showed me her letter to the AVA (March 27, 2013), I mentioned that Lester Grinspoon, the PC (Pro-Cannabis) Harvard Medical School Professor…

Year Of The Concentrate

The Winter/Spring 2013 issue of O'Shaughnessy's came out with a page-one article by Jeffrey Hergenrather, MD, under the headline “Use of 'Dabs' Gaining Popularity.” It…

Note To Alex

The NY Times arrived this morning with the Sunday magazine devoted to "The Lives They Lived," an extra round of obits for people who exited…

Scenes From A Marriage

Constance Gee's just published memoir, Higher Education: Marijuana at the Mansion, is a terrific book. (Her last name is pronounced with a hard G, as…

Paula Broadwell, Whistleblower

Q: What name did Monica Lewinsky call Maureen Dowd? Answer below. In Men in Black Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith make use of a…

Legalization (With A DUI Chaser)

Paul Stanford, 52, is the author and prime mover behind Oregon’s marijuana legalization initiative, Measure 80, which had gotten 46.5 percent of the vote as…

Old Home Week At The NORML Confab

Trim, white-haired Tom Hayden gave a talk at the NORML conference in Los Angeles last week. NORML is the National Organization to Reform the Marijuana…
