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Posts published by “Fred Gardner”

Fifteen Years After 215

Occasionally the iron heel comes down on people who are widely respected and/or have the resources and will to fight back effectively.  “The feds have…

Feds Ain’t Lovin It

For many years the relationship between the federal government and the jurisdictions that decided to tax and regulate cannabis was essentially "don't ask, don't tell." This discreet arrangement ended in the winter of 2010-11 when Oakland's plan to license four huge indoor grows became national news.

The Working Class Stranger

“Carl Oglesby dies at 76; led Students for a Democ­ratic Society,” was the headline on the obit in the LA Times. The description of SDS…

Reformers Shouldn’t Feel Betrayed By Obama

“Medical cannabis activists” and “drug policy reform” advocates are complaining bitterly that they have been double-crossed by Barack Obama. The Mendocino Medical Marijuana Advisory Board…

Five Years For What Crime?

Marian “Mollie” Fry, MD, and her husband Dale Schafer, an attorney, have begun serving five-year terms —ostensibly for the crime of Cannabis cultivation (growing plants), but actually for the crime of political organizing (educating people).

Can ‘PotDoc’ Be A Valid Specialty?

Every TV station from San Diego to Crescent City has run a segment in which a reporter with a hidden mike visits a local MD…

Eddie’s Hot Deals

Amenities turn into luxuries as you suffer a class fall. Buying fresh-cut flowers and newly published books requires more “discretionary” income than you have. You…

Reefer Madness Forever

“Marijuana's Role in the Tucson Shooting” was the extremely misleading headline on an article by Joe Califano that the Huffington Post ran Jan. 21. Why…
