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Posts published by “Fred Gardner”

The Only Way to End the Pandemic

The more the Covid-19 virus spreads, the more it will mutate, producing variant strains. Inevitably, some of those variants will totally elude the existing vaccines.…

Local Angles

Last week Willits made the front page of the AVA and the obituary section of the New York Times, where the death of Sally Miller Gearhart  was acknowledged. The…

Learning to Love GMOs

That was the title of the NY Times Sunday Magazine’s cover story July 25 —an unrestrained endorsement of genetically modified foods. Jennifer Kahn, the writer,…

Schumer Plays the Pot Card…at Last

The “Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act,” drafted by Ron Wyden of Oregon and Cory Booker of New Jersey, was introduced on July 14 in the…

On Performance Enhancement

“When Sha’Carri Richardson was barred from the Olympics this month after testing positive for marijuana, it ignited an ongoing conversation about whether the drug should…

Malcolm Gladwell’s Beige Skin Privilege

If 99 out of 100 non-white Americans are held back in some way by discrimination, Malcolm Gladwell is the exception that proves the rule. Would…

CHS is Real, Russo Finds

The International Cannabinoid Research Society's annual symposium was held by zoom June 21-24. Gone are the days when blockbuster discoveries were announced at ICRS meetings.…

Mark Stein Tries to Dunk on LeBron James

On sports pages and websites, “the league” and ”the NBA”  refer to the billionaires who own the franchises — not the athletes they employ. The owners appoint a…

Marx in the Afterlife

1. According to Bob Dylan On Rough and Rowdy Ways, the album Dylan released on the eve of turning 80, there's a song called "My…
