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Posts published by “Fred Gardner”

Organizing Amazon — An Inside Job

The front-page headline was no April Fool’s Day prank: “Amazon Workers on Staten Island Vote to Unionize.” The Times would devote three days to the…


Soon after the mob occupied the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, the New Yorker published a lengthy, detailed piece by a reporter who had closely monitored…

Who Killed ‘Medical Marijuana’?

Despite the good-guy-vs.-bad-guy framework so common in fiction, in real life there can be two, three — many bad guys and nary a good guy…

Our Times: Fluoxetine Forever

Muckraking is an exercise in futility. The exposés get published, the authors may or may not get rewarded for their research and risk-taking, the evil-doers…

Ripped Van Winkle

Ripped Van Winkle strolling through the hills Known for herb the local pub distills Decided he would just step in and hoist a glass With some conscious members…

An Interview with the late Paul Farmer, MD

In the spring of 1995, Paul Farmer was in San Francisco to take part in a weekend conference on resurgent TB. This interview —all too…

The Humiliation of Dr. Chen

The US government has dropped charges against Dr. Gang Chen, an MIT scientist accused of concealing Chinese affiliations when he applied for $2.7 million in…

The Official Historian of the 1960s

Todd Gitlin died last week at age 79. The New York Times gave him a rave review in the obituary section and on the op-ed…

Who Gave Us This ‘Legalization’?

Dale Gieringer and Ellen Komp of California NORML and Dale Sky Jones of Oaksterdam University are pro-Cannabis activists based in the Bay Area. In 2015…

Cliff Notes for Black History Month

If you’re a teacher looking for a lesson plan or a student looking for a topic on which to write a paper in connection with…

Foxes Protest Raid On Henhouse

The most influential promoters of California's messed-up cannabis "legalization" scheme (they are often IDed as "thought leader" or "visionary" when speaking at conferences) are now…
