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Posts published by “Flynn Washburne”

Jumping The Shark, But Keeping It Greene

If a team of tasteful, classy evaluators were to compile some sort of chart or graph or list of human entertainments, graded and categorized according…

Everything In Moderation

In the spirit of imposing a moratorium on the introduction of toxins and insalubrious elements into my own personal constitution, I have almost completely eradicated…

O.G. Ninja, Emeritus (Ret.) 8/7/17

Several months ago, while making my, oh, I don't know, thirteen zillionth lap in the last four years around the thousand square feet of superheated…


The human brain is an amazing organ, and capable of some genuinely astonishing things. I'm not even talking about Einstein-y super-genius level insight, which is…

You Get What You Pay For

I was on the yard yesterday morning, alternately running and walking laps — it's just too blasted hot for uninterrupted running, even at eight a.m.…

Guns & Doors

Every time I knock politely on a door, the traditional and accepted manner of requesting ingress, consultation, or succor from whomever is behind it, and…

The Brotherhood of BOMP

Word on the street is, things are pretty rough out there, "out there" being the world in general and the United States specifically. I hear,…

Shorty & the Great Crab Massacre

I watched the movie ‘Need For Speed’ over the weekend. Yes, willingly. I was not strapped into a chair with my glazzies pried open a…

In The Good Ol’ Summertime

I woke up this morning with the following phrase rattling around in my head: in the absence of rabbits. I don't know where it came…
