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Posts published by “Flynn Washburne”

Zombies In The Orchard

I was walking down the Talmage road one afternoon in late summer/early fall, about an hour before dusk, if memory serves. As I recall, the…

Gettin’ Messed With By Texas

When I moved to Texas back in 1981, the first thing that struck me about the state, after the stifling heat, humidity, and lack of…

Zuzus, WhamWhams & The G-36

In a recent Letters column, a Mr. Tom Reier wrote in re: the linguistic impenetrability of Mr. Tone Dogg's tale of reggae and river shenanigans…

In Praise of a Boring Life

There is a "curse" which is usually and almost certainly erroneously attributed to "ancient Chinese" sources that goes either, "May you live in interesting times,"…

Adventures In Albion

On the list of non-pejorative words or phrases that could be useful in describing me, the ones besides things like irresponsible, felonious, untrustworthy, boneheaded, criminally…

Some Written Words That I Wrote

I'm going to climb up on my soapbox right now and declaim, if for no other reason than I've got one, on something that may…

Step One: Admit You Have a Problem?

Like a lot of people these days, I'm watching a lot more TV news than I used to, and definitely more than is recommended by…

A Trip Downtown

In keeping with the current trends of health and mindfulness, I try to be careful about what I put into my body. After all, it…

A Little Weirdness

“When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” That little gem comes to us from the fevered mind of gonzo journalism's most celebrated spurious…
