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Posts published by “Flynn Washburne”

The Stony Lonesome: What A Shock!

I recently finished writing something that caused me, after doffing my writer's cap and donning the chapeau d'critique, to say: Dude, this is boring. Boring? the scribbler rejoined. It's not boring, it's a slice of…

The Stony Lonesome: Mornin’ Sunshine!

The other night I was feeling a little peckish after one of our less fulfilling dinnertime repasts, the dreaded Meatball Tray. They've got it half right — they are more or less spheroid, I just…

The Stony Lonesome: Money Ball

On the violence spectrum — being a propensity for, attraction to, or likelihood of erupting in same — 0 being Gandhi-like peacefulness and 6 being raging, bloodthirsty berserker — I would say I clock in at…

The Stony Lonesome: Ah Spring!

As I write this, we are smack dab in the midst of March Madness — the NCAA basketball tournament, for those of you disinclined to the sporting life, not pollen induced insanity — and I…

Vote For Phish Waschboard

"Guns don't kill people," said my opponent in the "debate." "People kill people." He delivered the kicker with a self-satisfied smirk and held out his fist for some appreciative dap from his homey for the…

The County By The Lake

When I was a boy of 10, I got into a fight with a French kid on a playground in Paris. It started over a line dispute at a playground installation. See, France, at least…

An Honest Broker?

A number of companies currently producing consumer goods have, in response to a large and growing number of Americans who pretend to care about the environment, decided to also simulate an environmentally responsible stance by…
