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Posts published by “Flynn Washburne”

The Stony Lonesome: No Homers

Alan "Sunny" Crow, late of Fort Bragg and more recently cooling his heels down Corcoran way, made his presence known here in the letters column a few issues ago where he said some nice things…

The Stony Lonesome: Role Models

Oh, look! Wake Your Fat Ass Up! America is doing yet another segment about the unrealistic expectations of physical beauty propagated by the media and how they are turning our teen girls into bulemic chain-smoking…

The Stony Lonesome: Happy New Year

I'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year, full of personal successes and clement weather. May 2016 roll out before you all like a plush carpet down which…

A Wasted Stretch

I was exhausted, having spent my days off among the bangers of Waugh Lane in Ukiah and nearly getting my cap peeled by a pair of school-age junior-grade neo-Norteños who asked me who I ran…

The Zombie Apocalypse Looms

When the zombie apocalypse arrives — and you may rest assured that it will, do not delude yourself on that score — I'm going to have some concerns. The expected ones, naturally; will my skull…

A Tweeker’s Christmas

The holidays approacheth yet again as is their inexorable wont and there's nothing you can do to stop them. Can't slow ’em down, can’t skip over ’em, can't take enough pills to sleep through ’em.…

The Stony Lonesome: Unreal

We've all suffered to some degree, have we not? We all have our share of pain and misery and loss in our stories, some to greater and others to a lesser degree. A common error…

The Stony Lonesome: The Heart of Noyo

My valet Clive and I were in our Fort Bragg offices playing backgammon and discussing economic theory when the knock came on the door. I was no match for him on either front, being down…
