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Posts published by “Dave Smith”

Mendocino Talking: Jim Houle

Jim and friends were the local stalwarts of Iraq War protests, demonstrating every Friday from 5-6 pm in front of the courthouse on State Street in Ukiah. He was there the longest, from Fall of…

Mendocino Talking: Lee Howard

Lee grew up here in the Ukiah Valley, attending grade school and high school, graduating in 1964 — then he went off to Napa Junior College for awhile. He is married to his high school sweetheart, Alma,…

Mendocino Talking: Tom Liden

I got involved early on with protesting the aerial spraying of herbicides GP and Masonite in the late seventies to kill the hardwood so the softwood would grow up faster. We took over the radio station over on the coast… Peter Bergman from Firesign Theatre was a neighbor of mine and a celebrity that spoke… Barry Vogel, Nat Bingham… we spent the day on the radio educating about herbicides, Agent Orange with Vietnam Vets, and it helped end it. As the forest was being overlogged we watched as the future of logging went away and was replaced with vineyards and wine in terms of creating jobs for this county.

Mendocino Talking: Thomas Brower

Thomas grows crops in several areas around Mendocino County including his main crop, Lavender. You will find him almost every Saturday with his kids during the season at the Ukiah Farmers Market selling the products he makes from lavender.

Mendocino Talking: Janie Sheppard

Janie is an attorney who spent many years working in the Federal Government in Washington D.C., drafted our anti-GMO initiative Measure H, and tried to impeach Dick Cheney.

Mendocino Talking: Ron Epstein

Ron is a retired professor of Buddhist Studies, one of the founders of Dharma Realm Buddhist University at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in Talmage, and a community advocate in Ukiah and Mendocino County.
