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Posts published by “Alexander Cockburn”

Dwarf Tossing (2002)

Here’s why I’m against the UN as a promoter of federalism and world guv’mint. This just in from Geneva, Switzerland, via Reuter’s wire: “UN upholds…

Awards For Yourself

(1984) Were there ever members of any profession so keen on giving each other prizes as journalists? From the rising of the sun in the…

‘A Damned Murder, Inc.’

[July 2009] Some time in early or mid-1949 a CIA officer named Bill (his surname is blacked out in the file, which was surfaced by…

Riots & The Underclass

What’s a riot without looting? We want it, they’ve got it! You’d think from the press that looting was alien to British tradition, imported by immigrants more recent than the Normans. Not so.

From The Archives: Food & Forgetfulness

(June 2001) Driving to town the other day I got stuck behind a livestock trailer taking calves to auction. Bum­bling along at 30 mph I…

What Happened To Occupy?

Since what is now going on is being described as “the greatest financial scandal in the history of Britain”   —  the Barclays imbroglio  …

Failure In Rio

The predictable word is in from Rio: failure. The conference 20 years on from the huge Earth Summit, Rio 92, has been unable to produce…

What’s With The US Left & Obama?

Regard the Greek political landscape and how dramatically it has changed from last November. On November 2, 2011, Greek prime minister George Papandreou flew to…
