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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Letters To The Editor

GREETINGS FROM MIKE & SUZANNE Dear Friends, I thought someone might be interested to know that our insane state prison system has decided that serial…

Mendocino County Today: September 9, 2012

NORTH PASS FIRE UPDATE, as of Saturday, September 8, 2012. CalFire reports that the North Pass Fire remains at 41,983 acres.  Containment is steadily increasing…

Mendocino County Today: September 8, 2012

WITH APOLOGIES TO JENNIFER POOLE of The Willits News who was assigned to announce the town's interim school boss, the kind of assignment that can…

Mendocino County Today: September 7, 2012

FOR THE SECOND DAY running, the North Pass Fire, northeast of Covelo, has remained at 42,000 acres. Containment was holding at 68% Thursday morning, according…

Mendocino County Today: September 6, 2012

ALICE BERNICE CARRISON, 62, hometown not confirmed, died Wednesday at about 11:30 when she jumped, mid-span, from Fort Bragg's Noyo Bridge to the river mouth…

Mendocino County Today: September 5, 2012

THE UKIAH PD is looking for a man involved in a stabbing that injured three people at Denny's restaurant in Ukiah last Saturday. The other…

Off The Record

THE BASSLER MATTER continues to create an undercurrent of vague recriminations. Bassler, you will certainly recall, was the young Fort Bragg mountain man who shot…

Valley People

AN OLD, OLD TIMER COMMENTS: “My grandfather would set fires every year after the first rains to clear out the grass and brush on his…

Mendocino County Today: September 4, 2012

AN ANONYMOUS READER WRITES: “Your attack on Gary Hudson is unwarranted. Gary was one of the most intelligent, dedicated and hard working employees that Mendocino…
