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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Letters To The Editor

WHAT IS LOCAL? Editor, I am an Environmentalist! There I said it. I have been all my life I suppose. Ever since I learned on…

Mendocino County Today: April 3, 2013

WARBLER was extracted with a “Dominator” cherry picker truck from the Ponderosa pine along Highway 101 she'd been sitting in for more than two months…

Off The Record

A FIFTH TREE-SITTER had joined the protest late last week against the Caltrans bypass around Willits. There were five as of Monday night, none as…

Valley People

NEED FOR SPEED, the big budget car chase movie, has begun filming in The Valley. Tuesday, they were zooming around the Flynn Creek area, and…

Mendocino County Today: April 2, 2013

AARON HARDING ZANDERS, 32, of Ukiah, was arrested Saturday on charges that he tried to kill his mother. Mom called police at 3:55 p.m. to…

Mendocino County Today: April 1, 2013

THE UKIAH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT will be millions in debt by the 2015-16 school year, according to Sandra Harrington, Chief Business Official for UUSD. And…

Mendocino County Today: March 31, 2013

TOWN HALL MEETING: The Aurora Natural Gas Company has purchased the mineral rights for a large number of parcels in Anderson Valley, and will soon…

Mendocino County Today: March 30, 2013

SCOTTY WILLIS often slugs it out with his lady love, Miss Kalisha Alvarez. The two love birds are what the cops call “frequent fliers,” meaning…

Mendocino County Today: March 29, 2013

BREAKING NEWS from the press conference at the Highway 101 tree sit site this morning: Tree-sitter Warbler is on hunger strike; 4th tree-sitter “Falcon” is…
