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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: August 30, 2013

WE KNEW Victoria Shanahan as Victoria Jenny when she worked as a Mendocino County senior prosecutor under the late DA, Norm Vroman. A native of…

Mendocino County Today: August 29, 2013

THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY of the March for Jobs and Freedom made for painful listening. The original made Martin Luther King famous. Today's event was a…

Letters To The Editor

DEWILDERING POINT ARENA Editor, Superintendent Cross of Point Arena referred to the document I requested under the Public Records Act as a “preliminary” document. This…

Mendocino County Today: August 28, 2013

THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, on a 3-2 vote Monday, denied the appeal by the Westport Municipal Advisory Council (WMAC) to stop a project by State…

Valley People

GREAT SAVE last Thursday morning by Anderson Valley's firefighters backed up by CalFire. Anderson Valley Fire Chief Colin Wilson reports: “The ‘Deer’ incident near the…

Mendocino County Today: August 27, 2013

A RECENT SF CHRON story co-featured a 32-year-old Democrat named Eric Swalwell, an East Bay congressman simply because Swalwell regularly appears at town hall forums…

Mendocino County Today: August 26, 2013

OFF THE CUFF: SEIU, the union that represents most County workers, says the County has a lot of money stashed in the County's reserve fund…

Mendocino County Today: August 25, 2013

ROOSKIES AT HENDY WOODS, Take Two: We've learned that there is indeed a group called Camp Skala that does have almost all of the camping…

Mendocino County Today: August 24, 2013

ALL THAT FISH AND GAME commotion at Little River yesterday (Thursday)? An abalone study off of Van Damme State Beach, not an abalone bust. =============================…
