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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: September 5, 2013

KZYX'S SELDOM SEEN station manager, John Coate, is in Australia to attend a radio conference, and news blurb guy Paul Lambert is on vacation. Lambert's…

Letters To The Editor

‘A BUNCH OF MOPES’? Editor, If anyone who may have read Bill Brundage's letter on the topic of racial profiling is scratching their head over…

Mendocino County Today: September 4, 2013

IT COULD HAPPEN HERE! The Albany County (New York) sheriff says a 50-year-old man is dead after being nearly decapitated by a wire he had…

Off The Record

KARMA MITE? Area pot farmers are in a major panic at the appearance of the hemp rust (or “russet”) mite. If this new pest gets…

Valley People

MIKE LANGLEY, 60, has died. The popular, long-time resident of the Anderson Valley, died from a heart attack at a Chico restaurant. He had been…

Mendocino County Today: September 3, 2013

KARMA MITE? Area pot farmers are in a major panic at the appearance of the hemp rust (or hemp russet) mite. If this new pest…

Mendocino County Today: September 2, 2013

LABOR DAY WEEKEND in a country where less than 15% of people who work for wages are represented by a labor union, and less than…

Mendocino County Today: September 1, 2013

SPIKE'S FINEST HOUR. Obama's missile blitz of Syria seems to have stalled, with even conservative liberals like our Congressman Huffman falling in behind Barbara Lee…

Mendocino County Today: August 31, 2013

AVA, MARCH 2013 — This rumor is making the rounds on the Mendocino Coast: The sprawling (by Coast standards) Heritage House, recently purchased by a…
