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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: December 13, 2013

FERAL PIGS have plagued the Northcoast for years, all the way back to the early twentieth century when they were widely cultivated and herded fairly long distances for rail shipment south to Bay Area slaughter houses.

Letters To The Editor

Folks outside Mendopia are suspicious of charities. They do their homework. They stand up. Not people here. We lick boot leather. Yum!

Mendocino County Today: December 12, 2013

JANE KIM is a San Francisco supervisor who, with her colleagues, are at last discussing neo-rent control strategies. SF rents are ridiculous, rising ever upward as more and more people with more and more money…

Off The Record

JOHN HOGGATT has died. Known in Willits simply as John The Printer, John passed away Tuesday evening at his Willits home after a protracted battle with cancer. He has printed our newspaper for many years,…

Valley People

A MORE comprehensive account of last weekend's Redwood Classic hoops tourney is coming, but for now local fans should know that Branson won it in double overtime over Stuart Hall, and Mendocino surprised a lot…

Mendocino County Today: December 11, 2013

PUBLIC DEFENDER LINDA THOMPSON did not attend memorial services for long time public defenders Bert Schlosser and Tom Croak. Zero persons from Thompson's classy operation attended Croak's service, three deputy district attorneys turned out for…

Understanding Emotional Abuse

Before she was a victim of homicide, Susan Keegan was a victim of emotional abuse.

When we think about domestic violence, we tend to think about physical harm, but a victim can also be the target of verbal aggression, manipulative behavior, and deliberate efforts to humiliate or belittle. Contempt is often part of that package, with the abuser mocking or insulting his partner, demeaning her appearance, demanding obedience, even becoming enraged when chores are not done as requested. Sex may become a weapon — for example, when an abuser insists that marriage itself entitles him to sex where, when, and how he wants it.

The Boonville Hotel & Table 128

At the Boonville Hotel and Table 128 we all share a love for beauty and food. It is what has brought us all together. We are a group of individuals working together to focus on what we hold dear.

Mendocino County Today: December 10, 2013

OFFICIALLY, it was 25° in Boonville at daybreak Monday. That's where the National Weather Service placed us on the Cold Meter. Unofficially, by the Cold Meter at the house, it was 20°, so cold that…
