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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: December 19, 2013

BRIAN BLUMBURG, a long-time resident of Anderson Valley, died of a heart attack yesterday (Wednesday) at his home in Navarro. An unfailingly genial man, Brian was best known as the highly skilled proprietor of Anderson…

Off The Record

THE CITY OF WILLITS is talking about water ration­ing. The failure of winter rains to appear is beginning to worry everyone from firefighters to water bureaucrats. A big fire is burning in Big Sur. It's…

Valley People

EXCUSE ME, but is it any secret that the economy of Anderson Valley runs on dual intoxicants called mari­juana and wine? Why, then, would the local school board and its feckless (and wildly overpaid) attorneys…

Mendocino County Today: December 18, 2013

EXCUSE ME, but is it any secret that the economy of Anderson Valley runs on dual intoxicants called marijuana and wine? Why, then, would the local school board and its feckless (and wildly overpaid) attorneys…

Mendocino County Today: December 17, 2013

HOPLAND FIRE CHIEF JOHN BARTLETT has an interesting sense of humor. Last week he briefly had a plastic Santa peeing off his roof all modeled in tiny Christmas lights. That one's gone, but in its…

Christmas Spirit?

Dear Editor, I feel the need to share in a Christmas light display that I saw on Saturday night, December 15th -- which is a gift to all Hopland residents, as well as any others…

Mendocino County Today: December 16, 2013

THE MAJOR & THE BUMP IN THE NIGHT… THE MAJOR & THE BUMP IN THE NIGHT… (Updated, rewritten…) Cruising down the Willits end of the Willits Grade last Tuesday evening about 6:30, traveling in the…

Mendocino County Today: December 15, 2013

THERE'S nothing physically wrong with me, and I'll head off sarcastic rejoinders by adding there's nothing wrong with me mentally, either, say what you will. But I spent Friday hustling up and down Post Street…

Mendocino County Today: December 14, 2013

WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT? Those of us now in our golden years, remember when a couple of hard-charging Mendo cops (Stuart?) roamed the County tearing up outback pot farms, and through the 1970s and the…
