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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, June 18, 2015

Understandable Graffiti;
Salutatorian Speech;
News Source;
Mailbox Bandits;
Yesterday's Catch;
Winery Moratorium;
Backcountry Tour;
Vineyard Sale;
Sounds of Silence;
Free Clinic;
PA Agenda;
KZYX Constant;
One Onion

Valley People (June 17, 2015)

WHEN JIM ROBERTS of the Madrones (Philo) stopped in the other day to drop off a legal ad, I resisted an impulse to jump to my feet to applaud him. Not only has he created a kind of gastro-paradise at Indian Creek, Roberts has cleaned up Doc Marsh's redwood grove next door, restoring the grove to the park-like beauty and tranquility the Marsh family established and maintained for many years. Roberts has also restored what I had always assumed was an unrelated cabin or mill shack up on the hill next to the mill. He said he has plans for a trail and maybe even a tree house in the grove. Due west, Dr. Marsh once maintained an idyllic swimming hole on Indian Creek he had to give up when drunks and druggers began to dominate the site, bringing the inevitable broken beer bottles, bad language, moron music, and generally bad behavior that mopes characterize as "partying." Roberts has done a majorly good thing for the Anderson Valley with his remarkable transformation of the property.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Igoudala MVP;
Water Decision;
Wildlife Management;
Drug Court;
Agroktima Fresko;
PA Nunchukers;
Yesterday's Catch;
Secret Cup;
Recall Reasons;
Consider Woelfel;
Oonville Oon;
Ab Dumping;
Noyo Checkpoint;
Many Rivers;
P.S. 30;
Repub Nation;
After Bernie;
System Collapse;
Marilyn's Death;
Presidential Hopefuls;
Ukraine Nutshell;
Quilt Show;
Sheriff Move;
Algae Bloom

Letters (June 17, 2015)

Hello to all those out in Mendoland. I feel like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. When I first fell I kept clicking my heels thinking there's no place like home, there's no place like home, although I did not have the ruby red slippers. Having spent most of my life in Alaska, I was thinking I must have fallen down the rabbit hole. Really, the entire populace is like no other. I say that with the utmost respect. Where was I? Oh yes. This is your non-local soon-to-be loco local in the local, that is a resident — "It Takes All Kinds" / "Welcome to California Mr. Caldwell." Mr. Arik Caldwell. My friends call me shithead. You can call me whatever you like. I'll more than likely answer.

Off the Record (June 17, 2015)

EVERY DAY brings a fresh deluge of catastrophes, but the one in Fort Bragg on October 17th of 2014 is particularly memorable. A deranged man named Michael Bitney, 56, of shifting Oregon addresses, inexplicably drove…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, June 16, 2015

River Killers;
REMCO Proposals;
Concert Going;
Intern Sarah;
West Paintings;
Wooden Cross;
Pinot Points;
Flower Garden;
GP Cleanup;
Waugh Diaires;
PA Board;
Bolinas Graffiti;
Wrong Station;
Yesterday's Catch;
Not Fair;
SNWMF 2015;
Snyder Recognised;
New Nixon;
Acoustic Cafe;
Algal Blooms;
Library Events;
Community Service

Mendocino County Today: Monday, June 15, 2015

Warriors Run;
Budget Clarity;
Wildlife Question;
Versatile Attorney;
Crumpled Vehicle;
Boonville Graduates;
Investigating Fraud;
Redwood Run;
Canseco Distracted;
Coate Resignation;
Ukiah Shortcut;
Yesterday's Catch;
Begin the Beguine;
KMEC Show;
Marine Unprotected Areas

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, June 14, 2015

Smoke in the Air;
County Budget;
Claudia Fundraiser;
128 Collisions;
Women's Monologues;
Catch of the Day;
Wanda's Gluckschmerz;
Uppity Waiter;
Minutes Whitewash;
Critical Reform;
See the Light;
Memo of the Air
