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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Valley People (June 24, 2015)

POPPED in on the World Music Festival early Sunday afternoon and thought to myself, “Holy Moly! The world has ended and I missed the biggest story ever because I was up in my office!” Hey, this is Boonville, and the rasta scene is, well, startling in the Boonville context. Don't tell the cops, but I'm pretty sure I smelled marijuana!

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Homeless Biz;
Sanhedrin Fire Contained;
Island Mountain Raid;
Adolescent Marijuana Use;
Timber Regs;
Thirsty Billionaires;
Growers Initiative;
Ukiah Stabbing;
Yesterday's Catch;
Public Radio;
Flag Trouble;
County Vacancies

Letters (June 24, 2015)

I just read in the UDJ that Ukiah’s newly hired City Manager has negotiated an open-ended contract, with total benefits starting at $251,699 per year. Wow! That’s nearly six times the estimated median household income in Ukiah for 2012 of $42,539. At no less than 10% more than the highest paid department head, is it any wonder that the city can’t afford to fill the potholes in it’s streets?

Off the Record (June 24, 2015)

THE BIDDING FOR THE REMCO SITE in Willits is, we'd suppose, a done deal, as deals are always done in small-town Mendocino County. The seven acres in the middle of town saw a major toxic clean-up along with a deluge of complaints from Willits citizens that they had been poisoned by the years of heavy industrial processes conducted there.

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Judge Denies;
Sanhedrin 80%;
Summer Fog;
Corby Sale;
Unconfirmed Rumors;
Wrong Deputy;
Balo's Barn;
SNWMF Images;
Fire Season;
Corrections Box;
Marijuana Eradication;
Stuck Truck;
Shawshank Escape;
Yesterday's Catch;
Gold Dome;
Hopeless Underclass;
Briana Recommends;
Dog Meat;
Next Generation;
GOP Trumped;
Opening Acts;
KZYX Hole;
Frobeck Coming;
Costume Movie;
Craig East

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Jun 22, 2015

Sanhedrin Fire Holding;
SF Walkabout;
World Music Festival;
Charming James;
Catch of the Day;
Nonlethal Alternatives;
Pot Regulators;
Captain's Notes;
Financial Report;
215 Retreat;
Comb-over Nation;
Papal Radio

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Jun 21, 2015

Sanhedrin Fire;
Budget Mysteries;
Lethal Answer;
Stop the Press;
Yesterday's Catch;
Soul Art;
The Zone;
Essential Flaw;
ACA Explained;
Venerable Bede;
Chopping Veggies;
Charleston Massacre;
Engineering Profession;
Ice Tablet;
Solar Energy;
Mother Emanuel;
Autocratic Psychodynamics;
Marco Radio

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, June 20, 2015

FB Initiative;
Warrior Rally;
Body Cameras;
HHSA Budget;
Imaginary Rules;
Yesterday's Catch;
Greedville People;
Authority Misuse;
Hendy Celebration;
Ukiah Contract;
All-star Basketball;
Hospital Risk;
Cloverdale Preserve;
New Restaurant;
Papal Hypocrisy;
Public Radio;
Coate Resignation;
KZYX Compensation

Mendocino County Today: Friday: Jun 19, 2015

Willits Insiders;
Mental Health;
MRC Unrest;
Answer Directly;
Gun Policy;
Killing Wildlife;
Tweek Crime;
Insurance Payday;
Police Reports;
Water Restrictions;
KZYX Contact;
Yesterday's Catch;
Firewood Permits;
Highway Delays;
Tree Destruction;
Conservation Celebration;
Kid Farmers;
Drought Ideas;
Discovery Museum;
Popular Vote
