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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Dec. 30, 2017

Maybe Rain;
King Tides;
Dope Stats;
BOS Graft;
Debris Cleanup;
Little Dog;
Pacifica Teetering;
Cult Radio;
GP Incineration;
Property Taxes;
Mandelbaum Partner;
Police Reports;
Yesterday's Catch;
Favorite Charities;
Dire Consequences;
Swamp vs Swamp;
Peoples' March;
Crab Feed;
Diablo Winds;
Private Pleasure;
Marijuana Breathalyzer;
Pension Question;
Poetry Reading;
Marco Radio

Songs for Shelter

[Jan 19] Brenda Hall will be playing Songs for Shelter on the hammered dulcimer at the Ravens restaurant in beautiful Stanford Inn by the Sea (44850 Comptche Ukiah Road, Mendocino, CA 95460, 707-937-5615) this Friday,…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Dec. 29, 2017

Long Raid;
Sunrise Murder;
Alexander Vance;
Winter Market;
Local Beef;
MCT Six;
Stoned Drivers;
Fresh Towels;
Hanover Letters;
Errol Wormwood;
Little Dog;
Ed Notes;
Apple Dryer;
Burning Tires;
Weed Biz;
New Laws;
Finally Legal;
Yesterday's Catch;
Dr. Xanax;
Plot Idea;
Tax Free;
Thompson Hypocrisy;
DUI Drugs;
Prosecutor's Parents;
UFO Investigations;
Babylon Winds;
Homeless Helpers;
Walgreen's Emptiness

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Dec. 28, 2017

Opaque Administration;
Little Dog;
Thick Fog;
Alexander Missing;
An Encounter;
Unprosecuted Rape;
Quiz Night;
Porch Bandit;
Explosive Device;
Ed Notes;
Bear Ride;
Winning Essay;
Wellness Aisle;
Long Underwear;
Yesterday's Catch;
Unhealthy Forests;
Auschwitz Shoes;
Happy News;
Old Yulestove;
No Hemingway;
Homeless Pervs

Letters (Dec. 27, 2017)

I was alarmed to hear that Supervisor Carre Brown "occasionally goes over her County meal allowance and has to pay out of pocket for the rest of her meal." It's always disconcerting to hear employee complaints.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Dec. 27, 2017

Missing Information;
Weather Oracle;
Toxic Abandonment;
Flooded Open;
Sanitation Negotiations;
Little Dog;
Mega Raise;
Willits 1937;
KZYX Answers;
Flimsy Movies;
Pot Bust;
Disaster Info;
Yesterday's Catch;
Lee's Decisions;
Tiny Housing;
Boysen Peak;
Train Control;
Pianist Concert;
Amazon Delivery;
Alice Donovan

Off the Record (Dec. 27, 2017)

THE SUPERVISORS, in a move that would pay them almost twice as much as the average private sector Mendo working person, voted 4-1 Monday to raise their annual salaries from $61,200 to a startling $85,500, starting next…

Valley People (Dec. 27, 2017)

DAWN BROKE one morning last week in spectacular shades of red, heralding the predicted light rain that had not fallen as the sun sank much less spectacularly hours later over the west ridges. About 8am, a Yellow Cab inscribed “Fairfield” drove slowly through town, a to-and-from trip likely to run the passenger somewhere in the neighborhood of $500 bucks. The next vehicle of note was Gary Huntington's white PT Cruiser, a festive mini-Santa fixed to the hood.

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2017

Christmas Spirit;
Timber Sleigh;
Medical Aid;
River Holding;
Apocalypse Soon;
Little Dog;
Budget Comparison;
Political Courage;
Supe Candidates;
Christmas Wish;
Ed Notes;
Highway Fatality;
Yesterday's Catch;
Emergency Operations;
Human Value;
GOP Agenda;
Muslim Despots;
Euro Planning;
Joe & Mary;
Near Death;
Business Stories;
Weed Union;
New Governor;
Jerry Xmas
