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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Valley People (Jan. 3, 2018)

PERIODIC BURSTS of gun fire and firecracker poppings began about 8:30pm New Year’s Eve in Boonville, and continued at random intervals until the first minutes of 2018. Much of explosive merriment seemed confined to South…

Off the Record (Jan. 3, 2018)

THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS this Tuesday (2 January) will solidify the huge pay raises they voted to give themselves for their unimpressive, part-time "work" as elected officials. They'll begin the new year at $85.5k, up from $61.2k.…

Mushroom Class

Mushroom Research, Foraging, and Fun – The next two Sundays, January 14 and 21, from 2-4pm at Dragonfly Wellness 17851 N HWY 1 Fort Bragg Across from Steve's Auto Body. Parking around the side. Learn…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2018

2017 Deaths;
FB Celebrates;
Alderpoint Murder;
Greenwood Extrication;
Boonville Celebrates;
Suarez Popped;
Navarro Watch;
Awaiting Parker;
Mantynen Demise;
PD Obit;
ICO Salute;
Frostfan Henderson;
Little Dog;
PG&E Dividends;
Sandbar Scratching;
Shelter Stats;
Yesterday's Catch;
National Contraction;
Hitting Bears;
Checkpoint Challenge;
Listen, Lefty;
The Philosopher;
Margolin Apology;
Gun Control;
O'Brien Book;
2018 Forecast;
Fall Salmon

Women’s March, Fort Bragg

On January 20, 2018, cities across California and the United States will unite to reaffirm our commitment to building a positive and just future for all, and to celebrate the spirit of resistance efforts over…

Big Band Dance Contest

[Jan 20] Hey Big Band fans! We are playing @ Eagle's Hall in FB on Saturday the 20th, from 7 - 10PM. There will be libations (beer & wine), food, and a dance contest. Tickets…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Jan. 1, 2018

Dry December;
Crash & Burn;
Lake Navarro;
Albion Incident;
2017 Review;
Little Dog;
Shelter Praise;
Sinking Ship;
Yesterday's Catch;
Past Life;
Rilke Poems;
Under-Covered Stories;
Pianist Concert;
Driving Stoned;
Sick Stomach;
Ferlinghetti Sentenced;
Iso Report;
Tennessee Bust

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Dec. 31, 2017

PG&E Swindle;
Vehicle Rollover;
Little Dog;
BOS Award;
Court Predictions;
Rosie & Dodger;
Painful Watching;
Yesterday's Catch;
Inciting Hate;
Road Signs;
Teen Bibliotherapy;
Kennedy Assassination;
No Regulations;
Half Love;
Delta Smelt;
Marco Radio

Poetry Reading

[Jan 20] LOBA: a Poetry Reading Series featuring Annette Makino! (Open Mic follows) Saturday, January 20th at 3 pm Join us for a reading & presentation by Annette Makino, artist and haiku poet! Open mic…
