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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: November 23, 2020

Weak Fronts | 35 New Cases | Yorkville Market | Sued Individuals | Digger Burn | Ed Notes | Ukiah Lodging | Motel Bound | Forklifting | Devil's Bargain | Reckless Motorcycling | Redwood Highway | Glib Robey | Ukiah 1965 | Little Lake Roads | McMaster Watercolor | Dahlia Sale | Yesterday's Catch | Judge Judy | Ocean Wonders | Leaders Failing | Old Towns | Cold Hearted | Early NYC | Really Matters | Assembly Line | Morbid Symptoms | Launch Pad

Mendocino County Today: November 22, 2020

Weak Fronts | 4 Cases | Ignoring Curfew | Pet Holiday | Necessary Murder | Wintry Day | Getaway Proposal | Cougar | 128 Delays | Willits Overpass | History Notes | Climate Adaptations | Train Tracks | Book Angels | Snow | Siting Wastewater | Rail Travel | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Mountain Kids | Dollar Talk | Lioness | Dead God | Bryan's Bluff | Crab Delay | Puppet Master | PL Larabee | Applebee Curiosity | Survey Party | Internationalism USA | Houdini Cuffed | Herd Management | Clam Man | Marco Radio | Arch Work

Mendocino County Today: November 21, 2020

Dry Weekend | 17 Cases | Curfew Enforcement | Heron | Test Results | Locomotive Samson | Dad's Book | Supes Notes | Old Laytonville | Shelter Expansion | Log Chute | Hobo Hotels | Old Caspar | Ed Notes | Helmswoman | Needs Sheets | Hogwash Trail | Queenie's Closed | Wrecked Tile | Streetscape Update | Yesterday's Catch | He Can | Biden's Picks | Homeschoolers | Betrayed Illusion | Peers Agree | Nest Mates | Greedy Retailers | Reject Votes | GOP Cult | Jonestown Echoes | Groundhog Day | Trump's Lawyers | Nice Work | Marco Radio

Mendocino County Today: November 20, 2020

Dry Days | 30 Cases | Overnight Curfew | County Cases | Human Remains | Coastal Fog | Unsolved Death | Wastewater Project | Sharkey Art | Murphy Bed | Alder Creek | Poison Shellfish | Passenger Train | Winter Shelter | Sex Cult | Track Bus | Ed Notes | Redwood Mill | Sculpture Trail | Greenwood Mill | Cannabis Planning | Yesterday's Catch | Lights Out | Albion Mill | Naked Lunch | Wendling Mill | Unmasked Idiots | Seal | Unwise Mini-Donalds | Old Elk | Tired Of | School Band | Dizzy Chess | Lightkeeper Robot | TK News | Labor Pool | White Pantsuit | Book Dealer | Back Rooms | Mean Girls | Rich Richer | Bartleby Havisham | Loving Servitude | Corporate Serf

Mendocino County Today: November 19, 2020

Cold Clear | Six Cases | David Norfleet | Sheep Encounter | Ned Cook | Noyo Bridge | Poaching Tragedy | La Bomba | Voluntary Manslaughter | Debris Removal | Training Burn | Clueless Board | Covid Fatigue | Face Grab | Fort Bragg | Ed Notes | Navarro Mill | Quiet Morning | Palace Hotel | Weekly Fix | Yesterday's Catch | Newsom Dining | Cloverdale Phaeton | Pandemic Percentages | Failed Student | Salmon Ceremony | Marginalized People | Gov. Waterman | Angry Backlash | Gin Joints | Elected King | No Character | People's Party

Mendocino County Today: November 18, 2020

Showers | 21 Cases | Seen Keara? | Squaw Rock | Former Directors | Bandsaw | McCowen Snubbed | Steam Donkey | Tier Announcements | Old Noyo | Packard Art | Ed Notes | Rocks | Chicken Dinners | Albion Trestle | From Alaska | Old Coast | Yesterday's Catch | Mendo Parade | Climate Appointment | Stagecoach | Rural America | McGovern HQ | Well-Armed Posers | Twittershadow | Muy Trumpy | Year 2525 | Mute Button | Lined Paper | Look Stupid | Meat People | Your Fired | Citizenship Class

Letters (November 18, 2020)

Food Bank Thanks | Open 'Em Up | Won’t Save The Whales | Heads Up, Dudes | Shoulda Been Postponed | Huffman Disappoints | Choices | Big Diff | Kicking & Screaming… | Get A…

Off the Record (November 18, 2020)

PFIZER'S announcement last week that they'd come up with a covid-19 vaccine that was 90 percent effective in large-scale trials, has ignited the ignorati, especially the anti-vaxxers and conspiracy nuts who claim, among other things,…

Valley People (November 18, 2020)

THE AV SENIOR CENTER is fundraising with See’s Candy again this year. We have order forms available at AVSC on Tuesdays and Thursdays or you can call 895-3609 or email to place an order.…
