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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, May 20, 2021

Windy Cool | 10 New Cases | Land Dealing | Columbines | Aqua Dither | Totally Woke | Ed Notes | River Wagons | Mulheren Report | Botanical Gardens | HHSA Concerns | Yesterday's Catch | SS Ford | Seagull Dreams | Photoshopping | Desal Debunk | Posse Formation | Mutating Microbes | Cargo Truck | Oaxaca Walk | Freud Standup | Amazon Ring | @*!!@ Liberals | Fish Kill | Blue Frogs | Sadism USA | Arakawa River

Letters (May 19, 2021)

We continue to read about the impending crisis resulting from drought at the same time that consideration is being given to permitting the growth of cannabis, which requires water on a scale greater than grapes or almonds...

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Cool Wind | 10 New Cases | Emergency Alert | Livermore 1984 | Fire Rescue | Mask Guidance | Lake Pillsbury | Gamble Plea | Covelo Corner | Willits Reverie | Hurt Generations | Guenoc Ranch | Myrtle Linser | Sound Garden | Punchy Seivertson | Fox Respect | Ed Notes | Shoot Me | FB Parking | Previous Catches | Palestine Question | Land Loss | Deep South | Photo Exhibit | National Forest | Trump Phenomenon | Apostrophe Lounge | Dumb All Over | Dope | Former Patient | Corporate Wokiness | Freaky People | Groundwater Pumping | Appalachian Guerillas | Chief Muckaluck | You Are Here | Hegemon

Off the Record (May 19, 2021)

RUMOR awaiting a yea or nay from the KZYX politburo says the semi-public radio station is leaving Philo for new headquarters in Ukiah. At its murky beginnings thirty years ago by a hustling Boonville Republican…

Valley People (May 19, 2021)

JOIN The Anderson Valley Community Services District for a Wastewater Plant Virtual Video Tour of a Plant in Humboldt County with a facility similar to the one being proposed for Boonville. Presentation and Panel Discussion.…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Cooler Weather | 19 New Cases | Fort Bragg Notes | Navarro Trickle | Geyser Road | Deep Weed | Tanbark Wagon | Twin Giants | Beyond Covid | Ed Notes | Spring Ranch | Police Reports | Abstract Commerce | Mask Conundrum | Different POV | Instrumental Intro | Mari-Widows | Violet Jessop | Frisco Cool | Almost Cut | Gaza Airstrike | NPR 50 | Grant/Hepburn | False God | Vaccines Work | Legal Clinic | Rock/Knowles | Point Arena Fees

Mendocino County Today: Monday, May 17, 2021

Cool Coast | Drought Notes | Boonville 1983 | Fish Kill | Adventist Hacks | Wastewater Plant | Slugger Vaughn | Public Grazing | Ornbaum Hotel | Ed Notes | 1895 Pomos | Calf Shot | Boots | Legalizing Weed | Forestry Inspectors | Torpedo Joke | Yesterday's Catch | Grenade Ad | Agha Saeed | Hop Wagon | My Old Man | Harry Crews | Newsom Checks | Anti-Nazis | Mexican Republic | Shore Patrol | California Lifestyle | Half Sattui | Israel Groveling | Jerusalem 1880 | Big Lie | Blanket Pigs | Illiterate Readers | Rocky 6 | Hint Water | Gaza Funeral

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, May 16, 2021

Spring Weather | Thunder/Lightning | Barn Swallow | Pet Pearl | Father B | Wolf Denied | Weed Fines | 1909 Bragg | Red Wanted | Ed Notes | Spring Poetry | Pinot Weekend | 128 Delays | KFC Coop | Fixer Upper | Lauren's Building | Cut Trees | Old Friend | Repeal Ordinance | Yesterday's Catch | Big River | Martian Helmet | Desalinate | Sun Ra | Local Dems | Herald-Tribune | Southern Man | Free Palestine | Israeli Apologists | Gaza Rubble | Unvax Tax | Calle Gatazo | Apple Tree | Ridiculous Hypocrites

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, May 15, 2021

Scattered Showers | 7 New Cases | County Tiers | AVFD Insurance | Yorkville BBQ | AV Library | Vaccine Clinics | Hill Scraping | Jack Sharkey | Weed Funding | Coconut Luck | Cannabis Enforcement | Inglenook 1892 | Police Reports | Donkeyphone | Streetscape Update | Yesterday's Catch | Reading Together | Blues Feeling | Sacred Things | Iris Garden | Hoover Says | Wool Wagon | Shopping Experience | Cloverdale 1900 | Water Injustice | Wash Tank | Digital Revolution | River Otters | Tesla Owners | Corrupt Arrogance | Mountaintop | Ecology Song | Philbrick Truck | Israel Outrage | Free Palestine | Memory Hole
