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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Heat Returns | 132 New Cases | 54 Dead | Salal | Dry Campground | Wetter Times | McCowen Responds | MacKerricher | Fast Responders | Naked Guy | CA Quail | Ed Notes | Dry Mendocino | Tsunami Concerns | Climate Report | Bloody Bell | Farmer/Cow | Ghost Gun | Yesterday's Catch | Great Divide | Witch Doctor | Comments | Wienie Rake | Duncecap Moralists | .28/Gallon | Demented Elder | Ghost Town | Vaccine Logic | Covid Map | Dem Pussyfoot | World Worries | Hypochondriac Song | Get Roomba | Local Transport | Dixie Fire

14-Year-Old Dies in High Speed Pursuit

On 8/7/2021, at approximately 0130 hours, the Ukiah Police Department attempted to make a traffic stop on a gray 2017 Volkswagen Beetle within the city limits…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, August 9, 2021

Milder Temps | Sunset Colors | Greedy Kulaks | Boonville Hills | Gualala Strained | Whiny Dolt | Climate Refugees | Ukiah Mural | Generation Gap | Animal Rescue | Mouseketeer | Preserve Nature | Levi Loose | Lollapaloozing | Spirit Animals | Sheep Shearing | Idahohos | Our Own | Symbolic Frivolity | Bucklesby Bench | Ed Notes | Human Traffickers | False Division | Yesterday's Catch | Powerplant Offline | Stay Put | Obama Mansion | Tax Dollars | Ready Teddy | Rigged Race | Recall Votes | Installed On | Global Greenhouse | Ukulele Song

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, August 8, 2021

Slightly Milder | Tom Cahill | $300 Rabbits | Gathering Canceled | Cactus Flower | BBQ Canceled | PG&E Firestarter | Repent Ye | Water Curtailments | Wine Brick | Algal Mats | Vertiginous | Pet Blaze | Comptche PO | Reno Rodeo | Ukiah 1933 | Curtailment List | Delta Dining | Coastal Water | Table Scraps | Deputy CEOs | Constant Criticism | Yesterday's Catch | Jesus Reminder | Lawrence Ferlinghetti | Riding Shotgun | Glen Ford | Painted Mask | Growing Old | Interest Free | Disturbed Minds | Child Allergy | Covid Response | Isms | Completely Symbolic | Summer Day | Collective Suicide | Key Opened

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, August 7, 2021

Warm Again | Another Death | River View | Water Emergency | Free Concert | River Cleanup | Schoolbus | Crisis Log | Albion 1950 | Silly Disputes | Italian Grocery | Healdsburg Bakery | Bobcat | Referendum Bad | Larson Inn | Gun Brandishing | 1904 Stipps | Ed Notes | Opera House | Special Meeting | Streetscape Update | Yesterday's Catch | Ukiah High | Welcome Pyrocene | Sultan Says | Apple Lilac | Mummy Sale | New Path | Stengal Success | Common Sense | Covelo Cows | Raising Pigs

Richard (Rich) Arnold Johnson

A resident of Novato, Richard Arnold Johnson died of kidney failure on July 22nd. Born in San Francisco on December 26th, 1939, Richard moved to…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, August 6, 2021

Warm | 36 New Cases | Vax & Test | Sally Gearhart | Barn Sale | Rich Padula | Mendo Outbreak | Immunization Registry | Sunflowers | JDSF Balance | Haiku Walk | Lange Talk | Water Curtailments | Buffalo Bill | Bearproofing | Record Drought | Cannachat | Grant Workshops | Philo Farm | Produce Exchange | Foil Wrap | Crop Drop | Undercover K9s | Ed Notes | Undercover Cop | General Government | Ammo Love | 5 Felonies | Yesterday's Catch | Carpool Lanes | Zoomerang | Louis Firetail | Political Extremes | Last Claim | Redtail Hawk | Recall Election | Frikkin Love | Mexico Sues | Shareholders First | Tethered | Small Skulls | Republicans Bad | Autograph | Nuclear Bailout | Sacto Salmon | Suffrage Parade | Useless Parties | Trapeze Swinger

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, August 5, 2021

Low Pressure | 26 New Cases | Backdoor Maneuver | Boonset | JDSF Demo | Weer Resigns | June Ranch | Historic Curtailment | Paranoia | Trucking Water | Petar Missing | Charlotte Hoak | 20,006 Plants | Greenwood Times | Elk Garage | Price Plummets | Boonville Grandstand | Not Drinking | Bald Eagle | Catching Travis | Not Guilty | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Che Diary | Angry Doctor | Redneck Doorbell | Highway Key | Electrification | Cursed Olympics | Low Flying | Noise Pollution | Five Bucks | Bungalow Ghosts | Young Hunter | Health Alliance | Pet Hats | Turner's Defeat | Embalmer | Corporate Crime | Honesty Policy | Remember Me

Letters (August 5, 2021)

Well, if the pandemic has shown us anything what it has shown us is that we CAN house the homeless. So let's get going on that...
