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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Bell Fire: Forward Spread Stopped

The 50-acre fire, which started today at noon, five miles east of Leggett at Bell Springs Road and Foster Creek Road, has been stopped according…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, August 14, 2021

Weekend Haze | 56 New Cases | August Surging | Coyote Fire | Author Event | Petty Fees | Edu Fundraiser | Rally Canceled | Garage Sale | Night Lights | School Starts | Foodsharing | Gowans Festival | Young Vaughn | Tan Barking | Ed Notes | Freedumb | 1983 Appearance | Bigfoot Sighting | Health Survey | Madam Walker | Thirsty Mendocino | Empty Buildings | Streetscape Update | Yesterday's Catch | Greedy Greenrushing | Recall Newsom | Rough Translation | Smoke Assist | War Biz | American Impatience | Pablo & Frida | Photoshop Class | 1918 Masquerade | Mask Info | Doghouse | Barack Slimeball

Mendocino County Today: Friday, August 13, 2021

Smoky Haze | 95 New Cases | Water Deal | Adoption Event | Skunk Sues | County Courthouse | Recall Election | Retriever Support | Ed Notes | Coyote Feeder | Eureka Productions | Yesterday's Catch | Unmasked Schmucks | Delta Strategy | Special Needs | Hanging On | Peb's Dream | PV High | Depraved Indifference | I Carry | Steel Wool | Enchanted Meadow | Controlled Burns | Heartbreak Hotel | Costco Virgin | Purrfect Tense | Algorithmic Censorship | Stolen Dreams | Ordinance Radio | Bigfoot Days

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, August 12, 2021

High Pressure | 39 New Cases | Covid Exposure | Ukiah Fire | School Policy | Kitty Cats | Professor Pyro | Forced Labor | Diverters Diverting | Opening Night | Ed Notes | Trumpet Story | Pig Auction | River Loggers | Rich Padula | Yesterday's Catch | Water Crops | U 1914 | Extraction Activities | Nude Psychic | Political Labels | Nature Vacuum | Greece Fire | Topiary | Arid Land | Fire Breather | Reusing Water | City Hall | Museum Exhibit | Bar Patrons | Managing Stress | DeSantis Snaps | Wildman Picnic | Dark Cannabis

Letters (August 12, 2021)

The pandemic is spreading again, the climate crisis is worse than we expected, and our democracy is under attack. All three crises are exacerbated by Republicans...

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Hot Interior | 53 New Cases | Conspiracy Lawsuit | Haircut Drive | Ed Notes | More Curtailments | Thirsty Lawns | Cactus Flower | Orsi Interview | 00 Dining | Greenville Flag | Controlled Burn | Jackson Rally | Prof Arson | Vintage Potter Valley | Emergency Proclamations | Yesterday's Catch | Viral Loads | Streetscape Celebration | Unarmed Fighters | Emma Gatewood | Education Conference | Rainbow Ukelele | Korean Sailor | Oasis & Dainus | Fly Fishing | Early Morning | Mountain Road | Salmon Disaster

Off the Record (August 11, 2021)

THE HORRIFIC Dixie Fire continues to wreak havoc in Northern California, becoming Sunday the second largest blaze in the state’s history at nearly 500,000 acres.…

Valley People (August 11, 2021)

NAVARRO RIVER FLATLINES. Marshall Newman reports that the Navarro River flow hit zero on August 3, 2021.  SIGN UP TIME. Hey all! Here’s the fall…
