WILMA FERNANDEZ, 55, died at Rancho Navarro on Friday, February 1st. An official cause of death has not been issued but is believed to be from natural causes.
A DOWNED POWER LINE about six miles east of Boonville closed 253 for about an hour last week. Otherwise and elsewhere in Mendocino County, the creeks rose, the crows cawed, trees fell, wind blew, power went out for whole neighborhoods, and the rain came down so hard and fast 128 was closed for a few hours.
WANT TO PROMOTE YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS and support members of the Anderson Valley Village?
We are looking for a wide variety of service providers – including but not limited to: gardeners, housekeepers, handy persons, electricians, plumbers, tech support, home nursing care, etc. We will provide this list of paid service providers to our members – if you are interested in being on that list, all you have to do is fill out a one page form and mail or email it back to us.
Pick up a form at Rossi's in Boonville or to have it sent to you please contact us at: (707) 684-9829 or andersonvalleyvillage@gmail.com
AV Village is a non-profit organization providing Anderson Valley Village members with the confidence and practical means to live safely and comfortably in their homes and community as they age.
LYFT? IN BOONVILLE? “Drivers Wanted. I am the valley Lyft driver and am getting swamped...during the rainy season no less. How will I get through the summer when the tourists arrive in droves? I need some friendly competition. Contact Lyft for requirements or call me at 707-272-1040 for info.” — Paul (Soderman)
SOMEONE spray painted this at the foot of Flynn Creek Road where it intersects with HWY 128...

"Our (un)tax(able) base is a perpetual problem in outlaw Mendocino County."
THIS FACEBOOK AD has rightly stirred much anger in the Anderson Valley where rents, if you can even find a rental, are far beyond the means of working people: “2B/1B Home - Live, work and play in downtown Boonville. Recently renovated 2B/1B home with basement laundry and detached garage. Wood Stove & Wall heater. Propane cooktop and electric in wall oven. Wood and Tile Floors, new bathroom, great lighting. The 2-car garage is on a slab. The location is perfect for those that enjoy the convenience of being in town and/or are interested in working from home. NSNP.”
THE ANNUAL ANDERSON VALLEY BEER FESTIVAL convenes on Saturday, April 27 this year.

UH, sorry to bring it up. Again. But that feral cat feeding station on Anderson Valley Way at the abandoned June home is wayyyyyy outta control. There must be fifty starving cats there every morning milling around all over the property and out onto the road. Does it even have to be said that feeding stray cats as they endlessly reproduce amounts to animal cruelty? A Big Cats Only spay and neuter day is coming up on Sunday March 24—all cats, pets or feral, will be spayed or neutered and get a Rabies vaccination. Maybe the spay and neuter team can make a house visit.
THE ANDERSON VALLEY GRANGE’S 28th annual Variety Show is on Friday March 8th and Saturday March 9th, and we will make room for you! That means YOU, or your funny/weird/talented friend or ANIMAL. We have had dogs, cats, horses, sheep, alpacas, cattle, iguanas, goats, pythons, doves, turtles, but never parrots, llamas, wombats...what kind of animal do YOU have, and what can it do? We want to see it!! Please contact Captain Rainbow at 895-3807, or Robyn at 272-2127 (you can text her, too) if you have a talent, skill, animal, joke, or anything else you'd like to put onstage for all of us to enjoy. We have rehearsals the weekend before the show, and we can illuminate and amplify anything. The best part is the A.V. audience, we're the most enthusiastic folk found anywhere. You won't find a better place to strut your stuff!
A PAIR of Boonville High School grads, cousins Robert and Zack Anderson, are heavily involved in a film called Windows on the World, which debuts at the Sedona Film Festival on Feb 24 and 26... Based on the events of 9/11, the film stars Anderson Valley’s very own Rene Auberjonois, Ryan Guzman and Edward James Olmos.

DEBRA KEIPP writes: “Do you have nagging pain that you haven't found a way to relieve? Come see me. My office is in downtown Boonville next to Boont Berry Market. Boonville's Boxcar Boardwalk is centrally located and easy to find. We're the train station across from the drive-in. Using lotion and balms produced locally by Joanne Horn from Afterglow Cosmetics. $85.” I had a nagging pain in my shoulder that Abracadebra erased in one session in my office. She hauled in all her gear, threw me on the table, worked her magic and abracadebra! pain gone!
THE BOONVILLE SCHOOLS are running at a big deficit approaching $700,000. Three senior teachers have gallantly agreed to take early retirements to spare younger colleagues layoffs at the dawn of their careers, which will reduce the red ink flow but not stanch it entirely. Interim school superintendent Michael Warych recently called a meeting of all staff to break the bad budget news, a combination of decreasing enrollment and over-staffing. The school board is also running at a deficit, suffering yet another two resignations, one from Kristy Hotchkiss who was recently hospitalized with heart problems. Ms. H is under doctor's orders to take it easy. Craig Walker, formerly Anderson Valley's resident deputy, has also resigned because he moved permanently to the Bay Area to take a job with the Moraga Police Department. The school board now consists of Dick Browning, Saiorse Byrne and Elizabeth Jensen. (Superintendent Wayrch said last week the district awaits the formal resignations of both Ms. H and deputy Walker but presumes they have left the board.)
ATTENTION NOSTALGICS! The Anderson Valley Museum (in the Little Red Schoolhouse just north of Boonville) has several extra yearbooks from the 1920's-1950's. If you would like to have a yearbook from those years call Sheri Hansen at Rancheria Realty.
COMPTCHE COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION is sponsoring a Book & Bake Sale Saturday, Feb 23, 10 to 3 at the Hall a quarter mile east of the Comptche Store. Now’s the time to drive out to Comptche and score new-to-you reading materials and munchies. Bargain prices. Huge Selection. Don’t miss it. Call 937-5854 for more info.
The spray paint handwriting on Flynn Creek Road looks familiar.
It’s the same as Mountain View