On December 6, 2018 at 2:00 PM the Mendocino County Sheriff, Thomas Allman, will hold a Press Conference in front of the Mendocino County Courthouse, 100 North State Street, in Ukiah. The Press Conference will provide an update on the Khadijah Britton kidnapping/missing persons case from February of 2018 in Covelo and suspect Negie Fallis, 37, of Covelo. The following agencies are expected to join Sheriff Allman in the Press Conference; the Family of Khadijah Britton, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Round Valley Indian Tribal Police Department. The Press Conference will be held outside the east side (State Street Side) of the courthouse on the east steps of the building.
WHEN POSTMISTRESS COLLETTE called late Monday afternoon we feared bad news. Well, some version of bad news anyway. Government, even the Post Office seldom brings good news, does it? Sure 'nuff. Our Postmistress said the Post Office would be closed Wednesday. "Why?" I asked, genuinely puzzled. "Somebody died," Collette replied. "No!" I exclaimed. "It can't be! Bush? For this guy our paper will be a day late? What's next, mandatory mass mournings with jail terms for not showing up?
YOU’D THINK CHRIST Himself had gone back up on the cross, and if anybody still needs lessons in how craven our media are G.W. Bush’s exit establishes that obvious fact beyond all doubt. These week-long sendoffs of bad people, and Bush was certainly one, are inflicted on us. I asked around Boonville, “Are you sad Bush is gone?” The answers ranged from, “Who?” to “So what?” I daresay most Americans would answer the same way. (When Joe Biden came on-screen to laud Bush I dove for the remote so fast I spilled my coffee, but not before Clinton came on to do one of his lip biters to fake his sorrow at Bush’s passing. Not to be outdone in phony sentiment and group delusion, the Obamas, and even Orange Man, joined the festival of false feeling and history re-writes. What a country.)
Stream Flows and Water Security Strategies for Farms, People and Fish, Thursday, December 6.
To safeguard the health and well-being of the Navarro River watershed now and into the future, the Mendocino County Resource Conservation District is stepping up its efforts working with the community to implement projects and strategies to improve water supply security that also benefit the health of our rivers and fish. To turn the tide of increasing vulnerability and diminishing stream flows, we are enlisting the help of landowners, farmers and vineyards and leveraging partnerships with the Nature Conservancy (TNC), Trout Unlimited (TU), Natural Resources Conservation Service, University of California Cooperative Extension and Shippensburg University. But success will depend on broad support and active participation of the Navarro watershed community. This Thursday, December 6th, the partners mentioned above will be kicking-off with a public meeting to share useful information and water management strategies and to encourage local participation. The meeting will be held at the Anderson Valley Grange from 6-9 pm., beginning with a potluck supper from 6-7, and then presentations will start promptly at 7:00 pm.
VISIT WATER STORAGE and reliability projects for farms, people and fish this Friday, December 7th: The day after the community meeting, on Friday Dec. 7th, from 9am-12:30pm, the Navarro watershed community is invited to tour some recent water storage and water conservation projects in the lower watershed. We’ll meet at Anderson Valley Grange in Philo, tour begins at 9:00am—please carpool! The tour will happen, rain or shine! Both events are hosted by the Mendocino County Resource Conservation District, The Nature Conservancy, Trout Unlimited, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and Shippensburg University—through funding provided by the Wildlife Conservation Board and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. For more information you can email or phone (707)895-3230, (707) 462-3664 ext. 102, or go to
With the final results of the election in, I want to express my gratitude, dedication, and humility in being elected 3rd District Supervisor. I can truly say that this campaign has been a very positive experience. We are blessed with great communities, a beautiful environment, and lots of very talented, thoughtful, and caring people.
There are too many people who powered this campaign to mention them all. We made over 5,000 phone calls and knocked on 1,200 doors. Thank you to all who called, walked, endorsed, donated, and helped in a variety of ways.
I very much appreciate the contributions that Georgeanne Croskey and John Pinches have made to this district. Supervisor Croskey stepped up and thoughtfully and energetically represented our district. I have appreciated her keeping me informed on the issues and I hope to continue projects on which she has worked. As supervisor for 3 terms (12 years), Mr. Pinches left his mark in many ways that have helped make our communities better. His sense of civic duty is something to which we can all aspire.
A huge 'thank you' to the voters of the 3rd District for participating in every step of this election. I am proud to live in a community where so many people care so much. I am humbled by the opportunity to represent our communities on the Board of Supervisors.
I will continue to be accessible to all and I look forward to building stronger communities together. If you have any ideas to share, please call me at 707-513-6166 or email me at
John Haschak
RESPONSE TO EMAIL sent by [MCN-Announce]- “Stonewalled by Bob Edwards, MCDH CEO”
To ensure that the public is clear on the FACTS of what transpired at the meeting referenced in the email “Stonewalled by Bob Edwards, MCDH CEO” I (Vanlee Waters) would like to respond to Margaret Paul.
“When I arrived, Edwards introduced me to his newly hired PR man (the third in as many months).” MYTH.
FACT There have only been two (2) PR representatives at MCDH in the last 3 years.
Waters asked if he needed to be at the meeting and “Edwards replied it was part of his PR training”. MYTH.
FACT I introduced myself to Margaret and said that I was involved with anything to do with Public Relations for the hospital and that this meeting fell into that category.
A minute later, Ann Rennacher arrived and “Edwards told her she wasn't supposed to be there”. MYTH
FACT Bob Edwards asked who she was. NEVER told her that she wasn’t supposed to be there.
My first question was why the Emergency Physicians Medical Group in Walnut Creek used the MCDH's EIN # with the Franchise Tax Board. “His reply was that it did not happen.” MYTH.
FACT Bob Edwards asked Margaret twice to please send him the evidence that validated what she was claiming. She then responded with “I’ll send you more information than you will know what to do with!”
“After about 8 minutes of denials by Edwards, Ann and I walked out of the meeting” MYTH
FACT There were no denials by anyone at the meeting. The meeting lasted almost 15 minutes and Ms. Paul got up and walked out.
Vanlee F. Waters
Public Relations, Communications, & Marketing Director
Mendocino Coast District Hospital
* * *
This is yet another attempt to cover up the truth. It is clear Waters is fabricating an account of my meeting with Edwards to discredit me. With Ann Rennacker as my witness, I would like to respond.
Edwards did introduce me to Waters, saying it was part of his training as the new PR Director. I was incorrect about 3 PR Directors in as many months. It's 2 PR Directors within a 5 month period, Doug Shald and Vanlee Waters. Edwards DID tell Ann she wasn't supposed to be there when she arrived a couple minutes late. (She had difficulty finding Edwards small, locked, unmarked, hidden, cubbyhole-like office in the back of the hospital.) Regarding the Mendocino Emergency Physicians Medical Group using the hospital's EIN #, within 24 hours Edwards was sent proof in the form of two letters from the CA State Franchise Tax Board stating this had happened. Since Vanlee was there strictly as an observer, I cannot understand why he states, "My first question was..." It should have read, "Margaret's first question was..." Ann and I left the meeting early because we could not tolerate any more of Edwards' blatant disregard for the truth.
I apologize for the many emails regarding the way in which truth-finders are treated at MCDH, but feel that the community has a right to this information.
Margaret Paul, A Healthy Hospital Supporter

(Photo by Sheriff Tom Allman)
* * *
EARLY RISERS Monday fell to their knees in awe and gratitude at the splendor of the sun’s rise. These rare occasions are less rare at this time of year as Old King Sol announces himself in a scattering of rain clouds he turns to waves of golden grays as he makes his glorious way to the heavens. Sheriff Allman posted a photo of this morning’s wondrous sunrise, and name another lawman who casts his eyes to the heavens as his first act of the new day?
THE DOPE MARKET, an on-line comment:
I wouldn’t pay 200 a pound for Oregon dirt weed. seems like whoever you know is getting ripped off! Meanwhile just sold 20 lbs legal in California for 1800 a unit so you are full of shit on your prices. Dispensary shelves in so cal are half empty!
The Covered Bridges of Elk River
by David Wilson
Humboldt County is home to a number of noteworthy bridges, two of which are wooden covered bridges built in the 1930’s. Both of these are still in service out Elk River Road, and I’ve thought for a while that catching an unusual view of them beneath the stars would be interesting. Earlier this year I visited the pair, hoping to find angles that would include the Milky Way flying over them. Yes, you know I love to include it over my landscapes. The Milky Way’s structure is the most visible reminder of the vastness of the cosmic space in which we drift, and it comforts me to know that we are really too tiny down here for our problems to matter much in the true scope of things.

It’s quiet out Elk River on a week night. I photographed both of these bridges at about 10:30 p.m., just a few days apart in July 2018. Only a couple cars passed by either night, and I was probably photographing for about an hour both times. Humboldt has a third covered bridge, built in the 1960’s out past Jacoby Creek, but I have yet to work out an angle for that one that could also feature the Milky Way.
In order to let in enough light to make a reasonably bright image in my nighttime photography, I use longer exposure times than daylight photography requires. At night I often shoot with a 30-second shutter speed. Thirty seconds is no magic number; there are other shutter speeds that would work for the sky if I were to set the aperture or ISO differently, but it does give me a little time to creatively add my own light to the foreground, which is the most challenging aspect. I don’t have a crew or a banks of lights. When I add my own light, I have to paint my scenes in manually, often with my flashlight’s beam passing over as much of the subject as I can during the half-minute that the shutter is open. It’s not always enough time to illuminate everything, and often the first attempts don’t work out.

(To see previous entries of “Night Light of the North Coast,” click on my name above the article. If you’d like to keep abreast of my most current photography or peer into its past, you can follow me on Instagram at @david_wilson_mfx . I update my website less frequently, but you can contact me there.)
DAN YOUNG tackles the Mendocino Coast homeless problem with this new series. Listen on Wed. Dec. 5 at Noon on KNYO at 107.7 FM from Caspar to Cleone on online
or download/listen to this Podcast: I invite you to listen and to pass this podcast on...this is the first in a series as I will be speaking about this issue with reps. of several state and national level homeless legal and advocacy groups...
Megan Hustings from National Coalition for the Homeless: abolishing homelessness, shelter residency requirements, and Dr. Robert Marbut
In the Dec. 2 episode of News and Interviews, Dan Young speaks with Megan Hustings from the National Coalition of the Homeless. The program begins with a local news item covering the Nov. 26 Ft. Bragg City Council meeting. At this meeting it was revealed that the city and Mendocino County government are implementing long-term residency requirements for people seeking shelter from the rain and cold in the coast's Extreme Weather Shelter. In a Nov. 30 phone interview, Dan Young speaks with Megan Hustings, Interim Executive Director with the National Coalition of the Homeless, about her organization and its goals of ending homelessness by addressing its root causes. Young and Hustings also discuss the potential negative impacts of residency requirements for emergency shelter and other homeless services. Hustings also shares her organizations' concerns about Dr. Robert Marbut, the private consultant Mendocino County has hired to advise them on homelessness policy.
ANDERSON VALLEY LAND TRUST vs C.T. Rowe is in Judge Nadel's court on Monday, December 17th. We hope to provide full coverage, and state right here our bias is for C.T.
The Swingin’ Boonville Big Band will perform at Lauren’s Cafe in Boonville on Saturday December 8th from 9-11PM.
Tickets are $15.
This performance is a benefit for the Adult Education Department of the Anderson Valley Unified School District.
Lauren’s beer and wine bar open late.
Last dinner order 8PM, band begins promptly at 9.
Be sure to save the date for the Holiday Community Dinner at the Grange on Sunday, December 9th at 5:30 pm. We need help putting on the feast. To learn how you can help, please call Captain Rainbow at 895-3807 or email him at
NOTE: The Annual Community Holiday Dinner at The Grange this coming Sunday, December 9th, starts at 5.30pm and goes until the turkey runs out; not 4-7pm as stated in the recently distributed AV Community Bulletin. My apologies for any inconvenience or confusion. — Steve Sparks.
LOOKING for a drywall guy, a guy with 30 years experience, a guy who does all facets so perfectly he's an artist of the craft? A guy who's a long-time resident of this area with whole neighborhoods of satisfied customers? Call Gary at 707 843-823.
AT LAST HOPE FOR MEXICO: AMLO Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, 65, vowed to profoundly transform Latin America's second-biggest economy and to end corruption in the government at the ceremony in Mexico City. 'The government will no longer be a committee at the service of a rapacious minority,' said the new president. Nor would the government be a 'simple facilitator of pillaging, as it has been.' One of Obrador’s first acts was to put the presidential airplane up for sale. It’s a luxury job much like the fleet of presidential planes maintained here in the U.S., world headquarters for wretched excess.
TURNS OUT NPR'S film critic didn't recognize one of the most infamous movie scenes ever. Government Radio fired their long-time film critic David Edelstein after he joked about a scene from Last Tango in Paris where the actress said she “felt raped.” Maria Schneider was raped in a scene from the 1972 film, a fact she confirmed decades later when she said, weeping, that during the infamous “butter scene” in the 1972 movie butter was indeed used as lubricant. She said director Bernardo Bertolucci conspired with actor Marlon Brando to spring the unscripted non-consensual sex scene on her at the last moment. After Bertolucci died aged 77 Monday, Edelstein shocked fans by posting an image from that moment between Brando, 48, and Schneider, 19, on Facebook and captioned it: “Even grief is better with butter.”
THE MENDOCINO COUNTY PET CARE-A-VAN at the Manchester Community Center this Wednesday - Dec 5. The Mendocino County Pet Care-A-Van at the Manchester Comm Ctr this Wednesday - Dec 5. Low-cost vaccinations and microchipping on a drop-in basis from 10 am to 2 pm. The Manchester Community Center is at 43970 Crispin Road, just east of Highway 1. For more information contact the Pet Care-a-Van at (707) 513-7604.
RE: Jeffrey Parker resigns from KZYX. Latest managerial radio fraud Jeffrey Parker absconds from KZYX with $120,000 of your money. (It's his money now.) Here:
In his two years there which, by the way, are the latest two of seven years now I’ve been waiting for one disposable so-called program director or another to schedule my excellent time-proven local show on KZYX, Jeffrey has sucked $120,000 out of the station just for himself and accomplished exactly nothing in return. That’s enough money to entirely fund KNYO through the year 2028. “Partnering with Mendo College for production education opportunities” equals airing a total of almost four hours, over years, of material from the college by pressing a button. “Establishing a satellite station at the Senior Center” equals hearing that there was already a studio there in use by other radio stations, including KMFB, going back decades, and taking credit for MCN's doing all the tech work.
As for public services, the fires were and are great for KZYX. Whoever’s in charge this week gets to pretend to help, and then forever afterward they can crow about how helpful they pretended to be. The Further Reach expansion adventure was and is happening anyway and KZYX’ involvement in that and MCN’s digital phone service resulted from a phone rate hike and calling around to get a better rate, just like everyone else in the world with a phone does when the rates go up, woopty-fricking-doo. Meanwhile considerably more than half-a-million dollars every year vanishes into the black hole of Mendocino County Public Broadcasting Incorporated to ride on a system as reliable as a refrigerator, that’s was entirely paid for and running 29 years ago, that costs less than a dollar an hour to jazz with electricity, and another dollar an hour for everything else not covered by the yearly six-figure grant from Uncle Sugar.
Really. A puff-paean to this guy? Or to anyone in the office or on the board of KZYX, ever? Wow.
—Marco McClean
CATCH OF THE DAY, December 3, 2018
(To be caught up tomorrow — Ed)
Natural disasters have a disproportionate impact on the working poor. Although, that term seems like an oxymoron, many full-time workers over age 30 are living in poverty in Sonoma County because they earn less than a living wage.
Before October 2017, Sonoma County had an “hourglass economy,” characterized by gross income and wealth inequality. The fires widened that chasm.
Many families were already struggling to pay rent when landlords raised rents 35 percent after the fires, despite an anti-gouging law. The loss of 5,300 homes worsened the crisis, Santa Rosa’s rent control was rolled back, and Measure N’s defeat dashed hopes for new housing.
While insured homeowners received help in paying rent and rebuilding, renters who were burned out lost everything, and many low-income workers also lost their jobs.
Santa Rosa shouldn’t only renew rent control but also pass a minimum wage of $15 per hour with paid sick leave, or a living wage of $23 an hour, so that workers can live where they work. Employee health, morale, output, retention and sales would all improve.
In order to create a more equitable and sustainable community, hiring local workers at a living wage should be our first priority.
Tony White
Santa Rosa
"TONELLI'S HOUSE OF WONDER; Cartoons on Sundays"

(Photo by Harvey Reading)
by James Kunstler
Apparently one additional world leader turned up in Buenos Aires without fanfare this weekend. The General Secretary of the North Pole, known popularly as Santa Claus, took his latest-model hypersonic sleigh to the G-20 Meeting, and made sure that the global financial elite would find their Christmas stockings stuffed with sugarplums one last time before the great reflation bull market dies of incredulity.
Something drastic was required as so many enterprises were skidding into a ditch last month, especially FAANGs, cars, house sales, and oil, while the Grand Old Man of the Dow Jones, General Electric, was singing its death song like an old Arikara chief in the prairie twilight. The US threat of 25 percent tariffs on Chinese exports was shunted ahead 90 days, giving the almighty algos and their human errand boys one last shot at looting the future.
How exactly will this change the basic equation of China sending its industrial output to WalMart in exchange for American IOUs, while the trade deficit mounts ever-higher and the last holdouts of the US middle class sink into debt, addiction, and hopelessness? It won’t, of course, because Americans have to find another reason to get up in the morning besides reporting to the national demolition derby. I don’t know about you, but it doesn’t warm my heart to hear about x-hundred thousand “housing starts” every month, knowing that it represents the destruction of x-thousand acres of meadow, field, and forest, and that what’s being laid down on the landscape out there is soul-crushing infrastructure with no future.
It’s not hard to see why US life expectancy is going down, driven by the two new leading causes of death: opiate drugs and suicide — the former often in the service of the latter. The citizens of this land have exchanged just about everything that makes life worth living for the paltry rewards of “bargain shopping” and happy motoring. But the worst sacrifice is the loss of any sense of community, of face-to-face human transactions with people you know, people who have duties and obligations to one another that can be successfully enacted and fulfilled. Instead, you get to do all your business with robots, even including the robots fronting for companies that seek to ruin you. “Your call is important to us,” says the telephone robot at the hospital billing office dunning you to fork over $7,000 for the three stitches Little Skippy got when his best friend flew the drone into his forehead. “Please hold for the next available representative.” Who wouldn’t want to shoot themselves?
Interestingly, it’s the people of France who are going apeshit at this moment in history and not the much more beaten-down Americans. For all the deformities of the EU, France still maintains a general quality-of-life so far above what is found in the US these days that we look like some left-behind evolutionary dead end here in this wilderness of strip-malls and muffler shops. They live in towns and cities that are designed to bring people together in public. They support small business in spite of the diktats of Brussels. They maintain an interest in doing things well for its own sake. The French are rioting these days not simply over the cost of diesel fuel but because they’ve had enough impingements on their traditional ways of life and seek to arrest the losses.
Americans, by contrast, seem to passively accept their new status as world-class losers. You can deprive them of whatever is meaningful, whatever makes life worth living, and sell them depressing simulacra to replace those things, and they never notice. Even the revolts ongoing in this land only seek to make relations between us worse, for instance the new super-Puritanism that wants to criminalize the most elementary mating ceremonies, like asking for date, or even paying attention to someone of the opposite sex. This is what the Democratic Party, formerly the party of the working people, has dedicated itself to all year. That’s your “Resistance.” They’ve managed to ruin one of the few consolations for being on this planet.
Maybe you’all have had enough of that foolishness. Maybe when Christmas is over something will turn in that old proverbial widening gyre, and the anarchy loosened by that turn will not be “mere.”
(Support Kunstler’s writing by visiting his Patreon Page.)
KIAH, CA: Mendocino County Library Announces Ukiah Library’s FIRST FRIDAY ART WALK Featuring Artist’s Spencer Brewer and Esther Siegel This Friday, December 7th from 5-7:30 P.M.
Join us this Friday, December 7th for a night of art, crafting, music and books! During the Ukiah Library’s First Friday Art Walk, we will have outrageous local artwork by Spencer Brewer and Esther Siegel. Spencer and Esther have a passion… creating quirky and fantastical pieces of art out of re-purposed, or ‘found art’ materials. From the whimsical and humorous to the punk and dark, and enjoy these special one of a kind art pieces. Their award-winning art has been featured in numerous shows and museums across northern California to rave reviews.
The Ukiah Library will also be hosting a paper crafting and card-making session lead by Esther Siegel, live music by Ed Reinhart and Paula Samonte, a book and bake sale by the Ukiah Valley Friends of the library, and pizza from Slam Dunk Pizza.
This event is for all ages, free to the public, and is co-sponsored by the Mendocino County Library and the Ukiah Valley Friends of the Library.
For more information contact Roseanne Wetzel at 463-4490 or
Rain brings out the wild mushroom collection at Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens. Join us this afternoon at 1:30pm for a Monday Mushroom Walk with Mario Abreu or sign up for a more in-depth experience on Saturday, December 15, the final Mushroom ID Workshop of the year!
Monday Mushroom Walks
Each Monday now through December 17 beginning at 1:30PM. Enjoy an identification walk and learn mushroom lore with Naturalist and Mycologist, Mario Abreu each Monday from November 12 through December 17 (remaining dates: Dec 3, Dec 10, Dec 17). Walks are free with regular Gardens admission
Mushroom Identification Workshop
December 15 from 10:00AM to 3:30PM. Learn the basic taxonomic identifying features that distinguish mushrooms from each other, where each unique mushroom species can be found, when they can be found, and the myths associated with them. This workshop consists of a lecture, hands-on look of mushrooms collected and displayed for each workshop, and a field walk to find mushrooms associated with the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens' native plant communities. Identification tools will be provided at the workshop to key mushrooms.
Class Size In Limited! Class cost is $25 for members and Master Gardeners; $35 for non-members (includes Gardens admission for the day). Payment is due upon sign-up. Please note, all workshop fees are non-refundable unless the workshop has been canceled or rescheduled by the Gardens. Please reserve space for your preferred date by phoning 707-964-4352 ext. 16 or stop by The Garden Store at MCBG.
Please remember, mushrooms found at Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens should stay at Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens... DO NOT PICK OR COLLECT from our botanical collection!
I HAVE A PREDICTION. If the Trump regime collapses – for regime it is – I suspect it will not be his frolics with the Russians which destroy it. Nor his corruption, nor his domestic lies. Nor his misogyny. Nor his anti-immigrant racism. Nor his obvious mental instability, though this clearly connects him to his friends in the Arab world. The Middle East has already got its coils into the White House. Trump is a friend of a highly dangerous state called Saudi Arabia. He has adopted Israeli foreign policy as his own, including the ownership of Jerusalem and wholehearted support for Israel’s illegal colonisation of Palestinian Arab land. He has torn up a solemn treaty with Iran. He has joined the Sunni side in its sectarian war with the Shias of the Middle East, in Iran, in Lebanon, in Syria, in Bahrain and, of course, in Saudi Arabia itself.
Many countries have gone to war on behalf of other nations. Britain drew the sword for Poland in 1939, albeit a little late in the day. But to actively seek participation in someone else’s sectarian war for no other reason than to continue to sell weapons to a wealthy and unstable autocracy, to amalgamate your own country’s foreign policy with that of the most militarily powerful state in the Middle East – to the point of depriving an entire people of a share in its capital city – and to wilfully ignore the long and lucrative support that our Gulf “allies” have given to the most frightful of our cult enemies – those who have indeed struck in the streets of London and New York – is beyond the usual lexicon. It is beyond shameful. Beyond wicked. Were it not for the insanity of the man responsible, the word “depravity” comes to mind.
— Robert Fisk
Redwood Community Chorus concerts 12/7 and 12/8
The Redwood Community Chorus warmly invites you to their Winter Concerts this weekend. Friday evening, December 7, 7:00 pm; Saturday afternoon, December 8, 2:00 pm. Mendocino Presbyterian Church, Main St., Mendocino. Admission is free; donations to help cover costs are appreciated. The all-local forty-member chorus will sing a variety of songs, featuring the dynamic “Gloria,” which offers a rich complex of modern harmonies. Please come enjoy an evening of delightful holiday music and community warmth with us. For further information, please call 964-1722 or 937-4084.
Dear AVA:
Let's set the record straight. The Rothschilds changed their name to Rockefeller. The Drumphs were the architects of the Rothschilds who changed their name to Trump. The Drumphs were master masons, architectural designers, as you see everything Trump touches turns to gold. Trump Towers, Trump Casino, Rockefeller Center, and look over there, that's the White House. Are we on the same page here?
Now lo and behold the woe, there’s a family in Santa Rosa named Rosenberg who changed their name to Rosen on March 6, 1951. After the trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg they were put to death for selling nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union. They were sentenced to death row one month later. All of those nuclear bombs are pointing at the good old USA!
Lo and behold now the Bush family, specifically Mr. Prescott Bush, steel corp exec. Nazi Jewish slave labor mass graves were filled to the top. We don't know how deep the mass graves were. The Jewish people were pumping out rail tracks, i-beams, rail car frames, airframes 24/7. Get this: these people all congregate at that the Bohemian Grove. Hitler and Prescott Bush's banking was in the good old USA through subsidies. Now the Bush family owns Halliburton Petroleum Company and CEO Dick Cheney just happens to be CEO of the Smithsonian Institution. The White House was a target. Pentagon and World Trade Center. What the hell? Setting the record straight -- lo and behold the woe.
Dean Michael Stevens (aka Dino from Mendocino)
Mendocino County Jail, 951 Low Gap Road, Ukiah 95482
Ed note: Background:
Hon. Nancy Pelosi
U.S House of Representatives
Washington D.C.
Dear Congresswoman Pelosi,
As Minority Leader and soon likely-to-be Speaker of the House, you can help set a forward-looking agenda for the Democratic Party – and the Nation – to guide us in this critical time.
I urge you to support bold policies that resonate with the public and that truly address the fundamental survival issues we face.
Here are the priorities I suggest:
A Green New Deal. Global climate change is upon us -- recognized not only by thousands of scientists but also by the vast majority of Americans. Our nation must be a leader to stop and reverse the worst damage. We must quickly wean ourselves from fossil fuels, creating new jobs in clean energy.
Protect Democracy. A package of measures should address: restoring & expanding the Voting Rights Act (nation-wide standards for auditable ballots, fair redistricting, adequate polling places, and curbs on purging voter rolls); enacting real campaign finance reform, including disclosure of all major donations and legislation that corporations aren’t ‘people’. Eliminating the electoral college would be a good future step.
Ensure Health Care for All. The public and nearly all health care providers now support a single-payer, Medicare-for-all approach, which saves lives and money. The ACA was a baby step in the right direction but amounts to subsidizing the insurance industry and falls way short of needed solutions.
Investigate Corruption. Instead of draining the swamp, the current Administration has us drowning in it, with wide-spread, blatant conflicts-of-interest from the top down. Congress should aggressively pursue independent investigations and then act accordingly (even if it takes beyond 2020).
Tax Reform. The chasm between the richest Americans (fewer than 1%) and the rest of us has widened alarmingly, aided in large part by the GOP’s reverse Robin Hood tax policies. Democrats should champion an economic New Deal to help the 90%.
I believe this agenda would have broad public support and would set the stage for dramatic and much-needed leadership in the 2020 election and beyond.
Madge Strong
Unfortunately I can’t make the board of supervisors meeting tomorrow but if anyone is going to speak about genetically engineered organisms that are coming to Mendocino here are some of my thoughts. Mind you it was cannabis that drew my attention but after doing research I am now concerned about our food supply being it plant or animal.
CordovaCanna states they are planning on selling Genetically Engineered cannabis out of their Covelo facilities and it is perfectly legal because this new technology in their opinion is different by definition. Now the scientific community and the European Union says it is GMO and must follow the same rules. Some scientists are saying it is more dangerous than our previously genetically modified organisms. For instance the most popular form CRISPR which installs the tools to reproduce into the DNA so a copy is made every time it breeds. This is a huge impact on its ability to spread unlike Monsanto who installed terminator genes. Another fear is that scientist say a smart high school student in a lab can now edit genes. This makes this technology available to the masses. Our government is lagging behind in our classification of this new technology. Besides my concern locally in regards to food safety I am concerned about our local cannabis industry. Mendocino cannabis has quality, heritage and a brand to offer. In regards to our brand we are very fortunate. We get supportive coverage in all forms of media and in the sports and entertainment industry. Most companies dream of getting that kind of coverage. I feel our brand is important. I feel genetically engineered cannabis will negatively affect our brand. Cordovacanna said they will remove the gene that produces powdery mildew. Mind you selective breeding does the same. But I feel we are risking our brand so we can leave one simple additive out of our foliar spray. I feel the genetically engineered plants are presently just a tool to dazzle investors.
A look at four emerging forms of digital inequality: privacy, education, screen time and news. As ubiquitous as broadband connectivity may seem for those who live in cities or suburbs with comfortable incomes, here's the reality:
- Less than one-fifth of Americans live in a neighborhood where at least 80% of the residents have broadband, according to a report last year from the Brookings Institution.
- Nearly one-in-five teens are sometimes unable to complete homework because of lack of a reliable computer or internet connection, per Pew.
- Local news and information is becoming scarce and hard to access: More than 500 newspapers have closed or merged in rural communities since 2004.
There are two types of “digital divide” operating today:
- The geographic divide: Rural and other areas are underserved because it doesn’t make financial sense for companies to invest in infrastructure.
- The economic divide: Infrastructure is in place, but lower-income families lack affordable access and devices.
Why it matters: These divides are colliding and combining in troubling ways — and creating a whole spectrum of education, information, and privacy inequality.
— Bob Coppock
[1] In the trying times to come, I recommend investing in whiskey, guns, and gold, not necessarily in that order. In a disorganized society, those should see you through.
When people in their deep wisdom tell me “You can’t eat gold.” I answer, “Really, do you eat your federal reserve notes? Do you eat your bond certificates, your jewelry, or your valuable paintings?” Everything has its proper role and place. You can’t eat hot lead, but it may be useful when someone comes to take your cans of beans.
[2] Real gender dysphoria is extraordinarily rare and yet somehow it is all of the sudden the rage, as if it is fashion or just dress up. How could someone do this to their child? Life is hard enough, let alone add another layer of complexity to a poor child’s mind when they are not even fully developed. It just shows how depraved and sick our society is. Children are not even allowed to just be children any more. Their innocence is purposefully being destroyed by people who if we are honest are basically pedophiles and perverts.
Re: Re-block the Z troll (Zeke Krahlin)
If you've seen his ugly vituperations again, it's because he changed his email, to If you don't want this human equivalent of cystic acne showing up on your ListServ, just block that address and you'll have a clean inbox till he changes it again. He's a classic troll, who most likely gets paid per reply, and to garner replies, they act in a disruptive, vile manner. So please don't reply to him. Nobody but nobody spends that much time answering just about every single email without getting paid.
Inger Grape
Microcurrent therapy
Bowen soft-tissue therapy
ReboundAIR teacher/distributor
Please support our Mendocino Community Center by attending the DINE OUT at the MacCallum House this Wednesday night 12/5/18. They take care of our kids and provide great afternoon classes for all our kids. You can help to keep our community center going .
The Mendocino County Coroner’s Office Monday released the name of a New York man who died Thursday in rough water along the Mendocino coast when friends attempted to show him how to surf. William Guthrie‑Goss, 25, of Garrison, New York, had a new surf board purchased by three California friends. Two went into the water with him outside the mouth of Big River, just south of the town of Mendocino, according to authorities. A fourth friend remained on a nearby bluff to take pictures.
Larry Spring Museum of Common Sense Physics is showing THE EXILES (1961) on First Friday Dec 7 @ 7 PM. THE EXILES chronicles one night in the lives of young Native Americans living in the Bunker Hill district of Los Angeles. The film opens with music videos by Indigenous creators — A Tribe Called Red, Tanya Tagaq and the Black Bear Singers. Free admission with a Spring Commons Movie card! $8 admission fee without a Spring Commons movie card. Popcorn with admission. BYOB. All proceeds go toward sustaining the Larry Spring Museum of Common Sense Physics @ 225 E. Redwood Ave
(Test your PC sensitivities. Which lines are likely to upset women)
[Verse 1: Marilyn Maxwell & Dean Martin]
I really can't stay (But, baby, it's cold outside)
I've got to away (But, baby, it's cold outside)
This evening has been (Been hoping that you'd drop in)
So very nice (I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice)
My mother will start worry (Beautiful, what's your hurry?)
My father will be pacing the floor (Listen to the fireplace roar)
So really I'd better scurry (Beautiful, please don't hurry)
But maybe just a half a drink more (Put some records on while I pour)
The neighbors might think (Baby, it's bad out there)
Say, what's in this drink? (No cab's to be had out there)
I wish I knew how (Your eyes are like starlight now)
To break this spell (I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell)
I ought to say "No, no, no, sir" (Mind if I move in closer?)
At least I'm gonna say that I tried (What's the sense in hurtin' my pride?)
[Chorus: Marilyn Maxwell, Dean Martin & Both]
I really can't stay
(Oh, baby, don't hold out)
Baby, it's cold outside
[Verse 2: Marilyn Maxwell & Dean Martin]
I simply must go (But, baby, it's cold outside)
The answer is no (But, baby, it's cold outside)
Your welcome has been (How lucky that you dropped in)
So nice and warm (Look out the window at the storm)
My sister will be suspicious (Gosh your lips look delicious)
My brother will be there at the door (Waves upon the tropical shore)
My maiden aunt's mind is vicious (Gosh your lips are delicious)
But maybe just a cigarette more (Never such a blizzard before)
I've gotta get home (But, baby, you'd freeze out there)
Say, lend me a coat (It's up to your knees out there)
You've really been grand (I thrill when you touch my hand)
But don't you see? (How can you do this thing to me?)
There's bound to be talk tomorrow (Think of my lifelong sorrow)
At least there will be plenty implied (If you got pneumonia and died)
[Chorus: Marilyn Maxwell, Dean Martin & Both]
I really can't stay
(Get over that old out)
Baby, it's cold
Baby, it's cold outside
CNN SUBMITS TO RIGHT-WING OUTRAGE MOB, Fires Marc Lamont Hill Due to His “Offensive” Defense of Palestinians at the U.N.
"There are few people more craven or contemptible than those who pretend to support free expression and oppose the attempts of “internet mobs” to have those they disagree with fired, only to instantly change positions when it comes to those whose views diverge from their own. Our discourse, our newsrooms, and our academic institutions are now drowning with people who demand that any speech be banned and suppressed that they regard as “hurtful,” “offensive,” “traumatizing,” or fostering a feeling of being “unsafe.” But what they really mean is that they want speech suppressed that they and those who agree with them find “hurtful” and “traumatizing.” Speech that makes their political enemies feel offended, uncomfortable or unsafe is heralded as brave and provocative. That double standard is unsustainable. It’s empty and depraved. It is certain to consume not just one’s political enemies but also one’s political allies." — Glenn Greenwald
by Bruce Brady
Somewhere deep in the bowels of my computer lurks a Gahan Wilson cartoon that seems the very essence of mid-November, 2018. The cartoon depicts an hourglass half-filled with people. One man, startled, looks around himself at the folks falling through the hole at the bottom. 'Where's everybody going?' he wails, plaintively. And, having no ready alternative, we laugh.
Well, in the immortal words of Regina Specktor, no one laughs at God in the hospital. In an apparently ludicrous fit of the variety of pride that goeth before a fall and fatuous foolishness, I discontinued prescribed medications and laid the reasons to the breathtaking greed of the pharmaceutical establishment. They certainly deserve blame, a condition surprisingly agreed to by the majority of CNA's and physicians I was awake enough to talk to from my hospital bed. A blood pressure of something like 225/180 is what put me there. As one doctor put it, "Mr. Brady, you almost exploded."
This cold and sunny morning a bit more than two weeks later marks the first time since my blood pressure soared that I have mustered the energy to write. I have been home for some days, but events have dictated a move to eliminate the danger of stairs. I live on the second floor. The far away laundry occupies the distant basement.
Looking out of the hourglass, as it were, as an emphatically chagrined seventy-five year old, the world looks many-faceted in ways it never looked before. I remain optimistic enough to imagine that I have learned may things, but only one of them seems amenable to words right now: Never - ever - allow the conviction that you somehow possess the unassailable truth. This may, in fact, be the Buddha speaking, and here is the fundamental paradox.
Without knowing it, I was a sick man for months, assuming all the while that my deteriorating state was normal. Not I, but everyone else, was misinformed. I have, I am not much comforted to know, much company. Chagrined, medicated, and watching, I wonder with Mr. Wilson, where is everybody going?
Amid all the endless tear-in-the-voice gushing about how what a wonderful patriot George H.W. Bush was, no one seems to recall that George H.W. Bush was in Dallas when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. He may, in fact, been running the operation.
It was the thing that The Deep State may have required of Bush to give him the push he needed to become CIA director, and later, the President of the United States of America.
If true, it was a Faustian bargain. A deal with the Devil.
I know what you're thinking.. You're thinking this sounds like yet another crazy "conspiracy theory", right?
Maybe. Maybe not. Consider the facts.
George H. W. Bush was in Dallas the day President Kennedy was assassinated.
Despite his claims to the contrary, there is irrefutable documentary evidence that George H. W. Bush was in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, and was affiliated at that time with the CIA, despite protests that he was not associated with the agency until President Gerald R. Ford appointed him director in 1976.
Two FBI memos and a photograph of a man standing outside the Texas School Book Depository are among the documentary evidence.
There's also a memo from FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover that puts Bush in Dallas. I'll reference it later.
This evidence is significant, as it broaches the question asked by some researchers of the assassination: Was John F. Kennedy the first presidential victim of the emerging “Deep State”.
Who were the first champions of The Deep State?
The most obvious names include the first CIA director Admiral Sidney Souers, the first civilian CIA director Allen Dulles, his brother former Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, second director CIA General Hoyt Vandenberg (USAF), third CIA Director Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, investment banker Averell Harriman (Brown Brothers Harriman), first U.S. Secretary of Defense James Forreststal, General Nathan Twining (USAF Chief of Staff who lead the Cold War nuclear escalation, 1953-1957, and Chairman Joint Chief of Staff, 1957-1960), CEO Chase Manhattan Bank David Rockefeller, and others.
All were well known to President Kennedy at the time of his assassination, and Kennedy had less-than-cordial relations with all of them.
And let's not forget that at the time of his assassination, President Kennedy did three things that probably sealed his fate.
First, Executive Order 11110 was issued by U.S. President John F. Kennedy on June 4, 1963.
It was the biggest thing that probably got Kennedy killed -- Kennedy was undermining the monopoly of the Federal Reserve Bank by America's ruling class..
Executive Order 11110 amended Executive Order 10289 (dated September 17, 1951) by delegating to the Secretary of the Treasury the president's authority to issue silver certificates under the Thomas Amendment of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended by the Gold Reserve Act. The order allowed the Secretary to issue silver certificates, if any were needed, during the transition period under President Kennedy's plan to eliminate Silver Certificates and use Federal Reserve Notes.
In other words, President Kennedy was trying to rein in the power of the Federal Reserve Bank, and those forces opposed to Executive Order 11110 played at least some part in the assassination. The issuance of Executive Order 11110 was an effort by Kennedy to transfer power from the Federal Reserve to the United States Department of the Treasury by replacing Federal Reserve Notes with silver certificates. The responsible parties in this theory as American billionaires, power brokers, and bankers...all working in tandem with the CIA and other sympathetic agents of the government -- The Deep State.
George H.W. Bush, as the scion of not one, but four of America's ruling families -- Herbert, Walker, Prescott, and Bush -- represented America's oligarchs in seeing Kennedy dead.
The second thing that got President Kennedy killed was that he rebuked Israel for secretly developing nuclear weapons.
Yup, that happened. Little known fact.
Buried in the archives of the Kennedy Library is a contentious correspondence between President Kennedy and Israeli leader David Ben-Gurion over Israel’s nuclear weapons program. (I read those letters.)
Israel was the leading player alongside the CIA in President Kennedy's assassination as a consequence of Kennedy's determined efforts to prevent Israel from building nuclear weapons, the strategic cornerstone of the Jewish state’s national security policy. At the time of his assassination, Kennedy was strongly opposed to Israel’s development of nuclear weapons and was demanding inspections of Israel’s Dimona nuclear plant, a position that alienated powerful Zionists.
Then, there's there curious case of billionaire Arnon Milchan. It seems he was no ordinary spy. Israel's secretive LAKAM economic espionage unit, which was tasked with securing technology for Israel's secret nuclear weapons program, recruited Milchan in the early-1960s. At one point, Arnon Milchan operated 30 companies in 17 different countries.
Milchan's involvement in arms dealing and intelligence activities became known after the indictment in 1985 of Dr. Richard Kelly Smyth, an aerospace executive and scientist who had made illegal shipments of Krytrons (nuclear triggers) through one of Milchan's companies. This remained largely in the category of top secret classified information until biographers Meir Doron and Joseph Gelman wrote a controversial unauthorized biography of Milchan that was published in July 2011.
None other than future Israeli President Shimon Peres recruited Milchan. Interviewed regarding Milchan's intelligence activities, Shimon Peres stated:
"Arnon Milchan is a special man. It was I who recruited him.... When I was at the Ministry of Defense, Arnon was involved in numerous defense-related procurement activities and intelligence operations. His strength is in making connections at the highest levels.... His activities gave us a huge advantage, strategically, diplomatically, and technologically." (Interview dated February 8, 2010, documented in Meir Doron and Joseph Gelman's "Confidential: Secret Agent Turned Hollywood Tycoon: Arnon Milchan" xi.)
Clearly, President Kennedy knew about Milchan's theft of the nuclear triggers. And clearly, Kennedy rebuked David Ben-Gurion, alienating Israel. Kennedy would not turn a blind eye. Again, Kennedy insisted on U.S. inspections of Israel's secret nuclear bomb-making plant in Dimona. Israel wasn't going to let this happen. No way.
What does any of this have to do with George H. W. Bush.
Well, let Israel itself tell you.
Over the weekend, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with former President George W. Bush, son of the deceased, stating: “On behalf of the people of Israel I send heartfelt condolences to the Bush family and the American people on the passing of a great American patriot, President George H.W. Bush.”
Netanyahu then added a special note: “The people of Israel will always remember his commitment to Israel’s security."
Bush gave Israel billions and billions of dollars in foreign aid, and billions and billions more in military aid. Bush stood by Israel against international boycotts and attempts to force the Palestinian issue through enforcement. He also gave unqualified support to the retaliatory attack on Hezbolla in 2006. The Bush administration leveraged Israeli intelligence as part of its argument to launch the 2003 invasion of Iraq. It also routinely received alerts and information regarding terror attacks and organizations as part of its 'war on terror; campaign.
Bush was shamelessly pro-war, pro-military, and pro-Israel.
The bottom line: The Bush Administration was highly supportive to Israel -- more than Clinton, and much more than the Carter and Obama administrations.
One more thing: Just months before Kennedy was assassinated, Kennedy became aware of an Israeli purchase of about 100 tons of yellowcake from Argentina without the safeguards typically used in nuclear transactions to prevent the material being used in weapons. We now know this previously unknown development from U.S. and British documents that were declassified last year.
Kennedy was on a mission to reign in Israel.
No better man than the CIA's George H.W. Bush to stop President Kennedy.
Bush and the CIA were acting on behalf of The Deep State.
Big banks. Big military. And Israel.
Former Secretary of State and CIA Director Robert Gates said it best: "There's no business like war. And business is good."
Which brings us to the third and final reason that The Deep State wanted President Kennedy dead -- Vietnam.
I won't belabor Kennedy and Vietnam, because a lot has been written about it. Suffice to say that Kennedy was dead 50 days after his decision on October 2, 1963, to begin the withdrawal of U.S. forces from South Vietnam-- only 50 days.
In the search for difficult, ferociously hidden truth, we, the people of the United States of America, have a lot of soul searching to do.
Here is the chronology of events leading directly to Kennedy's assassination:
(1) On October 2, 1963, Kennedy received the report of a mission to Saigon by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and Maxwell Taylor, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). The main recommendations, which appear in Section I(B) of the McNamara-Taylor report, were that a phased withdrawal be completed by the end of 1965 and that the “Defense Department should announce in the very near future presently prepared plans to withdraw 1,000 out of 17,000 U.S. military personnel stationed in Vietnam by the end of 1963.”
At Kennedy’s instruction, Press Secretary Pierre Salinger made a public announcement that evening of McNamara’s recommended timetable for withdrawal.
(2) On October 5, Kennedy made his formal decision. Quoting the minutes of the meeting that day with his national security advisers:
"The President said that our decision to remove 1,000 U.S. advisors by December of this year should not be raised formally with Diem [Ngo Dinh Diem, President of South Vietnam until he was assassinated on November 2, 1963 by the CIA -- just weeks before Kennedy was assassinated]. Instead the action should be carried out routinely as part of our general posture of withdrawing people when they are no longer needed."
The minutes illustrate two points: (a) that a decision was in fact made on that day, and (b) that despite the earlier announcement of McNamara’s recommendation, the October 5 decision was not a ruse or pressure tactic to win reforms from Diem, but a decision to begin withdrawal irrespective of Diem or his reactions.
(3) On October 11, the White House issued NSAM 263, which states:
"The President approved the military recommendations contained in section I B (1-3) of the report, but directed that no formal announcement be made of the implementation of plans to withdraw 1,000 U.S. military personnel by the end of 1963."
In other words, the withdrawal recommended by McNamara on October 2 was embraced in secret by Kennedy on October 5 and implemented by his order on October 11, also in secret. Historians argue that the secrecy after October 2 can be explained by a diplomatic reason. Kennedy did not want Diem or anyone else to interpret the withdrawal as part of any pressure tactic (other steps that were pressure tactics had also been approved). There was also a political reason: President Kennedy had not decided whether he could get away with claiming that the withdrawal was a result of progress toward the goal of a self-sufficient South Vietnam.
The alternative would have been to withdraw the troops while acknowledging failure. And this, historians argue, Kennedy was prepared to do, if it became necessary. He saw no reason, however, to take this step before it became necessary. If the troops could be pulled while the South Vietnamese were still standing, so much the better.
But from October 11 onward, the CIA’s reporting changed drastically. Official optimism was replaced by a searching and comparatively realistic pessimism. Kennedy was assassinated shortly after this shift.
The CIA's pessimism, which involved rewriting assessments as far back as the previous July, was a direct response to Kennedy's NSAM 263. It represented an effort by the CIA to undermine the ostensible rationale of withdrawal with success, and therefore to obstruct implementation of the plan for withdrawal. Kennedy, needless to say, did not share his full reasoning with the CIA.
And then, Kennedy was dead.
Again, what does this have to do with George H.W. Bush? He wasn't named director of the CIA until 1976, right?
Right. But...Here's some evidence that truly disturbing -- a memorandum from FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, dated November 29, 1963.
Under the subject heading “Assassination of President John F. Kennedy,” Hoover reported that, on the day after President Kennedy’s murder, the FBI had provided two individuals with briefings. One was “Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency.” The other: “Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency.”
The memo?
Bureau of Intelligence and Research
Department of State
[We have been] advised that the Department of State feels some misguided anti-Castro group might capitalize on the present situation and undertake an unauthorized raid against Cuba, believing that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy might herald a change in U.S. policy… [Our] sources know of no [such] plans...The substance of the foregoing information was orally furnished to Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency and Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
J. Edgar Hoover
So you still don't think George H. W. Bush didn't spend a lifetime acting on behalf of The Deep State? Still don't think The Deep State exists?
Well, they a boastful bunch. David Rockefeller readily admitted to its existence.
In David Rockefeller's book 'Memoirs', he admits he is part of a secret cabal working to destroy the United States and create a new world order. Here is the direct quote from his book, page 405:
"Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -- One World Order, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
And David Rockefeller to Trilateral Commission in 1991:
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world, if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
As a final note, keep in mind the Rockefellers were created by the Rothschilds, as were J P Morgan, the Harrimans, and the Bush family. George Soros, too. And many others you would likely see at the World Economic Forum every year in Devos, Switzerland.
George H.W. Bush worked for them. All of them. He worked for big banks. He worked for big military budgets. He worked for Israel. He worked for The Deep State.
The dream that was America died the day President Kennedy was murdered. The Deep State murdered it. .
George H.W. Bush?
He was in Dallas on that fateful day, probably running the operation.
Hopefully, history won't forget.
And the Devil will collect on his deal with Bush.
—John Sakowicz, Ukiah
RE: Baby It’s Cold Outside.
Flanders and Swann – Have Some Madeira M’Dear:
Marco McClean
Regarding the health of the Navarro River watershed, still waiting for the Anderson Valley Winegrowers Association to step up with a real policy to protect and enhance the water supply its members use and often abuse.
Thank you John Sakowicz. Sick of this. “War hero” even appeared on my screen.
I cut aside all buddhas and patriarchs,
My mind-sword honed to a razor edge.
Activity’s wheel begins to turn
Emptiness gnashes its teeth.
~Daito Kokushi (1282-1334)
Re: Navarro watershed – please tell me again who has ‘say’ over the sandbar breaching. I seem to remember that People successfully navigated the maze to authorize removal of the sandbar to breach the mouth of the Russian River in order to prevent flooding.
Last we heard:
It has been nearly a week since the last Measure B meeting. The video of the said event is still not available. Does anyone at the AVA know when the video will be available for people like me to view? What news coverage there has been seemed rather mooted. Sources I have who claim they were present, have wondered aloud about what’s really going on…
As always,
last recorded meeting was in September, nothing so far for October, and November. I was hoping that the committee’s report to the Supes would be on video today, I missed it live. The morning session video where the real Mental Health Director (Tom Allman) updates the Supes, has not been made public yet. Maybe tomorrow?
I suspect that the last Measure B meeting was a real mess, everyone fighting for the Measure B dollars.
The Allman Cult v Schraeder Cartel v Adventist Health
James Marmon MSW
Former Mental Health Specialist
deals are being made behind closed doors, Brown Act violation.