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Mendocino County Today: Thursday, March 15, 2018

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LAST WEEK, Maya Kehl, a student at Anderson Valley High School, alerted us that local high school students would be joining a national student walkout to honor the students murdered in Florida. “It will start at 10:00 and last 17 minutes,” she said.

MISS KEHL was as good as her word.

THE 17-minutes of national solidarity, Boonville division, began promptly at 10 am as students silently, and with a solemnity not ordinarily associated with young people, assembled around an explanatory banner in front of the high school gym to demand gun reform, and to remember the 17 young people murdered in Florida by a deranged young man wielding an automatic weapon.

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I WAS DIRECTED to JT Carlin the president of the K-12 student body of 220. I’d already been surprised at the student’s solemnity, and I was surprised a second time to find an impressively articulate young man in an increasingly non-verbal county and country, who efficiently and thoroughly explained the reason for the silent demonstration.

“We want to see our nation's government take more action to protect our nation's future,” Carlin began. “My family has moved around quite a bit. I have been part of several families. And guns have been a common fixture in them. They are a big part of a rural community like this one. But there's a fine line between owning and responsibly using a firearm and using it like these shooters have. The Second Amendment is very tricky on the subject. There are ways of regulating guns which do not undermine the ideals that our country was founded on. If they want to keep the Second Amendment intact while reducing the risk of these shootings, there needs to be more regulation and education to teach people how to safely use firearms. We also need more mental health screenings, and more background checks before purchasing a firearm.”

THE FULLY INFORMED Carlin went on to explain that AVHS is a “fairly low risk school in a small community. A troubled kid has a lot of people he or she can turn to. People who have problems need to be identified early on then get help. Our school does a fairly good job of that.”

AV Superintendent Michelle Hutchins (L) and AV High Student Linda Mendoza (R).

FOLLOWING a brief address by high school principal Jim Snyder, the students filed back into their classrooms.

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Candidate List – June 5, 2018 – Gubernatorial Primary Election

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FOR YOUR BLIND LEADING THE BLIND FILES: Ukiah Unified Superintendent, Deb Kubin, and high school principal Gordon Oslund, tried to keep the press off campus today for Ukiah High School's gun protest. When the Ukiah Daily Journal's reporter and photographer arrived on campus this morning they met a KZYX reporter who said she'd just been asked to leave. The Journal team plunged on. Superintendent Kubin told the paper's photographer that he needed school permission to be on the premises. Kubin was correctly ignored. Kubin and Oslund are apparently unaware that California law specifically allows the media onto any public school campus to cover news without "signing in." Moreover, students' and teachers are also protected by the First Amendment to talk to the press on campus. And Kubin and Oslund are doing what? Preparing the young to function in a political democracy?

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INTERIM COUNTY AG COMMISSIONER, Diane Curry, resigned Tuesday but got the patented Mendo Perp Walk anyway. Curry, a long-time County employee, called the County's Human Resources Department to say that she'd had enough and was retiring, and a few minutes later security appeared in her office, took her keys, and escorted her off the premises. We understand that Curry is now on paid administrative leave, but her precise status is unclear, and nobody's talking.

THE SMART, CAPABLE administrator was put in an impossible position. She was handed a preposterously complicated marijuana licensing scheme, large parts of it out of her hands, devised and constantly re-written by the bumbling Board of Supervisors and their erratic and bad tempered CEO, Carmel Angelo, and told to make it all work. Curry subsequently informed the Supervisors in open session the pot licensing program was an impossibly unworkable scheme, but she soldiered on trying to make it work despite constant additions of confusion by the Supervisors and Angelo and state agencies.

A PERMANENT Ag Commissioner named Joe Moreo of Modoc County was hired just days ago to assume the reins of the pot scheme from Ms. Curry, only to get himself perp-walked outta there after only a week in the impossible job of somehow making marijuana a major income source for the perennially broke County.

DIANE CURRY was again in charge of the office. And also lasted a week. She got her perp walk on Tuesday, as her many friends and colleagues are left wondering at the final insult she gets as reward for her years of service.

THE SUPERVISORS and Angelo have always had marijuana-like hallucinations that pot production would magically add untapped millions to the County's coffers. But only an estimated ten percent of local farmers have attempted to negotiate the County's cockamamie licensing process, and among the first persons to sign up was a Ukiah man promptly raided by the County's Drug Task Force operating on a "tip" from a Sheriff's Department employee who lives next door.

AS IT HAPPENED, a large number of marijuana people were outside her office when Curry was marched out of her Low Gap Road office, some of whom were so upset at the spectacle of her being escorted off the premises like she was a criminal, they burst into tears. Curry was very popular with the farmers who were conscientiously trying to get themselves legal because Curry was just as conscientiously trying to help get them legal.

THE LAST STRAW for Curry seems to have been CEO Angelo's order that Curry move her office to the CEO’s office, away from the AG Department and her staff. Angelo's order seems to have been calculated to drive Curry out.

AND TO THINK, it was only 40 years ago when the County's then-Ag Commissioner, Ted Erickson, was fired by the Supervisors for including marijuana in the County's annual crop report. Erickson made it clear that pot was the County's number one export, but the County's leadership preferred to ignore the obvious.

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(Photo by Judy Valadao)

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On March 3, 2018 at about 9:10 AM Mendocino County Deputies were dispatched to a reported alarm sounding at the Napa Auto Parts store in Covelo. When Deputies arrived on scene they observed that one of the windows to the front of the business was broken and had been covered with plywood. Deputies met with the business owner and determined the window had been broken by a rock being thrown through the window. Deputies located the large rock inside of the business on the floor. Further investigation and talking with neighbors Deputies learned Eraina Davis, 29, of Covelo was seen leaving the area of the business when the alarm activated in connection with the sound of glass breaking.


Deputies searched the area and located Davis near Grange Street and Highway 162. The Deputies contacted Davis who was staggering and appeared to be intoxicated. Davis also had blood on her hands and face. Davis had several lacerations, one to her face, one of her hands and leg. Covelo Cal-Fire and the Covelo Fire Department arrived and treated Davis at the scene. Deputies learned Davis received her injuries when she broke the window at the Napa Auto Parts store. Deputies asked Sheriff's Office dispatch to check Davis for warrants and probation. Dispatch advised Davis was on County Probation and one of her terms was to abstain from any alcohol. Davis was placed under arrest for Felony Vandalism and Violation of Probation. Davis was transported to Howard Memorial Hospital and treated for her injuries. Davis was subsequently booked into the Mendocino County Jail where she was to be held in lieu of $20,000 bail.

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On 03-04-2018 at about 8:03 PM Deputies from the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office conducted a traffic stop in the area of Howard Street and Lovell Street in Covelo, California. The vehicle was stopped for several vehicle code violations. The driver of the vehicle was unlicensed at the time. There were also two passengers in the vehicle, one of them was the front passenger identified as Ambrose Sky Fallis, 18, of Covelo.


The owner of the vehicle gave the Deputies permission to search the vehicle. When Fallis exited the passenger side of the vehicle one of the Deputies observed a glass methamphetamine pipe and he was subsequently detained. Further search of the vehicle revealed a loaded AK47 style assault rifle between the passenger front seat and center console. The rifle was removed from the vehicle and rendered safe. Fallis was found to be in possession of the same ammunition as what was in the assault rifle. Upon closer inspection of the firearm it was determined the serial numbers were altered, removed or covered up, which is a felony. Fallis was evaluated and found to be under the influence of a controlled substance. Fallis was placed under arrest for being Armed in the commission of a felony, possession of a loaded firearm while under the influence of a controlled substance, Carrying a loaded firearm in public, Removing or Altering a serial number, Possession of an Assault Rifle, and Possession of a Methamphetamine pipe. Fallis was booked into the Mendocino County Jail where he was to be held in lieu of $40,000 bail.

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by Kym Kemp

The Shelter Cove Road below the General Store is caving away. (Photos by Erica Gray)

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"This is the condition of our road into and out of Shelter Cove!!” Erica Gray, a first grade teacher at Redway Elementary posted about the rural Humboldt County road she must drive to work. “The school bus drives through this every day carrying our children. This is a dangerous and quickly deteriorating situation!”

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(Photo provided but not taken by Erica Gray)

Gray’s post which has been shared 170 times by last night has stirred a response in her community. Residents say that this stretch of the Shelter Cove Road located below the General Store has grown more dangerous every day since the first chunk slid away in 2014. Some worry that the remaining road could collapse as the school bus drives over it. In addition, Shelter Cove relies on its tourism and the road is challenging at the best of times due to its curves, steep cliffs, and remote location. This gaping hole could cause tourists to not want to come to the area.

Gray and some of her neighbors have begun to call Supervisor Estelle Fennel and Senator Mike McGuire trying to get help with their road. She took these photos yesterday. “The surrounding ground is sinking and has cracks, so I was too scared to get closer than this!” she told us.

We’ve reached out to the County to try and get some sense of what is planned for the road and haven’t yet heard back.

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(Another view of the slipout by Erica Gray)

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LITTLE DOG SAYS, I was wrong about Bushansky. He's not a bloodhound. He's Bobby Bushansky, a knuckleballer in the old Southern League, Memphis Stars, I think. They used ol' Bushy outta the bullpen. They'd start hard throwing guys like Eli Grba, the Serbian Slingshot, then go to Bushy with his 60 mph flutter ball! Big fan favorite. Played into his 80s in the Mexican leagues.

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Redwood Valley re-build expo — Readers can find the pertinent meeting information at:

Thank you,

Michael Oliphant
Chief Building Official
Planning & Building Services
County of Mendocino

PS. The new 2016 codes are now available!

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CATCH OF THE DAY, March 14, 2018

Hennigan, James, Keys, Malone

DAKOTA HENNIGAN, Willits. Under influence, paraphernalia, silencer, offenses while on bail, probation revocation.

ROBERT JAMES SR., Ukiah. Probation revocation.

RONALD KEYS, Ukiah. Controlled substance, paraphernalia, probation revocation.

KRYSTAL MALONE, Fort Bragg. Failure to appear.

Moreno, Morris, Nunez, Parmely

ELIAS MORENO, Santa Rosa/Ukiah. Failure to appear, “proceedings.”

DYLAN MORRIS, Fort Bragg. Burglary, vandalism, civil rights violation causing injury.

JOSE NUNEZ, Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-alcohol.

JACOB PARMELY, Ukiah. Parole violation.

Ramirez, Shed, Webb

JULIAN RAMIREZ, Ukiah. Renting a vehicle to a person with an interlock device restriction, suspended license, probation revocation.

KIERA SHED, Ukiah. Probation revocation.

ANTONE WEBB, Sonoma/Ukiah. Probation revocation.

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New City Manager responsive about new fence at South Noyo Point

I wrote to City Manager Tabatha Miller:


Ms. Miller, please have the new fence at South Noyo Park taken down. It obstructes the view, greatly. Many people come to the park to spend their time enjoying the view from their cars as they eat lunch, read a book, stay out of the rain, etc.

I cannot believe this was approved!

Thank you.

Susie de Castro

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Tabatha Miller replied:

Good Afternoon,

Thank you for the welcome. The fence is in place to protect new landscaping that has been installed. We are looking at the feasibility of lowering/removing the top rails to reduce the obstruction of the view. I will also take a trip out to the park to take a look at the fence.

Thank you for the feedback.

Tabatha Miller

City Manager, City of Fort Bragg

(707) 961-2829

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Thank you not only for your time but concern for these issues I’m addressing. As you are aware, living life under-educated, fighting drug addiction and struggling to even survive a life below poverty every day is an ongoing uphill battle to stay alive let alone keep the family together. That's why in this letter I’m taking a stand on behalf of Lake Couinty inmates and people who suffer because of lack of education and who have fallen victim to such an unfair court system. In Lake County people who have been in arrested for various crimes are either detained, taken to jail or issued a promise citation to appear in court. On arraignment day nearly all people appearing are unable to afford counsel. Therefore the county appoints counsel from the so-called "indigent attorneys list." The list consists of very few attorneys who legally practice private law. But because of such a low level of average income these attorneys become dependent on the County of Lake to provide a paycheck. This group of attorneys becomes nearly the sole defense for any person who allegedly commits a crime. The poverty level is so overwhelming. People housed here alone in D-pod are around 44 inmates. Only one, I repeat only one man can afford having or hiring a private counsel.

As you can see we the people of Lake County rely on appointed council's advice during court proceedings! Basically we are totally unaware of any rights or criminal law. Counsel can suggest anything and we just follow along to plead out to anything because we assume our attorneys would never lead us the wrong way. We plead out to a conviction so the District Attorney is happy and funding continues to filter in.

Attorneys never fully inform any of us of all the advantages and disadvantages of our plea, let alone truly investigate and build a defense. It's impossible. There just is not enough hours to honestly prepare a proper defense. The attorneys are overworked and give very little care to any case because they assume all defendants will take a deal before trial. If an inmate does push through to a trial the district attorney is so much better prepared that they make the defendant look totally guilty solely because of poor preparation. But once the inmate appeals a court's finding of guilt and higher appellate attorney directs the entire case in court proceedings its rulings are overturned due to ineffective assistance of counsel.

Lake County has one of, if not the highest conviction rate in the state. Why? Because we are undereducated, below poverty, and the community is unaware of our rights. The justice system needs to be held accountable in so many different areas. Inmates should at least be advised of their rights and educated in some way of the laws and procedures of criminal law cases. We the people have given up too many valuable years of our lives because of poor information provided by counsel.

Our local courthouse is run by friends and coworkers etc. who have become extremely comfortable with feeding the justice machine with very little regard for defendants’ rights. Why should they care? They are getting paid either way at the end of the day or week. The district attorney and defense counsel are paid by the same people. Court is unjust in every way. I'm sure it even gets dirtier the further you dig. Judges, District Attorneys, defense counsel, sheriffs, city cops need to be accountable to someone. Not just covering for each other. I want to see a positive change and bring back life to this beautiful county we call home. Begin to educate, help and love one another. Our children deserve equal opportunities and should not continue to suffer because mom or dad is taken off to jail, misrepresented and convinced to take a deal of extreme unfairness and unable to return home. Really we just sign away our lives away on the installment plan — in and out and through the revolving door with no hope of ever living our dreams of being free. This process goes on year after year since the beginning. It's time someone exposed this injustice. Time for us to care for thy neighbor, love thy brother and sister. So I’m begging for your help, and advice you may have for me I would greatly appreciate. I strongly believe with blind faith, guidance and a few caring people in the right place we'll begin to see change. It starts now with you. Please use your resources to help us who are less fortunate. God bless you.

Benjamin Keator #59245 D-pod
Lake County Jail, 4913 Helbush Dr.
Lakeport, CA 95453

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I was sadly surprised to hear that public shows at the Santa Rosa Junior College planetarium are to be eliminated. I have attended these shows for decades, and they have been a great, affordable, local form of educational entertainment that could be shared by everyone from young to old.

Outside of SRJC, the nearest planetarium is 50 miles away and substantially more expensive. Also, there is no live person to answer questions after the show.

I know that managing costs is a necessary thing and that the recent fires added to the difficulty in doing so, but I beseech the junior college to reconsider this decision. The planetarium is a unique gem and an asset to our community.

Perhaps there is a way that has not yet been considered, such as saying the planetarium could remain open contingent upon a certain amount of season tickets being sold at the beginning of the school year.


Santa Rosa

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If I had to do it over again, I would home school my kids.

But as it was, I always supplemented by kids education by taking them to many museums and state and national parks. In high school, there were so many kids that just wasted the time of the teacher/other students by misbehaving. I’d outsource subjects that I, or my husband (an electrical engineer) couldn’t manage teaching.

As it was, I outsourced the foreign language requirement by enrolling my kids in BYU’s high school program. The only foreign language option at their high school in San Jose was Spanish, and the faculty was so bad that kids were smoking pot and climbing out the back window. (The tenured teacher that taught Spanish 1, was a joke, it took 10 years to fire her.) BYU has an excellent, affordable, accredited online programs for Spanish, and many other subjects – just an FYI for anyone else out there with high school-age kids looking for alternatives.

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by Noyo Center for Marine Science

Sunday at 2 PM, Fort Bragg Town Hall

Kelp forests all along the North Coast are being decimated at an unprecedented rate. Come learn more about the disastrous impact this is having on marine life, including our the abalone and red urchin fisheries. The Noyo Center is collaborating with key partners to help create “kelp refuges” along our coast by clearing purple urchin from key locations. Key partners will be on this panel:

  • Sheila Semans, Noyo Center
  • Cynthia Catton, CDFW
  • Jon Holcomb, Urchin Diver
  • Josh Russo, Watermen’s Alliance
  • Anna Neumann, ReefCheck

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(Tales from Covelo)

by Zeek Hopkins

This particular Thursday Dave, J-Bird and I were headed to the swimming hole down in Hulls Creek. We had two bikes between the three of us. About 2 miles into the trip it was decided that we would get there faster if we were all to ride on one bike. Dave gave J-Bird his shirt to sit on so he rode with his feet sticking on either side of the front tire. At this point neither boy had a shirt on. We were all in cut off jean shorts. I was wearing shoes and was able to stand on the back bolt and nuts that were sticking out of either side of the back tire.

Ditching the little bike my brother had been riding we all got situated and took off down the road again. About another two miles down the road and one corner from the “chimney” J-Bird somehow let his foot slip into the front tire. It was at this point things began to happen a little faster.

The boys from what I could tell later stayed with the bike and hung on for dear life. I on the other hand was catapulted off the back and over the boys heads. IT felt like I was surfing about 3 inches off the gravel road. Coming to a grinding halt about 15 feet down the road.

The good news was I was alert, the bad news was neither boy responded to my calling their names. More bad news They were in the middle of the road and Dave had blood coming out of his mouth and we were on a blind corner and a logging truck could come along any minute and run us all down. There was a steep bank on either side of the road so no one would be able to get out of the way quickly. I untangled the bike trying not to move either boy.

If there was a spinal injury I didn’t want to aggravate it any by moving the boys until I had a better handle on things.

Seeing blood coming out of from around Dave’s mouth I gently turned him onto his side supporting his head, neck and shoulders I did what is called a log roll. At the time I didn’t know that’s what it was, but I instinctively knew that’s what ya do when someone has possible head, neck or back injuries.

I paused to listen for any barreling logging trucks that might be headed our way. Then I looked around for anything that might be useful. I peered over the bank to the dry creek bed and there were a few shallow pools with some water in them. It would come in handy to wipe off the blood.

Removing the shirt that was on the bike, I vaulted over the bank down to the stream 25 feet away and soaked a corner of it in the water. Scrambling back up the steep embankment I went over to Dave and began to gently wipe the dust and grunge and yes the blood too away from around his face. His stirred a little bit. “Don’t move”, I said. He quit moving and lay still again. He opened his eyes and asked what happened. I told him we crashed and to hold still a while longer. I asked his if he hurt anyplace. I think he responded with a grown. His knee was bleeding and his shoulder had an abrasion on it. There was a chain mark across his forehead and there was a pool of blood on the ground.

At this point I told him not to move and I went to the stream again to clean out the shirt. When I came back up he was just getting up. Putting my arm under his and around his shoulder I helped him up and over to the side of the road. Pausing to listen for any logging trucks I told him once again to stay there while I looked at my brother.

J-bird started to moan so I figured I had better get his foot out of the front tire of the bike before he came to and started yelling up a storm when I went to dislodge his foot. I had to work on it a bit to get it loose, but finely was able to get it unstuck.

The bike was now free and I moved it and my brother to the side of the road with Dave. Telling them to sit there until I returned with a cleaned shirt from the stream. I again vaulted over the bank and down to the stream. I cleaned up my brother who didn’t seem to be as out of it or bleeding as much, but he also had an abrasion on his shoulder.

I needed help and I needed it fast. The closest house was a mile way. It was too far to take the boys as Dave wasn’t steady on his feet and needed the support of someone there. J-Bird seemed to be able to walk without help, but would wonder so needed a hand held to keep him on the right path. This wasn’t going to work. It would be next week before I got them to a safe place. Going to the house would mean I would need to take them up a very narrow winding section of road where if a truck were to come along at a fast speed it had the potential of creating a bigger accident. The best thing I could think of was to take them down to the creek and have them sit on the rocks while I went for help.

“Okay guys”, I said. “I’m going to take you guys to the creek. You have to stay there until I get back. I’m going to the neighbors to get help.”

I helped Dave up and grabbed J-Birds hand and off down the game trail to the dry creek bed we went.

“It would be safer for them by the creek than on the road”, I reasoned. They were both still very out of it and I figured that they out to have the since not to drowned in 2 inches of water, but maybe not the agility to dodge a speeding logging truck.

I kept telling them that they had to stay put. “Don’t move until I get back, I am going to get help. You need to stay here. Do you understand?” They nodded that they understood, but I wasn’t convinced. I again told them to stay and not move and wait for me to get back.

Dashing up the bank and down the road I headed to the closest neighbors place. It’s the fasted I’ve ever run a mile in my life.

June came to the door with my incessant knocking. One look at my dusty clothing, the blood dripping off my chin and onto my shirt, more blood running from my knees into my socks and she went into rescue mode.

“Come in!” She said. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

“No!” I replied. “We need to go get the guys!” I said.

“They are down in the creek by the chimney and in worse shape than I am.” I said.

June disappeared into the house for car keys and a roll of paper towels and an old towel. She laid the towel down on the back seat and told me to get in and away we went.

The boys however seemed to become more aware of their situation. And realized they were hurt, but didn’t know what had happened.

“What are we doing here?” J-Bird asked Dave.

“I don’t know.” Dave responded. “We should probably try to make it home.”

Helping each other up they walked together up the path to the road. Once they reached the raod neither one knew for sure what direction to go. On a normal day this would have been easy, but they were not quite fully there yet.

“We should go left,” said Dave.

“I think it’s to the right,” said J-Bird.

They argued a bit as to who was right and then decided to head right.

Just as we were about to the narrow winding section of the road we spotted the boys wondering in the road towards us.

June stopped the car and we loaded to dazed boys into the car. One on either side of me in the back seat.

“Why didn’t you guys stay put?” I asked. They didn’t seem to know what I was talking about. And kept babbling about not knowing what happened.

June headed towards our places. I knew that my folks weren’t home, but I had access to first aid supplies and that was all I needed to bandage us all up.

Just as we reached our mutual driveway my mother was returning from town. June hailed her to stop. My mom looked in the window at me and said I looked okay, but when she looked at the boys, they didn’t look so good.

June decided to take Dave home, so my brother and I got into the car with my mom and headed off home. We were just getting the first aid supplies out when June arrived at our door saying that Dave’s parents weren’t home and could she leave him with us as my mom was an RN and June would rather she look after us.

I told my mom to take my whining brother and I would clean up Dave. I patiently worked to clean the gravel bits out of his shoulder, knees, elbows, and hangs. His face I kept cleaning and cleaning. From what I could see it was clean, but there was a lot of hamburger going on between his chin and nose.

Dave’s folk picked him up a few hours later and took him to emergency later that evening where they were able to flush out a bit more gravel. They were pretty hot about the whole thing. I guess I would have been too if I’d been in their position. Thankfully we all lived to see another day.

It was now time to get the chunks out of me. I dug out a couple chunks of gravel the size of a pea from both elbows and some smaller grit in my knees and the palms of my hands. My chin was hard to see so it took longer to clean up.

A box of Q-tips later and we were all cleaned up with bandages and salve on our wounds.

It took about a week for the lighter abrasions to heal, but about twice that for the bigger gashes and holes those took about a month to fully heal over. Dave ended up with two wooden teeth.

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We’re Back!

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The Mendocino Women’s Choir celebrates our 26th Anniversary with our traditional spring concert series, this year at Eagles Hall in Fort Bragg.

We celebrate our many years together with songs of freedom, courage, and humor, as well as singalongs and well-loved classical pieces. Over our 26 years together, the choir has shared friendship and camaraderie with more than 130 members.

This season our dances will feature rock and roll, a bit of tango, and the ever-popular tap-dancing.

Eagles Hall, on the corner of Corry and Alder Streets, provides a welcoming venue, with new graduated audience seating.

The choir will sell wine and beverages and delicious treats from Bollivers by Robert Goleman

We invite the community to join us in celebration for our 7:30 pm performances on Thursday April 19, Friday April 20, Saturday April 21, and for the Sunday matinee at 2:30 p.m.

Ticket prices are $18 for adults, $12 for seniors and children over 12; $5 for children under 12

Tickets go on sale March 26 at Harvest Market in Fort Bragg and Silver & Stone on Main Street in Mendocino.

Call 937-4612 for more information and visit and our Facebook page.

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The CDC (Center for Disease Control) web page falsely states that “genetic factors...have a role in causing”… obesity.

Obesity which is responsible for the diabetes epidemic kills thousands every year. Other established medical authorities such as the Mayo Clinic and the Cleveland Clinic state on their web pages that the causes of obesity include genetics. The CDC also says on its web page that genes do not cause the epidemic of obesity.

How can genes both cause and not cause our recent epidemics?

What is going on here?

The CDC and the medical profession are clearly misleading the public by confusing and conflating two different concepts. In this way they obscure and deflect our attention from the socioeconomic causes of these epidemics.

First concept—

Genetic causality: Genetic diseases are inherited mutations of a single gene in human DNA. They are quite rare according to the World Health Organization.

Genes do not cause obesity, diabetes Type 2, or opioid addiction.—“Genetic changes in the human population occur too slowly to be responsible for the obesity epidemic”.

The “obesity epidemic can be considered a collective response to …environment.”

This is also true for the recent epidemics of diabetes Type 2 and opioid addiction. Confusion regarding this issue creates the illusion that these new disease epidemics are our destiny over which we have no control. External socio-economic forces which we can control are in fact the causes – a profiteering food industry along with pharmaceutical corporations and the medical profession.

Second Concept--

Our individual susceptibility, vulnerability or risk for any illness or disease, is due to many poorly understood factors, only one of which is our genes. For example, there are over 50 genes associated with obesity, “most with very small effects”

Not everyone gets the Flu (Influenza), becomes obese, develops diabetes or an addiction to opioids. We all have differences in susceptibility, vulnerability or risk for any disease. How each person responds to the changes in the environment, only suggests that genes may play a role.

The CDC and medical establishment is clearly misleading the public by confusing and conflating two different concepts concerning genes. In this way they obscure and deflect our attention from the socioeconomic causes of these epidemics. The medical establishment is leading us to believe illness is in our DNA, it is our destiny. We are all victims of our DNA.

The truth is that we are victims of capitalism and our destiny is to confront and change the socioeconomic forces that cause our modern disease epidemics. The obesity and diabetes epidemics are caused by the profit driven food industry’s introduction of high calorie food and drink. The opioid epidemic was caused by the criminal actions of a pharmaceutical corporation and the criminal negligence of the medical profession.

We may have no control over our DNA, but we can and should control our environment, which is the major cause of our present epidemics.

If profit over people capitalism is not working for us we should create another economic system that puts the people’s health first.

Dr. Nayvin Gordon


PS. Dr. Gordon is a California Family Physician who has written many articles on Health and Politics. He can be reached at:

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That’s right, folks: We do the General Knowledge and Trivia Quiz at Lauren’s Restaurant on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month and so I hope to see you next week on Thursday, March 22nd.


Steve Sparks/Quiz Master

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Immortality Is Us

Twelve hours since waking up in my peaceful room in Honolulu, still continuously watching the activity of the mind. Regardless, we are not these bodies, and we are not these minds. We are never the appearance of playing any part whatsoever in the social life's dramatics. The entire worldly play must be objectively witnessed! There is nothing else to be achieved. If you want to help this world, then be established in the fourth dimension.

Craig Louis Stehr



  1. George Hollister March 15, 2018

    “Ted Erickson, was fired by the Supervisors for including marijuana in the County’s annual crop report.”

    Which reminds us, the Ag Department had a full plate before marijuana regulation, including publishing the annual crop report.

    • George Hollister March 15, 2018

      I believe the last crop report was published for 2015. As Tom Allman has stated, this not the County of Marijuana.

  2. Arthur Juhl March 15, 2018

    After missing the BOS meeting I did not get another headache. The Supervisors should travel to Colorado or whatever state has legal marijuana. That would give them some knowledge on how to proceed with a proper solution. In my opinion they are hurting the small farmer who is just trying to survive in this economy. Also they should work with the State to assure the the Federal government will stay away. That is my opinion from what I have observed in the meetings and reading articles. Arthur E. Juhl, candidate for the 5th district Supervisor

    • james marmon March 15, 2018

      Mr. Juhl, most of Washington’s, Oregon’s, and Colordo’s Pot is grown indoors, very little outdoor growing. Mendocino County is part of the Emerald Triangle, which has the perfect climate for outdoor grows. We are unique here, that’s what made us so famous, Outdoor Pot is the best, so I hear.

      James Marmon MSW
      Former Substance Abuse Counselor

    • Ted Williams March 15, 2018

      While I fully support adoption of models proven successful elsewhere, Mendocino County must live within the State framework. We can’t simply implement the policies of Colorado.

      Systems don’t respond well to abrupt and dramatic changes. The goal should be to get all small growers above-board with permits before gradually increasing regulations to deal with actual problems. We need to get cannabis off the front page and focus on the roads.

      • james marmon March 15, 2018

        River (aka John McCowan) is also against small grows, he wants to put everyone in prison who prevents a single drop of rain from getting to the Grape Growers. Look what they’re doing to my old friend Bear Lincoln, jesus christ! A felony?

      • james marmon March 15, 2018

        The Todd’s, Supervisor Carre Brown’s next door neighbor put in one of the largest collection ponds I’ve ever seen, its purpose is to drain the ground water for grape vineyards. In Potter Valley you just need to put a shovel in the ground and water sprays up. There is a hard pan just a few feet down that keeps water from draining, in the winter time, Potter Valley is just a swamp, no pun intended Carre.

        My friend who owns a cattle ranch on the other side of the Todd’s hopes to benefit from the pond as well, he will be able to graze his stock longer and decrease the need for expensive hay.

        When I was with the laborers union I worked for several companies who constructed such ponds. This one is unbelievable by my standards.

        James Marmon (aka Jim Woolley)
        Former Pear Orchard Owner/Grower
        Potter Valley, Ca.

      • Lazarus March 15, 2018

        I think Mendo politics really doesn’t want pacololo…With the many hoops, whips and traps these genius’s have bestowed on the simple mom and pops, why would anyone want to do all that and get a fraction of what the market previously was. If you can get out of state, which most can, you can still get nearly 2K for the weed, perhaps more. Screw these people, they’ve wrecked a stable Mendo economy in the name of some bullshit morality play, in a lame attempt to pad their pet projects and themselves with so-called easy money. The first thing you do is replace everybody from that CEO right on down…but good luck with that.
        SHAME to all who have done this…! SHAME!
        As always,

    • Stephen Rosenthal March 15, 2018

      Oh yeah, that’s what we need – an all expenses paid trip to Colorado for (1,2,3,4,5?) of our already overcompensated Supervisors. Maybe if they bullrush it through, they can get in some skiing, too. I’m sure you’ve given the departing Supervisors food for thought. Not a very brilliant idea, Mr. Juhl.

  3. james marmon March 15, 2018


    I was perp-walked out of my office twice as a Mendocino County employee, once for a mold complaint and another time for scaring Byran Lowery and AJ Barrett shitless when I told them I was going to expose them for their incompetence and corruption. Its not fun, very demeaning.

    James Marmon MSW

  4. chuck dunbar March 15, 2018

    It’s tough to hear about yet another good person leaving the County. I am sorry for the way you were treated, Diane Curry. Carmel Angelo has been at the helm for way too long. When she got her position, the County overall became meaner-spirited, to the detriment of staff and services. Her nasty influence became very clear the longer she was there. As an SEIU steward, I saw it in the ways staff members were treated if they had done something that caused them to be investigated by Human Resources. HR used a guy out of Rohnert Park to do some of their work, and he was an absolute jerk, really a prick. He treated those under investigation as if they were criminals. I filed a complaint against him, to no avail. Carmel should just leave and go out to pasture and let someone decent and sensible take over. Shame on her for all the destructive, mean things she has done. It would be a great thing for the County to have a new start.

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