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Letters (Jan. 3, 2018)

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This alert is for PG&E customers who opted out of "smart" meters.

For those of us who paid to stick with our vintage analog meters, PG&E now sends meter readers out every other month. That's six reads per year. For the other six months, in between reads, PG&E "estimates" usage. Then, the next month, everything sort of gets caught up with the actual read. But there's a catch...

If PG&E estimates too high for the unread month, it can push some of that month's "estimated usage" into higher-priced tiers, making for a more expensive month. Then, the following month, when the actual read (the total for the past two months) turns out to be much less than "estimated," usage that month will be slight, perhaps all within the baseline rate, and the bill for that particular month will be much smaller.

The cheat is: PG&E does not reconcile the upper-tier overcharging that resulted from their high estimate the first month. They just quietly keep your money.

And the beauty of this ripoff is it also works the other way; that is, if they under-estimate the first month's usage (let's say all of it at baseline rate) that bill will be small. But the next month, when the actual read is made, your "usage" will be much higher (because you are now catching up from the under-estimate) and, once again, you get unfairly pushed into higher-tiered rates.

I discovered this swindle after noticing the seesawing of our bill totals. I looked more closely at our past four bills and discovered both versions of this ripoff (low/high and high/low). Our actual usage for those four months should have all been at the baseline rate. We used a total of 1135 kWh (kilowatt hours) over that stretch, and baseline allowance was 1255 kWh. We used 120 kWh less than the baseline allowance. But because of this dishonest accounting trick, PG&E managed to push 168 of our baseline kWh into their higher "Tier 2" rate.

When I called PG&E to ask about it, they said, Yes, I was correct, but there was nothing they could do about it. I asked to speak with a supervisor and she said the same thing. I asked her to submit my request for restitution to their billing department, which she agreed to do, while also assuring me (with a hint of amused delight in her voice) that "they would do nothing about it." I asked to hear back from someone (after this decision to do nothing was made) and was told it would take about ten days.

So, if you are a PG&E customer, and you opted out of a SmartMeter, and you've noticed a fluctuation in your month-to-month energy bills, I encourage you to take a closer look and see if they are pulling the same stunt on you. If so, call them (1-866-743-0335) and demand restitution. If enough of us do that, they might figure out a way to do something about it.

Mike Kalantarian


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Dear AVA,

This is the real Joshua Clayton Hanover.

For one thing, this is the first time I've ever written you, so whoever wrote you slandering me and impersonating me over Trevor Jackson and David Eyster is real pathetic. For one, Trevor Jackson got us up on trimming job. Then he had the cops already there to arrest us while he got away and set up five other people in the process to get out of a 12 year sentence on the previous robbery of a pot garden. Everybody in this county knows that Jackson has been working with the law for years all the way back to the Shane Hutchinson’s murder and now his wife impersonates me and slanders me in the paper. How pathetic is this?

I've been in jail since July 17. Every letter I write and send out of jail, they make a record of. And I never once sent a letter to you until now because I read my name in the paper saying some stuff I never said and you guys printed it. You guys make me look like a fool too.

To the County and David Eyster: isn't there some kind of law about slandering? So for the record, if you guys don't want a lawsuit, I suggest you set the record straight and pull my name out of your paper and please believe my lawyer will be getting ahold of you.

Thank you,

Josh Hanover


ED NOTE: We can’t find any reference on line to a “Shane Hutchinson” murder. For you handwriting analysts, the originals of the two “Josh Hanover” letters can be seen on our website:

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Thanks for the recommendation of the Errol Morris film Wormwood in the latest Off The Record. I gave up on Morris a long time ago because he is so God Damn busy cinematically. Why all the Dutch camera angles of the same car driving by 17 times or ridiculously extreme close-ups of alphabet letters spinning round and round until the effect is similar to eating alphabet soup as a kid and then vomiting? Just have Eric Olsen talk and play that because that's what's interesting. But Morris being Morris, he's got to clutter up the frame with stupid shit because he’s got to let the cinematographer know HE’S THE BOSS!

If you want good Morris check out Gates of Heaven or Vernon, Florida or The Thin Blue Line. After that save your time.

Add to that Morris is a pompous prick. I worked on one of his film sets, a commercial for Taco Bell I believe. Yes, the great Errol Morris makes Taco Bell commercials. He was going on and on at lunch, holding court if you will, about how Fuad Ramses, the creepy Egyptian cannibal caterer was the protagonist of Herschell Gordon Lewis’s 2000 Maniacs and was crushed and splattered to death in the back of a garbage truck on a Miami Beach sidestreet at the end of that film. When I politely corrected him that the film he was thinking about was Lewis’s brilliant Blood Feast and not 2000 Maniacs he fucking hit the ceiling. No one corrects Errol Morris. No one. But I digress.

My wife and I are slogging through Wormwood and it's a chore but it's worth it I guess as I'm learning about this Olsen incident which I was only spotty about up till now.

But reading your paper I've often wondered why you think the tinfoil hat crowd is so ridiculous in thinking the ridiculous things they do. Didn't I.F. Stone say that all governments lie? And didn't the government lie to Eric Olsen? So why is it such a stretch to think lots of people killed JFK and the World Trade Center Tower whatever was brought down by a controlled detonation? And why not believe my neighbor when he says that the United States Air Force is shooting "info rays" into his titanium knee-cap?

Why is it considered insane to think everything this government says is a lie?

Ralph Coon

Los Angeles

ED REPLY: Assuming they're dangerous is a sound starting point for sure. I agree about all the Last Day At Marianbad, filmic razzmatazz in Wormwood. If the story weren’t so compelling, I’d have chucked it. I met Coppola at Tosca in SF, and it was like chatting with a guy who walked in off the street. Very pleasant man who said he liked the ava, which he occasionally picked up across the street at City Lights. I could drop other big shot names, but the greatest American movie director ever will have to do for now.

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Re: Stickup!

Not often do I find myself in such total agreement with a writer in the AVA, but Michael Koepf nailed it. Our current county administration doesn’t deserve a raise. The BOS is ineffective and barely hides the fact that they don’t care about the citizens of Mendocino County. And Carmel Angelo now receiving upward of $300k a year compensation is a travesty! Please people remember this ruthless graft when election time comes around. Don’t reelect a single one of the current board. Anybody running for a seat in the next election should make it part of their platform to roll back this recent raise.

Monika Fuchs


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CNN AM, 12/28/17

Ray Moore, Alabama, challenges election results due to” large voter turnout”. (Large turnout=Voter fraud?). They were bussed in to vote.

I remember the 10th anniversary of the March across the bridge in Selma. They were interviewing participants and witnesses. A Lady says “We came down here from E. St. Louis, Illinois, wearing our full Regalia nun’s habits, to march with Rev. Martin Luther King and freedom.”

An eyewitness to the March says, “Oh, you must be one of those people who dressed up like nuns to infiltrate the demonstration!”…10 years later the nuns aren’t wearing those Catholic Burkahs anymore.

Ask my Auntie, Sister Louise. How glad was she to be rid of those blinders? Can’t this eyewitness see?

Maybe some ideas won’t change…Forever Fraudulent Fixations.

Where’s John Belushi when we need him? The Penguin sent him on a mission from God, remember? It’s time for those of us who remember tyranny- from Rome, Italy ; Rome , Georgia; Washington, D.C.-wherever, to stand up together---Enough, Already! Any candidate or Party which disenfranchises ½ of the population to maintain its greedy power must go.

Look out, Boys: Freedom Marchers, complete with inhalers, walkers, nostril-plugging oxygen tanks, canes, hearing aids, are still stirring up shit.

See you at The Peoples’ Marches, nationwide, on January 21, 2018. God Bless. She loves us all.

Patricia Beverley

Prineville, Oregon

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Dear Editor:

We want to sing the praises of the animal shelter in Ukiah. Our farm is run by a 10 yr old German Shepard/Aussie cross; she's a guard, a greeter, a companion and smart as a whip. She's slowing down and we decided to find her a buddy she could train to help her so we went to the shelter to see who was there.

A few weeks ago we picked up a beautiful, smart and loving one-year-old German Shepard mix from the County Animal Shelter in Ukiah. As we strolled through the kennels filled with a large number of pit bulls, I was arrested by one dog that literally stood up and reached out to me pleading to be loved. The information on the tag by his cage said that he was was a bit of a wild "man" and in great need of training.

On the advice of the shelter staff we brought our female 10 year old German Shepard/Aussie mix, the "farm boss," with us to do a meet and greet. Two staff people took the two dogs to a nearby field to spend time observing how they handled themselves together, give us advice, and answer questions while we all watched. It was concluded that they would most likely become buddies once the shelter dog ran off his energy, the memory of the cage, and learned some manners, and that our farm dog would teach him what he needs to know.

It's been a few weeks now and Pito is learning quickly and ChiChi is teaching him what we can't.

We found the entire experience to be wonderful, from our first visit to the clean and well run shelter, to the helpfulness of the knowledgeable staff while there and after we adopted him. If you want or need a pet please consider visiting the shelter first, and don't ever forget to spay your pet if he or she comes from elsewhere.

Nikki Auschnitt & Steve Krieg

Petit Teton Farm, Boonville

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Thank you for printing these letters that the liberal media would never allow.

Anti-Americanism in this country. People are trying to take our Second Amendment, our First Amendment, the National Anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, everything that's connected with what brought our country up as a country, they are trying to take this all away from us every day. These people have no respect for the thousands and thousands of people, black and white, who gave their lives, either getting shot to death, drowning, starving to death, bombed to death, living in concentration camps, to preserve our freedom in this country. These people who are trying to take this away from us live off our food and the things we supply for them, the things the government gives them, their freedom, the laws that protect them. They should be shipped to a different colony, put on an island somewhere. If they want to be communists and be anti-American send them to a communist country! Like North Korea or Iran or Syria. Let them live in that country for a while and see how they like it and see how much longer they’d be criticizing the way the United States was brought up. It makes me sick to my stomach. These people know who I'm talking about. They ought to be ashamed of themselves for showing their faces in public.

Our historical monuments have been taken down, destroying our history and what we did over the years and things we are remembered by. Our wars and stuff: they denounce that too.

The governor of Arkansas, Asa Hutchinson, has now told all his state police that they will honor people who are openly carry weapons. Can you imagine that happening in California? Under the new governor coming in? I can't believe it.

The sandbar blocking the Navarro River is now about 20 feet wide. So the fish cannot get in. Naturally. They stay out in the ocean getting killed and eaten by sea lions. And the water cannot get out. The reason they don't let it out is they are afraid it will drain the estuary which would endanger the lives of salamanders, polliwogs, frogs and you name it. Yet they will let Highway 128 go underwater with the slightest chance of rain and then all the traffic has to come through Flynn Creek Road through Comptche and out to the coast on Comptche-Ukiah Road which is almost impassable in some places where the county has not worked on it for months. Doesn't that make sense? What a bunch of wacko stupid illiterate environmental people trying to run this country. Doesn't that make you sick? It does me.

Back in the old days in the 50s the good people in this county used to go down and open up the sand bars to let the fish in and let the water out. But that cannot happen any more because if you get caught with just a teaspoon down on the beaches right now it's jail time for you! Our park officials are so weighted down with armament that they can hardly walk. And CDF and Fish and Game. I could go on. They have more armament on them than our entire military. It's incredible!

What's happening to our tax money? Why are our roads in such bad shape? Why is this county so broke? Could it be that they are spending our money stupidly? They are certainly not fixing the roads! They do not fix any of the infrastructure. Nothing will run. Yet our taxes keep going up. What's the answer to that? I don't understand. It makes me sick to my stomach to see this country being run by a bunch of idiots when there are so many hard-working people who pay their taxes and try to keep up with all the stupid laws and the other crap we have going on these days. It's just ridiculous.

I do think it's a good thing that some of our tax money goes to law enforcement. They have a lot to deal with. There are a lot of scumbags coming into this country run by Dr. Jerry Kim Jong Un Brown and his sanctuary state. Sheriff Allman and his crew can use more money actually. To help straighten things out and keep things under control.

Those anti-Americans use our roads, and eat our food and wear our clothes and use the traditions that have developed over the last 150 or 160 years but they want to bite the hand that feeds them. They want to shut down everything that has anything to do with the good old days and the people who built this country. They ought to be forced onto airplanes and flown to another country and dumped out and that would be the end of it.

Happy new year,

Jerry Philbrick


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To the Editor:

My name is Christofer Ryan McNeil. I'm 22 years old and currently incarcerated in Mendocino County Jail. Under the circumstances in California law I am guilty! But, I'm still human and deserve justifiable Constitutional rights even being incarcerated. This brings me to my story of health hazards in the Mendocino County Jail.

I am currently classified in the isolation module! Iso for short. It is used for diagnosed mental health inmates who have severe needs. Isolation has a maximum capacity of five inmates at any given time, all of whom have to occupy cells by themselves. Iso has two high definition surveillance video cameras monitoring the rooms at all times. The cells are 12 x 7, very small and compact.

After minimal classification, I have been thrown into an isolation cell and forgotten in a cell used to house mental health inmates. Fortunately I have no diagnosis of being so. I know my rights, yet I am placed in a mental health module with absolutely no mental health needs or requirements.

All the isolation cells have obvious feces, mucus, inflammation or snot dried all over the walls. These cells are never cleaned because they house and classify mental health inmates who cannot physically take care of themselves and keep their environment clean.

So what do Mendocino County jail deputies do? They turn a blind eye and ignore the fact that we are human and let us live in other inmates’ feces and urine. The professional stance would be to take the initiative to clean the highly hazardous contaminated cells for multiple health reasons. Luckily I have obtained cleaning supplies such as broom, mop and highly diluted disinfectant that could be mistaken for water. I do a most diligent hard-working job, scrubbing as much feces and urine off the walls and crevices as possible.

We are not supplied proper gloves or covering of the hands when doing so. Time and again I repeat these cleaning habits with little or no success. My cell now looks significantly better than it did before. But due to all the hundreds if not thousands of inmates who occupied this isolation cell before me without the proper cleaning supplies and cleanliness the hazardous wastes will never come out. I ponder everyday how correctional deputies, sergeants, lieutenants and commanders can professionally walk by these five isolation modules and completely ignore the fecal matter on the walls. They are obviously in need of a serious cleaning. Feces has a significant negative effect on the human body and health.

I refuse to live in an unsanitary, hazardous environment. So I was adamant and I declined to move to the isolation module unless it was cleaned. Correctional deputies then sprayed bleach and disinfectant on the walls carelessly and proceeded to announce, "Good enough."

I then put in hours of work to get the isolation cell in a livable condition for my benefit. To this day I will never get this cell clean enough. But day and day out I will give it my all.

To my knowledge based on self investigation Mendocino county jail is a state and federally run facility. Under California law they have to sufficiently meet the requirements of health and safety codes and regulations. Where are these health and safety inspection personnel? I know they have not been to this jail in at least 10 months and we have no knowledge of their arrival.

If Mendocino County Jail was inspected by higher-ups they would be declared exceedingly neglectful and would receive an F Grade. Therefore they would be in big trouble with federal inspectors. Feces and urine on the walls of isolation is the biggest downside. This jail does not have a lot going on, trust me. All they do is feed 300 inmates, give them a shower every other day and that's it. Come on, it's not like the LA County Jail.

Please, Mendocino County Jail, get in line with the standards. I request only minimal requirements. Fecal matter or human waste and urine is highly infectious. Especially if in direct contact with any open wounds.

Although I have only two months left unless it's I wish that something comes about on this issue. I hope that my statements and concern are shared with friends and family. This jail is malicious, unqualified and corrupt regarding health and safety.

I understand that criminals who are a menace and continue to break laws and our community and give our society a bad name deserve punishment. But to let seasoned officers see this human waste hazard constantly and not take action is unacceptable. Deputies who work inside the jail are the only individuals who can change a single thing and they don't. It is ridiculous and illegal and 100% a health and safety concern. When the county Board of Supervisors commissions an inspection of this jail it will come under severe scrutiny and will fail miserably. When this happens Christofer Ryan McNeil will say I told you so.

I appreciate readers taking time to read my submissions. Special thanks to the Laviletta, McNeill, Allegaert and stepdad Jassenn all the continuing support they continue to provide. I will be on my way home soon. Feel free to write if you have a question. I always write back regarding the illegal running of this jail. Thank you.

Christofer Ryan McNeil

Isolation #2, Mendocino County Jail


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Every time I read of a planned DUI checkpoint, it makes my blood boil. One of our basic rights is the freedom to move about without interference unless we have committed a crime or unless police have probable cause to believe we have committed a crime. At checkpoints, neither is the case. We are simply detained against our will so that our “papers“ can be checked. Just as if we were going from one country to another.

Allowing this was one of the worst decisions ever made by the U.S. Supreme Court, and it needs revisited. I’m glad we weren’t told to do this when I was a police officer. Even though it provides overtime and drives up retirement benefits, I would have fought to not violate the Constitution that I hold so dear. I’ve yet to encounter a checkpoint but plan to refuse to provide my license if I do. This needs to get back to the court. Maybe the so called conservative justices will do the right thing this time.

Ken Good

Gig Harbor, Washington

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To the AVA,

My name is Garrett Coughlin. I was just sentenced to three years to be done right here in the Mendocino County Jail for receiving stolen property for a flatbed trailer that I didn't even steal that was brought to my mother's property without my permission.

But the real reason I'm here is that my mom's property is where Trevor Michael Jackson was living and staying while on the run for attempting to rob one of District Attorney's David Eyster’s 7,000 plant grows off of Covelo Road, an illegal grow. The owners of the marijuana grower’s property were never charged for the grow, actually having all the plants returned to them in full. David Eyster wanted me to testify against Trevor Jackson for a different charge on top of what he was already pleading guilty for, kidnapping and second-degree robbery which with my testimony would have given him a life sentence.

Since there was no way I could even think of doing that to somebody, let alone a close friend, I told David Eyster where to stick it. He was furious and he punished me to the fullest for a bogus-ass charge that would have otherwise been dropped.

But that's enough about me. I'm writing to you for other reasons than myself. What I want brought to public attention isn't about my unfortunate fate, it's about the corruptness and insanity of the laws, proceedings, and the incompetence of our District Attorney David Eyster and the Deputy District Attorney McMenomey in a case that I'm now getting ready to explain. Everything I'm getting ready to tell you about this case which I'm getting ready to explain is the 100% truth.

Roughly six months ago my 16-year-old daughter met up with some friends of hers and went and had lunch at Applebee's right here in Ukiah where for the first time she met a man who worked there who was with one of her friends she was eating lunch with. His name is Clayton Garoutte! (I don't know if his last name is spelled exactly correctly, it's a French last name and, pronounced ‘Garew,’ but I think it's pretty close to being spelled correctly.) When she asked him how old he was after being introduced while eating lunch at Garoutte’s place of employment, Applebee's, he told her he was 18, and when he asked her how old she was she responded 16. He then commented, Oh, so you are the baby of the bunch. She at first thought he was a nice and honest young man, but he turned out to be an evil monster who has destroyed and scared not only a big part of my daughter's life but me being her father as well.

Turns out Clayton was actually 25 years old, not 18 like he said he was, and from the moment he laid eyes on my beautiful baby girl he had only one intention set in his mind and I’m going to tell you my daughter’s story of the hell this man put her and I throuigh and the injustice and incompetence of the District Attorney David Eyster and the man who works under his guidance who prosecuted this case, Deputy DA McMenomey.

So, after eating lunch my daughter and her friends decided to meet up with Clayton Garoutette after he got off work to go to Lake Mendocino to go swimming at the south boat dock side of the Lake. Three of her friends stayed in the car. They showed up to meet him and her and another friend hopped in the truck with him and then the two vehicles started their journey to the Lake.

But on the way Clayton decided to take a detour and stopped by Safewa along the way. He told my daughter and her other friend in the truck with them that he was going in to get some alcohol and that he'd be right back. She then asked them how he would be able to do that because he's not old enough. He then said, "Don't trip, I've got connections." So a few minutes later out he comes with half gallon of Jim Beam and off to the Lake they go once again!

So now they're all at the Lake swimming and having a good time like kids do. And yes, my daughter had some of the Jim Beam to drink! She told me she was feeling a little tipsy and hungry. So she got out of the water. When Clayton asked her what was wrong, she explained, and said, Here, you just need some more of this, and he convinced her to drink more alcohol. He then told her four other friends to go get some McDonald's and that he and my daughter were going to stay there at the Lake and wait for them to come back with the food. My daughter didn't even know he sent them to McDonald's without her. And when she asked him where did her friend go, he said, Don't worry, they went to get food, they'll be right back, here drink some more this. And he then forced the alcohol on my daughter who at this point was drunk. Peer pressure and drunk, he continued to feed her with Jim Beam. My daughter then stated that she didn't feel good and did not want any more alcohol and that she was very cold from swimming. So Clayton said, well, let's go sit in my truck, I’ll turn the heater on.

And that's all my baby girl remembers until she woke up to the hellish nightmare this monster put her through! She told me and the reporting deputy Clegg that she must have passed out from the alcohol and no food in her belly and from the heat in the truck. But when she came to this 25-year-old man was on top of her, raping her without a condom. She told me and Officer Clegg that she then begged Clayton to stop, you’re hurting me, please stop, I just want to go home.

But does he? No, he continues to do as he pleases and there is nothing my daughter can do about it because she weighs about 95 pounds and this piece of bleeping bleep monster weighs over 250 pounds.

So now to me and everybody with any sense at all it becomes forcible rape. This animal didn't stop until he heard a car coming and thank god it was my daughter's friends back from getting food at McDonald's. Once Clayton noticed that he stopped and threw my daughter out of his truck to the ground. As she hit the ground she rolled underneath his truck and tried to cover herself up and replace her swimming clothes over her exposed body! She then got up crying and got into her friend’s car saying, I just want to leave now. Her friends were confused askign her what was wrong? But she was so shaking and scared that she couldn't talk about it. She just wanted to leave.

Her friend, the driver of the car, got out and asked Clayton what's going on? Clayton said with a smile, "Don't say anything, but I just fucked that girl!" And this same friend made that exact statement to the reporting officer, Clegg! So my daughter and her friends in the car took off leaving Clayton there by himself.

A little ways down the road my daughter broke down even more and eventually told her friends exactly what happened from everything she remembered that animal put her through! And instantly they drove her straight to the hospital and called the police. I was notified and I was informed by the police and her friends what had happened. The hospital then did a full and complete rape kit test on her, feeding her about 15 different kinds of pills for killing diseases like AIDS and to stop her from becoming pregnant. At the same time they swabbed her vaginal area for traces of semen which came back positive as coming from none other than Clayton Garouette!

Now here's the part that not only kills me as the father and has my daughter so freaked out, scared, crying nonstop and causing her to not be able to sleep at night and on top of all that is causing her to have more seizures than she usually has due to her being epileptic which should terrify you as a community of Mendocino County:

After only six short months this rapist monster was back on the streets.

And here I am, her father, sitting in jail for a trailer crime I didn't steal with minimal evidence against me and out in the real world this animal is released with all the evidence in the world stacked up against him!

To top it off, the District Attorney has dropped all of this rapist’a charges stating that it was my daughter’s word against his and she was drunk! He didn't even convict him of contributing alcohol to a minor or even statutory rape, even though it was no doubt full on a forcible rape case.

And it gets even better. Clayton was released to go back to where he was living when this horrifying thing happened to my daughter, damn near right across the street from Frank Zeek elementary school. And it's not if a rapist will rape again, its when!

So here I sit for an insane felony that I didn't commit with little evidence against me instead of being able to be out there for my daughter when she is in so much pain and needs her daddy the most and this guy is released back into society with no punishment at all with more evidence against him than I can shake a stick at for a crime that is the most ruthless and violent of any crime there can be other than child molestation which is in the same category in my eyes and all that I can come up with as the reasoning behind his release with all charges dropped is that 1) David Eyster made sure this would happen because he had a personal vendetta against me for his hate for Trevor Jackson whom he thinks I helped. Or 2) David Eyster and deputy DA McMenomey condone this type of crime and activity only in Eyster’s case with young boys, or 3) the judicial system of the courts of Mendocino County thinks it's okay and has more concerned and feeling for the rapist and not the victim who was raped. It was so tragic and unfortunate to have been my daughter in this case. Or 4) After my family was able to get into Clayton Garoutte’s Facebook they discovered that his number one faithful friend was none other than Tom Allman himself.

So to the publishers of the Anderson Valley Advertiser I can only pray to the good Lord up above that you will publish this in your paper if not for just me and my daughter's sake, but for the sake of the community of Mendocino County and for the sake of many parents who have children attending Frank Zeek elementary school. If I knew the address of the Press Democrat I'd be sending them this also. But unfortunately I'm in jail and I don't have access to be able to get it so I pray I can count on you there at the AVA to at least put some kind of closure on this inhumane, terrifying event that has totally taken control of my daughter’s feelings, sanity and life!

Thank you very much for your time and patience to read my heartbreaking story.


Loving Father, Garrett J. Coughlin


PS. This man Clayton Garoutte doesn't even have to register as a sex offender because he was released with all charges dropped.

ED NOTE: Most inmate letters can be found on line, we don’t have room for them all in the print edition.


  1. Jeff Costello January 3, 2018

    Re “anti-Americans” – I wrote a letter to the Seattle Times a long while back, and was declared “un-American” by some future Trump voter. It was a great moment. I would guess that the Philbrick idea of a real American is “Just Like Me.”

  2. Marco McClean January 4, 2018

    Re: Mike Kalantarian’s complaint about PG&E.

    Think of it this way: in the old days, we’d go to a gas station and expect them to send a guy out to your car, put the gas in your car, wipe your windows and check your oil level, then take your money and give you change, and say /Yes, sir/ and /No, sir/. Because that was the way it was.

    Now it’s a new way, where we don’t have to pay extra for the guy to do those things, but you still want the guy to come out to your car and serve you, so you demand it, and when he does, you call it a rip off when you have to pay him. That’s not right.

    The smart meter reads itself and sends the info. No servant is required to come snooping around your house, making your dog bark, and taking a chance on making a mistake on your bill and getting bitten.

    If you want a human servant to serve you, why shouldn’t you pay more?

    Maybe PG&E is ripping us all off in other ways, but smart meters are a good thing, and they pay off for everyone in better managing the electric load and supply.

    • Mike Kalantarian January 5, 2018

      Okay, Marco likes smart meters, but in his haste to tout them he completely misses the point.

      Let’s try the gas station analogy again…

      You pull in and fill up with regular. Later, at home, you take a closer look at the receipt and realize the gas pump charged a few of your regular gallons at the premium price. Take the receipt back to the station, explain what happened, and they say “tough luck, no refund.”

    • izzy January 6, 2018

      There was a good deal of controversy when so-called Smart Meters were first rolled out, for a number of reasons. They have not gone away. Billing problems and ‘servants’ are the least of it.
      Whatever one may think about exposure to yet more EMF radiation, certainly having your house burn up is in another category. Apparently just outside power line fluctuations can make the things backfire. There were several reports about smart meter explosions during the recent Santa Rosa fires.

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