Greetings! We are making plans for hosting the Second Annual Print Sale for Noyo Printworks. The opening reception is scheduled for Friday, December 1st.
We have outlined various details in preparation for presenting artwork for the show and sale.
The sale will be open to the public on:
- Friday, December 1st (1st Friday) from 5 to 8 p.m.
- Saturday and Sunday, December 2nd and 3rd from 11 to 5
- Saturday and Sunday, December 9th and 10th from 11 to 5
- Saturday and Sunday, December 16th and 17th from 11 to 5
This would maximize public awareness and access to Noyo Printworks and hopefully stimulate interest and sales of work in support of the exhibiting artists and Noyo Printworks in general.
Work included in the sale can be solarprints, etchings, dry-points, engravings, aquatints, monoprints, monotypes, wood & lino cuts, letterpress prints, broadsides, cards, etc. - in general, print techniques that Noyo Printworks’ facilities support.
Work to be hung on the wall must be framed and ready to hang. These need to be small-ish in order to showcase as many examples as possible for the limited wall space. Other work will be shown in print bins and/or on a table-top. These prints must be either matted or mounted on backing boards and covered with clear protective plastic sleeves suitable for handling. Clear plastic sleeves can be ordered from www.ClearBags.com in a wide variety of sizes with self-stick folding closures or perhaps locally at Racines. We are looking into purchasing a card rack for letterpress and lino/woodcut greeting cards.
Pricing: Each art work must be clearly labeled with artist’s name, contact information, date, medium, and price that includes a 20% commission for Noyo Print Works.
All work must be delivered (ready to hang or “bin”) to Noyo Printworks:
Tuesday, November 28th between 12 & 4 p.m. OR
Wednesday, November 29th between 12 & 4 p.m.
Work must be picked up: Sunday, December 17th between 12 & 4 p.m.
Please list each artwork individually with Artist, Title, Date and Medium Price that you are submitting for this show & remember to include a 20% commission in your prices.
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