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Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Aug. 10, 2017

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To the Editor:

There have been some ironic and disturbing revelations in the past couple weeks.

One is the news that instead of costing a mere $300 million, the Caltrans Willits Bypass actually has cost $460 million. Compare that with the City’s total general fund expense (in the proposed 2017-18 budget) of $4.2 million — in other words, the money spent on this freeway could have provided police, parks & recreation, roads & public works, planning, and administration for our entire City for well over 100 years.

Because of the Bypass’ impact on our local economy, and in turn the City’s expected reduced gas, sales and transient occupancy tax revenues, the budget projects a $400,000 general fund deficit. The Bypass cost more than 1,000 times that shortfall!

Most of the Bypass cost was borne by state taxpayers (which includes us, of course), but about $42 million came from MCOG’s transportation funds, wiping out pretty much all funds for our entire county’s needed road projects.

It’s no use crying over spilt milk and all those hundreds of millions of dollars that could have been saved if Caltrans had considered a different bypass — one that better served our community, environment and Native heritage.

Now we must try to put our town on the map as one of the best towns in northern California, worth getting off the freeway for. Try to help our businesses survive and thrive post-Bypass. Count on our small City staff to keep our services going with their dedication.

But then it’s especially ironic that Caltrans, on a small little project here in town, decided it was more convenient to cut down four lovely old cork oak trees on Main Street in front of the High School than to work around them. Shade, beauty, and nature weren’t valued. Again, no use crying over spilt milk…

But there’s something wrong with the priorities in this country and in this state, when billions are siphoned from programs that serve public needs and instead give tax cuts and enrich the richest few, the special interests. When we spend more on prisons than education. When we ignore climate change while continuing to burn coal, frack for oil, and — yes — build more freeways and cut down trees.

Here locally, what are our priorities and values? In whatever ways we can, I want Willits to be part of the solution. Let’s help and support each other in our community, make improvements that benefit all, and protect the precious resources we still are blessed with. It’s up to us, individually and collectively, with our hearts, hands and brains, to make the future we want for our children and grandchildren.

— Madge Strong, Willits

Ed note: Madge Strong is a member of the Willits City Council

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QUIZ NIGHT, TONIGHT, THURSDAY! For those not in attendance recently, I should inform you the team from Comptche has won the General Knowledge and Trivia Quiz four times in succession. Needless to say this is intolerable, unsatisfactory, disagreeable, and simply not on. I trust that I can rely on some locals to end this shocking state of affairs. Tomorrow, Thursday, August 10th starting at 7pm would seem to be a very good date and time to start.

Hope to see you there,

Steve Sparks/Quiz Master

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Virgil Grant III was sentenced to six years in federal prison in 2010 for owning and operating six dispensaries in the Compton, Gardena and Van Nuys areas. A man the Los Angeles Times has called "the de facto leader of the cannabis industry," Grant will be my guest Thursday, August 10, 9 a.m. Pacific, on The Cannabis Hour on KZYX. Opening doors for people of color in the cannabis industry will our focus. Grant is president of the Southern California Coalition and the co-founder of the California Minority Alliance. We'll talk about the fact that people of color are more likely to receive stiffer penalties for marijuana-related charges than non-minorities and how that might change. If you can't tune in tomorrow on, listen to the archived version on

See you on the radio!

Jane Futcher

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Every year, the Redwood Empire Fair honors outstanding individuals and businesses who exemplify the spirit of community and the embodiment of success, according to Fair CEO Jennifer Seward.

This year’s seven award-winners were honored at a VIP gala during the Fair.

The Little River Inn was named Business of the Year. The Inn has been acclaimed by CNN as one of the best hotels along the California Coast. Fifth-generation Innkeeper Cally Dym, the great-great-granddaughter of the Inn’s builder Silas Coombs was honored for creating a destination spot for tourists, wedding parties and local residents desiring an unforgettable coast getaway.

John McCowen received the Blue Ribbon award for his many years of service, first as a City and County Planning Commission member and then as Second District Supervisor for Mendocino County. He has spent the past 21 years working in city and county government and was lauded for his coordination with the North Coast Resource Partnership, which resulted in millions of dollars for county endeavors, including funding for the City of Ukiah’s recycled water project. He has been instrumental in cleaning up the railroad tracks that traverse the Fairgrounds.

The Livestock Award was presented to Lewis Brown, who has spent over 60 years as a rancher on his family’s land. Brown has been the recipient of numerous breeding awards and has acted as a mentor, coach and friend to countless young people through his associations with 4-H, FFA, Potter Valley High School and the Mendocino College Athletic Program.

An Exemplary Service Award was given to the Mendocino Music Festival, which has been providing unrivaled, diverse musical performances from their Big Tent in Mendocino Village for 31 years. The Festival attracts music-lovers from around the world, who come for the music and stay for the hospitality, food, wine and spectacular scenery of Mendocino County.

The Hopland Research and Extension Center received an Exemplary Service Award for the work that has taken place on their 5,000-acre University of California property for over 66 years. Along with significant research, the HREC has played a central role in educating and supporting youth and the greater community through their outreach, 4-H and Naturalist programs, while providing critical information and guidance to the region’s agricultural community.

This year’s Media Award was presented to sister stations K-WINE 94.5 and MAX 93.5, which provide the public with a wide range of news, sports, entertainment and music broadcasting, reaching key demographic audiences and delivering both Top 40 pop music and Classic Rock to fans throughout Lake and Mendocino Counties.

The Industrialist Award was presented to Looney Tuned Exhaust. Ukiah native Randy Looney turned his passion for fast cars into a world-class custom exhaust manufacturing business, which began by Looney sweeping floors for Ross Liberty, Factory Pipe CEO, and morphed into his own successful business, employing up to a dozen people and serving clients from around the globe.

Jennifer Seward, CEO, Redwood Empire Fair
(707) 462-3884

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To the editor:

Around at 3:15 PM on Sunday, July 16, we suddenly had clouds of smoke and ash coming over our houses. Unknown to us was a truck fire that started on the 101 grade to Willits and quickly spread to a grass fire. Normally, Calfire and local agencies would have been able to keep it, like most recent local fires, to a few acres of charred grass. But this time strong winds were blowing in from the west and rapidly took the fire up and over the hills toward Baker's Creek Road. On the way, it charred 900 acres, burned some trees, an outbuilding, an orchard, and a farm garden. All residences were saved; no lives lost. With the winds pushing and plenty of dry fuel, it was a fire that could easily have become a much larger disaster.

We had all cleared areas around our houses for just such an event, but even that would not have been enough. The fire came up to the west side of Baker's Creek Road but was not allowed to go further. If it had crossed the road the fire might not have been stopped until it reached the valley floor and many more homes.

What saved us and limited the damage was the quick, skilled, well coordinated and overwhelming response of Calfire and our local fire agencies. Our deepest thanks and gratitude to the firefighters, pilots, sheriff’s deputies and the sizable support system who worked so hard to stop the fire and keep us safe.


John and Laura Knapp, Robert and Ann Horton, Jaye Moscariello, Bill Taylor, the Pardini family, Dennis McCarthy, John Whitcomb, Charles and Devon Anderson — and our other neighbors on Baker's Creek Road.

John Knapp

Redwood Valley

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Dear Editor,

Captain Fathom’s Fables continued.

Ukiah, August 17 — We find our sunrise at our favorite home away from home about empty. At 100 degrees few people desire their vacation in an oven. The streets of Fort Bragg and Ukiah are filled with homeless. Nobody, however is starving, due mostly to the “labor self-help program.” They steal-beg or whatever.

You need not be a fortune teller to predict anger and violence are coming with the cruel winter. The new leadership of the IWW Earth First with the Heil-Perkins and John Fremont will "reap the harvest." So be it.

Alan ‘Captain Fathom’ Graham


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(We’re watching your every move.)

(Click to enlarge)

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PG&E or Clean Power

Cynthia Myers:

Sonoma Clean Power or opt out and stay with PGE? What's the better deal?

Lenny N. wrote:

Sonoma Clean Power.

I was quite hesitant at first, so attended the mtg they had at Town  Hall. It was very informative, and my hesitation turned into full support.


Due to the court proceeding from PGE's 2004 bankruptcy filing, PGE had  to divest themselves from owning the electricity sources. So even  though your old bill looked like everything still came from them, they  were (are) actually purchasing the power and reselling it to you.

When (if) you switch to SCP, the bill now shows SCP as the power broker  instead of PGE. PGE's charges are for infrastructure and delivery  (which has gone up significantly).

Neither PGE nor SCP produce the electricity, they are both power  brokers. The difference is in where they source it and how they each do  business. SCP sources as locally as possible and encourages small, local  producers (including that windmill in your back yard).

PGE has always served this coast well, especially in all those damaging  storms. They will continue to do so, and be well paid with their  infrastructure/delivery fees. There are benefits and downsides to their  being a huge corporation.  SCP is tied to Sonoma County government, and yet their own nonprofit.  The income is kept local and reinvested in local sources of power.

Marinela Miclea

I was automatically put on the Sonoma plan and have a so-called Smart Meter. My understanding was that, in addition to feeling good about using "green energy," I'd get a lower bill. That didn’t turn out to be the case.

My electricity bill in August 2016: $75.82 vs. August 2017: $138.70. That’s an 83% increase - despite same house, same usage, and same number of occupants.

Why? They raised rates, combined tiers, and assigned a very low 8.9-kilowatt baseline for the coastal zone (just enough to run fridge, stove, toaster, computer - clothes dryer or dish-washing machine will kick you into a higher tier). If you want to see which of your appliances suck up the most electric juice, turn each one off in turn from your circuit breaker, wait a couple of minutes, and look on the meter dial.

My current PG&E bill split the $138.70 total into $38.40 for Sonoma Clean Power Electric Generation Charges and $100.30 for PG&E Electric Delivery Charges.

Could someone who opted to stay with PG&E for power generation as well as distribution disclose how their current bill compares with the same period last year? And perhaps someone else who doesn’t have a Smart Meter could do the same comparison?

My hypothesis is that PG&E has successfully ripped us all off. Want to test it?

Sakina Bush:

Sonoma Clean Power is not a partner with PGE. They fought PGE and for years. (PGE spent moe than 20 million dollars fighting them) SCP is a non-profit Community Choice Aggregation that is owned by the cities of Cloverdale, Cotati, Fort Bagg, Petaluma, Point Arena, Rohnert Park Santa Rosa, Sebastopol, Sonoma, Willits, Windsor and the Counties of Sonoma and Mendocino. It is owned by us, the public, and as far as I know we are not in collusion with PGE.

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ED NOTE: Here at the mighty ava we've just gone solar and Sonoma Clean Power, almost simultaneously. We think Sonoma Clean Power is a very good deal if you're solarized, but you won't get a break on your bill if you're non-solar and stuck with PG&E. You will, however, with Sonoma, be supporting cleaner energy as PG&E, a so-called public utility, continues to gouge you.

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(Boonville August 9, 2017)

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JERRY COX of Navarro reports: "Today, I received the second call telling me that the IRS is filing a suit  against me and to call this number. This is a ‘scam’ on Senior Citizens to get into their credit card and bank accounts. WARN SENIOR CITIZENS!"

SENIORS are duly warned. Speaking as a person who can feel the Reaper's breath on his neck, I haven't seen or heard a neo-scam yet that got me to bite, but some of them are pretty good. The most prevalent, and apparently the most successful, is the one that persuades the elderly that a grandson or daughter is in a foreign jail and needs money fast for a lawyer. The cops in the Bay Area regularly issue warnings about that one. (A friend told me he got that call, and told the scammer, "I'll pay double if you torture the no good dope head, too.") The scam I do fall for regularly is movies, but that one only costs me a few bucks and a tub of popcorn. Wait. There's one more that hooked me: NPR. I belong to Mendo Kinda Public Radio.

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James Begley, Fort Bragg CA


Divers searched Tuesday outside of Fort Bragg’s harbor but found no sign of a kayaker apparently missing since early Sunday, according to the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office.

The investigation into the whereabouts of James Begley, 64, continued Wednesday but there was no active search.

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MSP pulled to the side of SR-128 when we heard the EMERGENCY Broadcasting System alert go off.

Was it an earthquake? Tsunami ? Nuclear War?

We have no idea because the message was intelligible.

Glancing to the east, however, we noticed blossoming thunderheads so have to "guess" that was what the warning was for.

Thanks for nothing KZYX!

(Courtesy, MendocinoSportsPlus)

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The 35th Annual Blackberry festival will be held on August 19th from 10am to 6 pm and August 20th from 10am to 5 pm. Admission is free.

Master of Ceremonies, Mickey the Clown will kick off the festivities on Saturday. Enjoy a blackberry slush while listening to the numerous local musical groups playing throughout the entire weekend. Sip a glass of Mendocino County wine while strolling around the arbor full of arts and craft booths. At 7pm on Saturday, join the community for a fun square dance.

On Sunday there will be a motorcycle and antique car show featuring both local and out of town vehicles.

Further festival information can be found at

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by Jeff Costello

Here in Colorado, both marijuana and casino gambling are legal. I have no moral judgment on this, other than pot was more fun back when. Speaking of drugs, a clear 40 year-old memory sticks with me... Sitting in a Sausalito houseboat waiting to score some dope, and looking at the others waiting, I wanted badly to think, "I am not one of these people." Denial is a strong mechanism. Just ask Donald Trump.

Now, all these years later and having given up drugs, legal or not, I find myself going "up the hill" occasionally to Black Hawk, a small town at 8537 ft. some 40 miles west of Denver. If you see casinos in places like Las Vegas or Monte Carlo in the movies, the gamblers are all elegantly dressed and behaved. That's the movies. The reality of gambling establishments as I know them is something else altogether.

In a sense, here I am back in that houseboat, denying the fact that I am indeed "one of these people." At 71, it is a struggle to grow old gracefully, and many of the people in the casinos have have not done so. I can still still walk upright - and look where I'm going, two basic faculties that an alarming number of casino goers lack. I've never seen so many people in my basic age range hobbling around in walkers or being pushed in wheelchairs - often with oxygen tanks to help them breathe. Altitude may have something to do with this, I suppose. As a "low roller," it's great to go home with a hundred dollars more than I came with, and at least equally bad to leave with a hundred dollars less. This is justifiable if one realizes that people will pay more than that to go hear some rock band loud enough to make them temporarily deaf.

Add to this walking wounded scenario some basic rudeness, an inconsiderate "get out of my way" factor in so many of the general crowd, although there are some who know to behave in a civil manner even when occupied with a form of selfishness. As an old ex-navy poker shark friend said, "I feel bad when I win, but worse when I lose." Human behavior, an odd thing at best.

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by Jonathan Middlebrook

Some years ago I built a water-catchment on a high point of my property between Potter & Redwood valleys. Purpose was to save 5k gallons of rainwater for emergency use (fire, well failure, back-up irrigation). Simplest structure: exposed 2x4 & 2x6 framing, salvaged corrugated panels for a shed roof (no shed or siding beneath), a gutter draining through a 2” pipe (with debris clean-out) to two 2,500 gal. tanks. Plus a hired trench, 1600' or so, for piping to a hydrant near the house, and I was a responsible homeowner & neighbor.--During one of the 5 fires we've had up here in the last 15 years I was happy to be able to offer my water to the busy Cal Fire crew chief. He said, “If we need it, we take it.”--As installed, the system worked fine. 2-3” rainfall filled both tanks, 50 lbs. pressure at the downhill hydrant.

The system was also illegal, under western states' “prior appropriation doctrine”: While the State couldn't stop or start the rain in the actual world, it nonetheless owned whatever fell on the roofs and yards of the just and the unjust. The Legislature & Gov. Brown legalized individuals' water collection for landscape irrigation in 2012 (2012 Cal. Stats. ch. 537, Sec. 2). I've not looked into implementation rules and case law. I rely on a contractor friend's summary: “If you catch it before it hits the ground, it's yours.”--I think of children running, faces up, open-mouthed in a rain shower.

But my story is, thematically, planning and practice.--When I built the catchment I used a previous owner's tent platform (it probably was), dating from the 1970s. He'd used salvage lumber and posts—iron hard, knot-free fir, bored for power-line insulators. Excellent wood & cheap for him, cheaper for me: Free. What he'd left behind was a stout, rectangular framework of 4x6's, about 6.5x8', roughly square corners, and a foot off the ground. Solidly planted corner posts. Would save me a lot of time (I had an actual job elsewhere, back then) and some money if I used them as foundation. Of course my DIM plan was for an 8x12' base, but a simple design adjustment set my joists on top of, rather than within my inherited framework. A little cantilever never hurt anyone. The galvanized roofing was 16x16', with an 8' rise.

What with City guests, their wine tour, building & plumbing raised garden beds for my wife, I took 3 weekends to construct the roof-without-a-shed. Corners were 4x4s resting on brick-like clay. I'd set them in concrete when the clay softened enough to dig, during or maybe after the winter rains.--So there she sat, collecting water for a decade and more. Fire chief said he liked having the 5k of water.

Came this June and haphazardry struck. On one of the big wind days a gust caught the collector and blew it about 16' off its non-foundation. I had not got round to setting those corner 4x4s in concrete. 256 sq. ft. of galvanized roofing made a pretty good sail.--I decided to lift the burden of repair by the handle labeled “challenge! opportunity!”

Which led to weeks of happy moments, planning, off-site. How could I, alone with my pal Archimedes, move the catchment sixteen feet? (I'd overbuilt it well—2x6 joists, 2x4 rafters, etc. bolted together. Catchment must have weighed half a ton.) I designed a skidder to use with local 14” pine log rollers.--Looked like a project that would give me bragging rights for a year. “Yup. By myself. Not bad for an old guy.”

Then I went up for a serious looksee. BIG object to be moved by that one old guy. Pondered. Came to understand that the wind had found a better catchment site than I. Went back to my shop, picked up a pair of small hydraulic jacks. Back up the hill I set to work. Fortunately the previous builder had left 4 pier blocks in a salvageable 8x12' pattern & just 16' away. I jacked and leveled the catchment on its 4 corner posts, put a pier under each, screwed the pier straps to the catchment posts. 4 hours work, total, almost to the minute. Piping & gutter work is easy.-- I'll set the piers in concrete, during or after the rains.

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A READER NOTES: I've found that there are three distinct groups of people in the Bay Area who prove to be very difficult to reason with: the dog people, the bicycle people, and the Burning Man people.

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LITTLE DOG SAYS, I try to help around here, so the other day I pointed out that the Feng Shui at this place is wayyyyyy outta whack. I mean look how the buildings are placed. But when I mentioned it, what do I get? I get this, "Zip it, Little Dog. You know we don't speak Chinese."

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California General Plans to include justice

Changes to the General Plan Guidelines include:

Environmental Justice and General Plans

In 2016, the Legislature passed and Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 1000 (Leyva, Chapter 587), requiring cities and counties that have disadvantaged communities1 to incorporate environmental justice (EJ) policies into their General Plans, either in a separate EJ element or by integrating related goals, policies, and objectives throughout the other elements. This update, or revision if the local government already has EJ goals, policies, and objectives, must happen “upon the adoption or next revision of two or more elements concurrently on or after January 1, 2018.”

The General Plan Guidelines (GPG) contains the statutory requirements for SB1000, but since the legislation passed after the public comment concluded for the GPG, the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research will be soliciting more focused feedback with related state and local agencies as well as local jurisdictions and partners to learn more about the process to do these new updates, discuss data use, promising policies, and case examples to share with other jurisdictions across California. This new guidance will be made available in the coming year on the OPR website. Stay tuned on upcoming meetings in local areas across CA. If your local jurisdiction is currently doing an update or you have inquiries related to SB 1000, please e-mail Elizabeth Baca at

For purposes of SB 1000, “Disadvantaged communities” means an area identified by the California Environmental Protection Agency Pursuant to Section 39711 of the Health and Safety Code OR an area that is a low-income area that is disproportionately affected by environmental pollution and other hazards that can lead to negative health effects, exposure, or environmental degradation” (Gov. Code § 65302(h)(4)(A)). The statute further defines “low-income area” to mean “an area with household incomes at or below 80 percent of the statewide median income OR with household incomes at or below the threshold designated as low income by the Department of Housing and Community Developments list of state income limits adopted pursuant to Section 50093” (Gov. Code § 65302(h)(4)(C)).

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Following a contested parole hearing at San Quentin today, Manuel Ceja Granados, now 56 years of age, was approved for release on parole, Granados having served just over the minimum of the sentence originally imposed.

Deputy DA Josh Rosenfeld appeared on behalf of the family of the victim and on behalf of the Mendocino County District Attorney to argue against release. The administrative green light to release Granados will now be reviewed by the Governor's Office.

Any person interested in weighing in on whether or not the decision to grant Granados parole should be confirmed may call, send a letter, or send an email to the Governor's Office in Sacramento.

For background on this inmate and the murder he committed in 1990, the following Ukiah Daily Journal article is provided:

Ukiah Daily Journal, Sunday, January 26, 1992, page 1: Stiff verdict in barroom murder case, by Lois O'Rourke, Journal staff writer.

A 30-year-old Ukiah man was sentenced Friday to spend 25 years to life in prison for the shooting death of a Ukiah caterer on Christmas night 1990 at a local bar.

"I'd like to roll this all back and make it not happen in the first place," said Superior Court Judge James King before sentencing Manuel Ceja Granados to the lengthy prison term. "This is really a tragedy for everyone involved.

Granados, dressed in an olive green jail-issued jumpsuit with his wrists handcuffed to his waist and shackled at the ankles, showed little emotion during King's sentencing.

Granados killed 34-year-old Jose Enriquez, the former owner of El Yaqui Mexican Foods, after a brief argument at the Vineyard Bar, 720 N. State St. Granados shot Enriquez in the face with a 32-caliber handgun.

Earlier Granados' attorney Richard Petersen read a letter to King written by Granados, dated Jan. 6, in which Granados apologized and asked the judge to show some compassion.

"I swear to you it was never my intention to kill him. I regret the incident every happened and I feel shame," Petersen read from Granados' letter.

But later, the victim's widow, Roccio Enriquez, urged the judge to give Granados stiff punishment.

"It's been a very difficult and painful time for me and my family. I had to listen many times (during the trial) to the way my husband was murdered," Roccio Enriquez said in Spanish through an interpreter.

Prosecuting attorney David Eyster asked the judge for a stiff sentence -- 28 years to life.

"Granados just killed a man by shooting him in the head," Eyster said. "He even told police later he wanted to empty the clip in the victim's liver but was stopped."

Granados was found guilty last month of second-degree murder for killing Enriquez. Grandados was also found guilty of how are you going along are youassaulting the bar owner with a firearm just minutes after the shooting, and guilty of a misdemeanor violation for threatening a witness during [the preliminary hearing].

Granados waived his right to a jury trial.

Petersen argued during the trial that Granados killed Enriquez accidentally during a scuffle on the barroom floor and that he had pulled the gun in self-defense because he feared the victim had a gun and was after him."

As additional background, District Attorney Eyster, in discussing the trial evidence from back in the Nineties, recalls that the "brief argument" referenced by the newspaper article was not even that. Coming into the bar with a loaded, concealed handgun, the defendant claimed the victim had cursed him when, according to other witnesses, the victim had simply wished the defendant a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

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Dear Editor,

In response to Mr. Eyster.

Proposition 57 passed with over 60% of the voters in California (that's the whole state) regardless of how you feel or what makes you sick to your stomach.

The people of California have faith in and believe in rehabilitation, it's unfortunate that some people are so narrow minded to think that their way is the only way and everyone else is wrong. Yeah, everyone else gets it wrong but you. The justice system is broken, it is archaic, especially in California.

What should make you sick is sex offenders getting probation, murderers getting deals, rapists going free, crooked politicians, district attorneys making deals with criminals, and liars put on the stands just to wash another liar up.

Don't worry big guy, I will always be a feather in your cap. I will die in prison due to stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver, so don't worry or shake with fear. I will never be free again. But that doesn't stop me from taking and facilitating every self-help group available to me. "House of Healing," "Criminals and Street Gangs Anonymous," "Victims Awareness and Impact," "Narcotics Anonymous," "Alcoholics Anonymous." Everything I can because I know I was wrong. What about you?

You have your own own cross to bear. Hopefully you see the light.

Here is a fact in closing: not one person was physically injured in any of my strikes. First strike was petty theft plead out to attempted robbery. Second strike was a verbal threat over the phone. And this current case, I deserve a life sentence for this case. I deserve a chance to rehabilitate.


Walter K. Miller

High Desert State Prison


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The Mendocino County District Attorney’s Office has released a list of eight inmates sentenced in Mendocino County who are up for early release under Proposition 57, which voters passed in November.

Here is the full list of inmates:

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CATCH OF THE DAY, August 9, 2017

Bailey, Griffin, Hoag, Huang

SKYLER BAILEY, Willits. Disorderly conduct-alcohol, probation revocation. (Frequent Flyer)

ADAM GRIFFIN, Calpella. Probation revocation.

STEPHEN HOAG, Willits. Possession of obscene matter of minor in sexual act, obscene matter depicting minor for commercial consideration.

ROBERT HUANG, Hercules/Redwood Valley. Burglary, possession of stolen vehicle.

Jackson, Partridge, Turner, Tveitlodge

ERREON JACKSON, Ukiah. Probation revocation.

CHUCK PARTRIDGE SR., Ukiah. Nunchuks.

CHRISTOPHER TURNER, Santa Rosa/Calpella. Failure to obey lawful police order, resisting, probation revocation.

JOSHUA TVEITLODGE, Redwood Valley. Probation revocation.

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Letter to the Editor:

Re: Abortion Pill:

I’ve had two abortions. The first time was because of birth-­control failure; my diaphragm was not fitted properly. The second time was because of rape. Both occurred when I was 21. I am now 60. I have never regretted either abortion. In fact, I have always felt very grateful that I was able to get safe, legal, affordable abortions a few years after Roe v. Wade.

If women change their minds and want to reverse the process, that’s their choice. I had no doubt or uncertainty doing it, and I felt only relief as soon as I knew it was done.

It’s all about choice. Demand for reversals doesn’t mean women really don’t want to have abortions. They just want the right to change their mind.

Shelley Diamond

San Francisco

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While there is a high probability of episodes of civil disorder the population of this country is too dependent on the functioning of the “system” for their daily bread for that (civil disorder) to develop into some sort of total breakdown. People do not eat if the 18-wheelers do not deliver food to the grocery stores. It will not take long after disorder sets in for the masses to demand that the government “do something.” It will “do something” and hungry people will submit. For breakdown to occur there must be some sort of force majeure that overwhelms the emergency system. The systems in place are quite robust (in case of nuclear attack, e.g.). That is not to say that it cannot happen – I believe it will – but it is going to take one hell of a blow to bring it about.

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Scores of leaders and experts from both political parties have questioned whether Donald Trump has the experience, temperament and judgment to have his finger on the proverbial “Red Button.” We share their concern – and we see the issue from a unique perspective. We are former nuclear launch control officers, or “missileers.” We sat nuclear alert in underground missile launch centers. It was our job to turn keys to fire nuclear-armed missiles if the president so ordered us. Once we began alert duty, we took orders from the president and no one else. Only the president can order a nuclear launch. That order cannot be vetoed and once the missiles have been launched, they cannot be called back. The consequences of miscalculation, impulsive decision-making or poor judgment on the part of the president could be catastrophic.

The pressures the system places on that one person are staggering and require enormous composure, judgment, restraint and diplomatic skill. Donald Trump does not have these leadership qualities. On the contrary, he has shown himself time and again to be easily baited and quick to lash out, dismissive of expert consultation and ill-informed of even basic military and international affairs – including, most especially, nuclear weapons. Donald Trump should not be the nation’s commander-in-chief. He should not be entrusted with the nuclear launch codes. He should not have his finger on the button.

Bruce G. Blair, Malmstrom AFB, 1972-74

William A. DeGroodt, Minot AFB, 1967-72

Harvey R. Greenberg, Minot AFB, 1974-77

Geoffrey Kanner, Malmstrom AFB, 1980-84

Louis Mark Lussky, ESQ., Grand Forks AFB, 1971-76

Michael Miller, F.E. Warren AFB, 2009-13

John Noonan, F.E. Warren AFB, 2006-10

James Robertson, Malmstrom AFB, 1999-2003

Edward Warren, F.E. Warren AFB, 2008-13

Brian Weeden, Malmstrom AFB, 2000-04

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Hello All!

My name is Jonathan Palmer and I am teaching a Beginning Etching class and a Beginning Painting class at Mendocino College in Fort Bragg this fall semester. The Etching class is on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30-12:20. The Painting class is Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:00-4:50.

Beginning Etching is a great class for people who love to draw and want to learn a printmaking technique created over 500 years ago.  This method of printmaking continues to be explored by some of the most important contemporary artists working today. You will learn how to draw various line and textures that are etched into a copper plate using non-toxic methods and then printed using an etching press. You will also learn about printmaking artists who have used etching to create their work throughout the past 500+ years.

Beginning Painting is a course for anyone interested in learning the skills necessary to create an effective painting. This class will emphasize how to use the elements of design (color, line, texture, shape, perspective, etc) within your composition and how they relate to your content. This class will also introduce you to numerous contemporary artists and how they create their work as well as many historically relevant artists.

Register online through web advisor  Or register on campus...Register at the college: 1211 Del Mar Dr, Fort Bragg, CA 95437; (707) 961-2200



Questions about the class email me at

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"The truly still mind, with which you were born, is the mind that moves freely.  Without ignoring anything, it reacts wholeheartedly to everything it encounters, to everything on which it reflects.  And yet, for all that, it is the mind that is never seized by anything, but is always ready to react on the spot to whatever it encounters next.  The mind that is still is the mind that never forfeits its freedom and is able to constantly keep rolling and rolling and rolling."

~Soko Morinaga, Roshi (1925-1995)

Craig Stehr, San Francisco

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(Mendocino County, CA) – Experience clean and sober FUN at this first ever substance free music festival in Northern California. The Clean & Sober Music Fest will be held at the Mendocino County Fairgrounds one day only, Saturday October 14, from noon until 6:00 pm.  Three fantastic bands will get the crowds dancing under the autumn sky.  This community gathering offers picnicking and camping as well.

Concert producer and promoter Jeffery Trotter has been sober for 20 years. He was artistic director of Shakespeare at Stinson for 20 years and has long felt the need for a substance free environment for music festivals, “It was clear that the time had come for a festival created for people who want to go out and have fun without mind or mood altering substances.  We are putting on a wildly fun event where everyone can feel comfortable knowing they are with others who are also clean and sober.”

The stellar musical lineup features Stefanie Keys Band, Deep Blue Jam and the Cole Tate Band PLUS special guests.

Stefanie Keys is an Indie Rock Artist, based in Northern California, while the singer toured with Big Brother & The Holding Co. for 5 years, Keys Has been developing a Southern Rock/ Soul flavor of her own music.

Deep Blue Jam is a mandolin based Americana/ Rock/Reggae/Jazz/Bluzegrass/Jam Band featuring Lorin Rowan of the Rowan Brothers & Kirk Casey.

The Cole Tate Band is a wildly fun long time Bay Area headliner that offers non-stop dance music with a variety of originals and covers. The music is rockin’ Americana with flavors of Blues, R&B and Country.

The Clean & Sober Music Fest is a special opportunity to celebrate life surrounded by a community of substance free music fans.  All fellowships welcome! Newcomers who volunteer get in free.  Twelve-step meetings will be held before and after show and on Sunday morning.


What:  Clean & Sober Music Fest

When: Saturday October 14, 2017 Noon – 6:00 pm

Where: Mendocino County Fairgrounds, Boonville CA  95415

Why: Chance to experience a music festival with other clean and sober folks

Tickets on Eventbrite: $24, or $21 each for groups of 10 or more.  Ages 12 and under free. Visit festival website or ticket link for camping rates and details.

For more info please call 415-578-0125 or visit


  1. Lazarus August 10, 2017

    “There have been some ironic and disturbing revelations in the past couple weeks.”
    CalTrans… really…?
    What’s really going on is he price of pot. In a season the prices have plummeted from an average of 1200 bucks an lb. to in some areas, $500.0. This, coupled with the predicted post bypass recession the perfect storm has formed over the streets of Willits. Willits is hurting financially, and it’s going to get worse, not because of CT but because pot will no longer be supporting the community. The “Gold Rush” for the outlaws is ending…
    We all knew CalTrans was crooked from the beginning, remember when that football field of concrete fell over during construction? Any other builder has anything approaching that happen and they’re shut down for years…probably out of business… CT was up and running in a week.
    And then there’s the horror of the Gummy trees CT cut…Really…?
    The City has so mismanaged the Bud Snider Park, (middle of town) that they’re having to cut all of the trees down. This is do with very poor pruning, by so-called experts, hired by the City.
    I’m no fan of CT but looking back is really stupid while you’re in the mist of a head-on collusion. Look around Madge, the plenty of crap on everybody…You sound like an old hippie trying to be relevant.

  2. Jim Updegraff August 10, 2017

    Laz: In one my previous lives I was a state bank examiner in the 1960s and we use to come to Willits to examine the Bank of Willits. Stayed in Ukiah and ate dinner in Ukiah. Willits didn’t have a decent motel or dinner house. Just another pokey rundown town going nowhere in a hurry.

    • Harvey Reading August 10, 2017

      Your impressions closely match mine, formed during the 90s. Couldn’t wait to get west, north, or south of the place.

    • Lazarus August 10, 2017

      60’s were along time ago. The motels are better now, that said they likely will not survive the change. The food, it comes and goes…You’re right, it was a dirty little HWY town, but now it’s not even that.
      And Harv, I’ve spent time on the coast, Ukiah, Hopland, etc. Regarding the coast though, it’s of no wonder the place is full of alcoholics…all that fog, even in the summer. Crime logs are full of them, every day…
      Willits is home, I understand your feelings about it. Guys like you might not fit in anyway…or want to.
      As always,

      • Harvey Reading August 10, 2017

        Glad you’re happy there. That’s important. I’m happy somewhere else.

  3. BB Grace August 10, 2017

    How progressives screw themselves and everyone around them with their “good intentions”:


    SACRAMENTO – A newly released report from the California Public Employees’ Retirement System confirms that, fulfilling the Legislature’s directive to divest from coal-related investments, the pension fund has now largely exited from coal stocks. But as news reports this week suggest, this “socially responsible” investment policy has come at a price, as coal stocks soar under the Trump administration’s fossil-fuel-oriented energy policy.

    The Public Divestiture of Thermal Coal Companies Act of 2015 required CalPERS to “identify, engage and potentially divest from companies meeting the definition of ‘thermal coal companies.’” The pension fund was directed to do so “consistent with its fiduciary responsibilities,” providing some wiggle room for the fund, whose primary duty is to maximize investment returns to make good on its public-employee pension obligations.

    • Harvey Reading August 10, 2017

      It’ll be interesting to see just how long coal prices “soar”. It won’t be for long. Anything your idiot prez says or does must be taken, by rational people, with a rather large grain of salt. Have a “nice day”, ma’am.

      • BB Grace August 10, 2017

        Respect our president!

        President Trump is the first president I have voted for that won. I have never denounced any of my presidents because I am an American, a citizen of the USA. I have not agreed or appreciated many thing former presidents have done, and found Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama very hard, very disappointing even; But I respected them as my president and I struggled through their terms like most Americans.

        I Thank God HRC is not president, and I’m very pleased with President Trump, find him doing better than I hoped despite all the Never Trump, Deep State and Americans like you Mr. Reading.

        Why you’re still in the USA is beyond me, well except if you can’t afford to move. But if I felt like you did, I would move, Iran, North Korea, Cuba (there’s a Hell hole), or Venezuela, eh? Those unexceptional countries that would deport or execute you if you said about their leaders what you say about MY president.

        God Bless President Trump, his administration, and God Bless America, constantly and abundantly! God Help Mendocino!

        • Harvey Reading August 10, 2017

          No ma’am. I do not respect an office to any greater degree than I respect the current holder of that office. I have NO respect for the idiot and clown currently holding the office of president; nor do I have much in the way of respect for those who continue to support him.

          I’m in the U.S. because, I was born here, if that is any of your goddamned business. If you don’t like that, it’s too damned bad. Many things are beyond you I am sure. Wave your flag in the face of someone else. I’m not impressed.

          If there were a god, it would have given up on the U.S. long ago.

          • BB Grace August 10, 2017

            Move home to CA and help usher in the Republic of Communist California for 2018, Mr. Reading.

            Calif. Gov. Brown Says U.S. Should Emulate Chinese President on …
            3 days ago … California Governor Jerry Brown (D.) praised Chinese President Xi … but that
            they need leadership from Washington more like Xi’s in China.

            Silicon, sand ha ha, silicon valley is dependent on China, for things made of sand.. Silicon Valley is leading the march to CAGulag dangling the idea of free money for everyone. Now that’s right up your alley Mr. Reading.

            Mark Zuckerberg touts free money for all – MarketWatch


            Jul 5, 2017 … Earlier this year, Mark Zuckerberg praised the concept of basic income, telling
            Harvard students it was his strong support network that allowed …

            Come home, where free housing, free food, free medical, free money awaits. Cigarette taxes are high, but marijuana grows like weeds so you can smoke that I think it’s legal recreationally.

            Be all you can be in the state where you were born and free yourself from my beloved President Trump. I know the truth is you just like to bitch.

            • Harvey Reading August 11, 2017

              Take your “America First” nonsense and shove it where the sun don’t shine. I no longer live in the 1950s. Grow up! People like you make me ashamed, not only of this country, but of the species as a whole. Your ignorance and stupidity are beyond belief. Crawl back into the hole from which you emerged.

  4. Randy Burke August 10, 2017

    “They are Coming Home”

    Looks like there is an opportunity to amend the Catch of the Day section with photos of them that’s coming home. But you probably thought of that already as Little Dog has informed you of this great opportunity.

  5. Nate Collins August 17, 2017

    I just got a bike and my old lady got a dog, does that mean we’re going to burning man next year or just that I’m becoming a more unreasonable person?

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