“Love is so short, forgetting is so long.”
― Pablo Neruda, Love: Ten Poems
Jim Updegraff
November 6, 2015
Pinochet? Pinochet? Wasn’t he another one of those dictators we supported in South America and Central America? The hands of the United States are also bloody with the murder of Nerudo.
Albert Krauss
November 7, 2015
I, too, am strongly disposed to BELIEVE the worst projections regarding an assassination via medical “intervention” of the wonderful Neruda. But, the more I followed various links, the more this entire story balloons into sheer speculation and gossip. There are people who believe so strongly in Allah or Christ that they become adamantly defensive in their world of enemies. As despicable as the Chilean political history is in reality, from American underhanded interventions via the Allende disaster onwards and downwards, there still is not one shred of hard evidence, or even anecdotal corroboration, that the poet was indeed killed. He himself delayed the departure he had planned within days of his last hospital visit. Until the final forensic story is told, and those working to finish that forensic investigation are still withholding judgment in, this kind of wish fulfillment in the interests of gloom and doom is journalistically irresponsible.
Rick Weddle
November 8, 2015
It’d be well to remember distinctly the name, Pinochet, among the most vicious warcriminals ever unleashed on his people, in Chile. Recall also in this one instance in this gallery of villainy the names USA, CIA, Kissinger, Bechtel, and way more…and not to forget the uncounted hundreds of bystanders snuffed out and scattered over land and sea of an entire hemisphere, all unnamed, unmarked.
November 9, 2015
Las lágrimas que no se lloran
¿esperan en pequeños lagos?
¿O serán ríos invisibles
que corren hacia la tristeza?
(Do the tears that are not cried
Wait in small lakes?
Or do they form invisible rivers
That flow toward sadness?)
The other 9/11, September 11, 1973
“Love is so short, forgetting is so long.”
― Pablo Neruda, Love: Ten Poems
Pinochet? Pinochet? Wasn’t he another one of those dictators we supported in South America and Central America? The hands of the United States are also bloody with the murder of Nerudo.
I, too, am strongly disposed to BELIEVE the worst projections regarding an assassination via medical “intervention” of the wonderful Neruda. But, the more I followed various links, the more this entire story balloons into sheer speculation and gossip. There are people who believe so strongly in Allah or Christ that they become adamantly defensive in their world of enemies. As despicable as the Chilean political history is in reality, from American underhanded interventions via the Allende disaster onwards and downwards, there still is not one shred of hard evidence, or even anecdotal corroboration, that the poet was indeed killed. He himself delayed the departure he had planned within days of his last hospital visit. Until the final forensic story is told, and those working to finish that forensic investigation are still withholding judgment in, this kind of wish fulfillment in the interests of gloom and doom is journalistically irresponsible.
It’d be well to remember distinctly the name, Pinochet, among the most vicious warcriminals ever unleashed on his people, in Chile. Recall also in this one instance in this gallery of villainy the names USA, CIA, Kissinger, Bechtel, and way more…and not to forget the uncounted hundreds of bystanders snuffed out and scattered over land and sea of an entire hemisphere, all unnamed, unmarked.
Las lágrimas que no se lloran
¿esperan en pequeños lagos?
¿O serán ríos invisibles
que corren hacia la tristeza?
(Do the tears that are not cried
Wait in small lakes?
Or do they form invisible rivers
That flow toward sadness?)
Libro de las preguntas
Pablo Neruda
(The Book of Questions)