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  1. LouisBedrock September 25, 2015

    I am sick of reading and hearing about the goddamned Pope.

    Why does anyone besides the brain-dead members of his cult care anything about this clown in a yarmulka and jeweled robes?

    As I’ve written before, Popes are merely the CEOs of the world’s oldest multinational corporation whose business is stealing money and land and manufacturing Catholics—often under the guise of charity as when they kidnap children and raise them to be Catholic in the local mission of some third world country they’ve contaminated.

    He–the Pope–the Grand Poobah, is the leader of the movement to reverse The Enlightenment.

    The Church impedes my right to physician assisted death, access to abortion, and birth control. The morning after pill should be available everywhere; thanks to the Church, it is not.

    I resent that the Church pays no taxes, receives vouchers paid for by my tax money, and indoctrinates small children who have not had the chance to develop their critical thinking skills with nonsense about pregnant virgins, walking cadavers, wafers that turn into the body of Christ, and wine that turns into his blood. According to the Church, The Garden of Eden and original sin are real, but evolution is not.

    I agree with Diderot: Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. And Popes are just glorified priests.

  2. Betsy Cawn September 28, 2015

    Plastic fantastic papal propaganda properly deconstructed. Thank you, Mr. Bedrock. Shalom.

    • LouisBedrock September 30, 2015

      And thank you, Ms. Cawn.

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