- Red Truck
- Another Hit
- Taking Evidence
- Homeless Evictions
- Yesterday's Catch
- Warrant Wednesday
- Miller Decision
- Daddy's Working
- New Tribe
- Democratic Hypocrisy
- Sweeney's Station
- Crunch Time
- Petrolia Earthquakes
- Nuclear Agreement
- Goodbye VMC
- Stupid Girls
- Craig Postcard
- Marbling Paper
- Kinetic Carnivale
Scanner traffic Wednesday morning indicated law enforcement may be coming closer to finding the vehicle involved in the fatal hit & run on Highway 1 Sunday afternoon that took the life of 36-year-old bicyclist Jacob "Jake" Howard. CHP, local and the Mendocino Sheriff units have been on the lookout for a red pickup that "possibly had a black cover over its bed" since last Sunday's fatal hit & run. They followed leads Wednesday morning for a red truck with possible front end damage on Highway 20 (wasn't the vehicle) and also followed up on a call today from a reporting party who saw a red pickup truck Monday morning with front end damage that looked abandoned off Caspar-Orchard Road (which is located off Fern Creek Road where the pickup might have turned off after the accident). Fern Creek Road is approximately 6.7 miles south of the accident scene — a 14 minute drive). Law enforcement was unable to locate the vehicle on Caspar-Orchard Road Wednesday but there are many dirt roads in the area. It seems there may be an "air asset" also searching for the vehicle.
Above: A "generic" red pickup truck with front end damage. And the route from the accident scene to Caspar-Orchard Road.
(Courtesy Mendocino Sports Plus)

A look through Tuesday's Mendocino County Sheriff's booking log found the Fort Bragg Police made an arrest of a 37-year old Fort Bragg woman for Misdemeanor hit & run as well as a couple other charges. According to the log, Fort Bragg Police arrested 37-year-old Lyra Star Jubb at 11:37am Tuesday. She was booked on a felony charge of "Forged/Altered vehicle registration," misdemeanor "hit/run" and misdemeanor "Resist, delay or obstruct any public officer, peace officer or emergency medical technician." Bail was set at $12,500. Ms. Jubb remains at the Low Gap Adult Detention Center as of 9am Wednesday. This is NOT an arrest in relation to the fatal hit & run in Highway 1 Sunday afternoon which killed bicyclist Jake.
SUPERVISOR JOHN McCOWEN has been vilified in an ongoing court case whose defendant threatened to attack McCowen with what has been described as a "walking stick." McCowen, that rare office holder who takes real responsibility for his district (and home town) of Ukiah and its surrounding environs, spends much of his free time cleaning up after the homeless, especially those homeless camps directly draining into the battered Russian River. He's somehow become the villain in this one when, obviously, he is the victim, plain and simple. The defense is saying, essentially, that McCowen should mind his own business, that if he weren't trying to protect what's left of the Russian River this guy wouldn't have attacked him! Talk about standing reality on its head…
FRANCISCO J. ZAMORA was on trial for resisting arrest and for brandishing an alleged deadly weapon, a stick, at Supervisor McCowen and, later, at responding Sheriff's Deputies. The case predictably drew a lot of local attention.

ZAMORA WAS CONVICTED on Wednesday on a reduced charge of resisting arrest but was acquitted on the brandishing charges. Zamora, who was already on probation for brandishing a deadly weapon, a knife, was also found guilty of violating his probation, of course. Zamora has been in custody since he was arrested on June 17. He was sentenced to 90 days total for resisting and the violation of probation. With two days credit for every day served combined with his time served since the incident, he will be out in another couple of weeks.
ZAMORA'S ATTORNEY, LINDSAY PEAK, argued that the case was about a politician, John McCowen, and his ego. She also played the race card and threw in intolerance against the homeless. Mr. Zamora, probably on the advice of his attorney, chose not to testify in his own defense which prevented the jury from hearing about the previous conviction for brandishing a knife. McCowen encountered Mr. Zamora and two companions under the Talmage Bridge on the morning in question while McCowen was again attempting to clean up the river and local creeks on his own time which he’s been doing for a dozen years, or more, now and he knows most of the people in that area by name. When the Zamora and the other two men refused to leave McCowen called the Sheriff's Office dispatch and reported them for illegal camping.
A FEW MINUTES LATER, McCowen called back saying "I had to run for it, I got chased by a guy with a stick." By McCowen's account, Zamora chased him for about 150 feet until McCowen reached the safety of his truck and drove away. Zamora was still in the vicinity when the deputies responded to McCowen's second call. The deputies testified that Zamora, still holding the stick, initially squared off against them as well, but quickly dropped the stick when he realized he was in the presence of cops. He was arrested for resisting when he became verbally aggressive and refused to cooperate.
THE CASE SEEMED TO HINGE on the “stick.” Was it a deadly weapon? Was it capable of inflicting great bodily harm? Was McCowen in genuine fear? But the deputies hadn't bothered to take the stick, the one piece of physical evidence, into custody. So the jury was left to wonder how deadly the stick was. In the absence of the stick, a pointer, scarcely thicker than a pencil, was used as a stand in. It seems unlikely that Mr. Zamora was chasing McCowen through the orchard just to say hello, but in the absence of anything more threatening than the pointer, the jury was unable to conclude that Mr. Zamora was armed with a dangerous weapon.
THE FAILURE to collect the only physical evidence in Mr. Zamora's case calls to mind the botched investigation of Susan Keegan's murder. The Keegans were in the midst of a contentious divorce, but were still living in the same house. Dr. Keegan was enraged at the thought that he would have to share half of "his" money and property with his wife. The responding deputy listened sympathetically to Dr. Keegan's account of how Mrs. Keegan had stumbled in a drunken and drug induced stupor and fell, fatally colliding with the bathroom fixtures. The deputy took Keegan’s word for it and wrote it off as a tragic accident without processing the scene for evidence. After Susan Keegan’s friends and family clamored for a real investigation, there were follow-up investigations, albeit much after the fact, and the cause of death was determined to be “homicide.” The only two people in the house at the time were Dr. and Mrs. Keegan and one was dead. Mrs. Keegan was the victim of multiple blunt force trauma injuries to the head, with defensive wounds on her arms, where she tried to shield herself from the blows her attacker inflicted on her.
ALTHOUGH THE GRAVITY OF THE TWO CASES bears no resemblance, the failure to take the most rudimentary steps to preserve evidence is common to both cases. What's different is that the DA chose to pursue a brandishing charge against Mr. Zamora without having the key piece of evidence, the stick, in evidence. Because of the botched initial investigation, key evidence in the Keegan case is also missing. But all the evidence that can be recovered in the Keegan case has already been recovered. It has been analyzed from every angle. The basic fact remains that two people were alone in the house. The cause of death is homicide. One of them had an incentive to murder and the other one is dead. Susan Keegan deserves her day in court — and so does her murderer.
Press release from the City of Eureka:
The City of Eureka will be enforcing the “No Camping” ordinance and the Eureka Police Department gave a warning “notice to vacate” to those camping on public or private lands within the City of Eureka. Those specifically camping behind the area of the Bayshore Mall were warned to remove all personal property within ten days.
Today, Officers and Detectives contacted 113 individuals and arrested one for an outstanding felony warrant. The individuals were warned to comply with the notice to vacate or enforcement action will be taken in the future. A full list of local resources were once again provided to all individuals. EPD will continue to give warnings and provide service options before moving to citations and arrests. Routine clean-up of the marsh areas will continue every Thursday to ensure that City property is maintained for public use.
Available local resources include assistance for food, clothing, shelter, mental health and drug and alcohol treatment. The City hopes that those needing assistance will take steps to obtain services. Unfortunately, that has not been occurring. The Eureka Rescue Mission is a prime example of available services that go unused. In June, the Mission had a capacity for 60 men and 33 women, however, most days it operated at half of that capacity.
The City can no longer afford to ignore this illegal activity. The risk associated with the ongoing illegal activity is too great of a liability to the City of Eureka. In addition, the City has received complaints from the Environmental Protection Agency, California Coastal Commission and residents concerning the mounds of trash and resulting pollution due to the homeless population that lives behind the Bayshore Mall.
City Manager Greg Sparks commented that “the City of Eureka believes it is critical to enforce clean-up and end camping on public property in the environmentally sensitive marsh and green belt areas of the community. These areas need to be available for the enjoyment of all our residents and our visitors.”
CATCH OF THE DAY, July 15, 2015

BOYD GOODRICH, Ukiah. Under influence of controlled substance, probation revocation.
STEPHEN HOWARD, Ukiah. Assault with deadly weapon not a gun.
BENJAMIN LEACH, Fort Bragg. Criminal threats.

BRANDAN MAGILL, Healdsburg/Ukiah. Assault with deadly weapon not a gun.
MELVIN MARTINEZ, Ukiah. Possession of meth for sale.
DANIEL RYAN, Calpella. Failure to appear.

BRANDON SMITH, Ukiah. Probation revocation.
JERIMIAH VALADOR, Ukiah. Reckless driving, evasion, resisting.

Warrant Wednesday! Amanda Ward Is Wanted for felony assault with a deadly weapon. Her bail is set at $105,001. Age: 19 years old. Height: 5'06." Weight: 115 lbs. Hair: Blond . Eyes: Brown. If you recognize this individual or have information which could lead to their arrest, please contact the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office at (707) 463-4086
UKIAH, July 13. – Appellate Update: In an "unpublished" decision filed June 30th in San Francisco, a three-judge panel of the California Court of Appeal affirmed the felony convictions entered in December 2013 by the Mendocino County Superior Court against Walter Kristopher Miller, age 45. Miller was convicted of the attempted murder of a deputy sheriff by means of a firearm, as well as other felony charges and sentencing enhancements (Three Strikes, prior prison terms, and violent felony enhancements).
While all convictions were affirmed in accordance with the jury's verdicts, the appellate court did find and address a couple of sentencing errors. Within the originally-imposed sentence of 183 years to life in state prison, the appellate court found two one-year errors in the sentencing calculations. Accordingly, the appellate court ordered that Miller's overall prison sentence be immediately reduced by two years to 181 years to life in state prison. When asked about the two year reduction, DA David Eyster smiled and wryly said, "I'm a trial attorney, not a CPA."
As used above, unpublished or 'non-citable' opinions are opinions that are not certified for publication in the Official Reports and generally may not be cited or relied on by other courts or parties in other actions (see California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115).
For those interested in reading this opinion, it can be found by following the URL below:
— DA Press Release

ON JUNE 9, 2015 at about 217 AM Ukiah Police observed a blue Subaru parked idling with its headlights on along the west side of the Tapestry Family Services Building, 290 E. Gobbi St. When officers began checking the vehicle they observed a small child sleeping in a car seat secured in the backseat of the vehicle. The vehicle’s radio was playing music, the windows were down, and the doors were unlocked. Officers began checking the immediate area for a parent without success and after 30 minutes of searching the area 31 year old Potter Valley resident Ty Simpson was observed exiting from bushes that boarder a residential property located on Marshall Ave. Upon contact with Simpson he was found to be in possession of property that came from inside the residence on Marshall Ave. The residents were contacted by officers and were unaware that Simpson had been inside their home while they slept. Simpson was arrested for burglary and child endangerment. Child Protective Services was contacted and took custody of the child.
By K.C. Meadows
While the Pinoleville Tribe is moving forward with its medical marijuana growing operation in concert with the United Cannabis, there are other people outside the tribe who continue to disagree about the tribe’s project.
One of them is Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman, who has not changed his stand that anything over 25 plants per parcel — as outlined in the county’s local growing ordinance — applies to the tribe too. Allman has maintained that as a Public Law 280 state, California gives to its county sheriffs the responsibility for enforcing all laws — including federal law — on Indian lands. The tribe has said it plans to challenge Allman by deliberately exceeding the local limit and going to court over it.
Meanwhile, there is a group of 19 individuals, all claiming to be of 50 percent Indian blood and living on the Pinoleville Rancheria, who are in the midst of claiming tribal status for themselves.
The federal Bureau of Indian Affairs would not comment on what the blood or tribal status of those petitioners are, but it appears most of them are former members of the Pinoleville tribe who were kicked out in 2005.
Harley Long, tribal government officer for the Pacific Region of the Department of Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs confirmed that the BIA is in the process of deciding whether to grant them new tribal status and is reviewing several criteria these individuals would need to meet, including whether each of the 19 has 50 percent Indian blood and whether each of the 19 actually lives on the Pinoleville Rancheria.
Long said the determination now under way is part of a settlement between these individuals and the Interior Department after a court case (Donald Allen et al vs. United States Department of Interior) in which former Pinoleville tribal members sued the federal government for not taking action on their request to become a tribe back in 2009.
The BIA has now launched the process but it can still deny the petition. A public comment period on it just ended, and Long says it will be at least six months before any decision is made.
If the BIA decides the group does meet the criteria then an election would be held to adopt a constitution for the new tribe and its organization. The court documents indicate the new tribe would be called the Ukiah Valley Pomo Indian Tribe.
That would mean a second federally-recognized tribe living in the same place as the Pinoleville tribe.
According to court documents in Don Allen et al vs United States Department of Interior, “the Pinoleville Pomo Nation (formerly the Pinoleville Rancheria, Pomo Indians of California) occupies the bulk of the reservation. The Pinoleville Rancheria was one of 41 rancherias named in the Act of August 18, 1958. Pursuant to the Rancheria Act, Congress authorized the termination of federal trust status of rancheria lands and the termination of special benefits provided to Indians by virtue of their status as Indians occupying those lands. The Secretary of the Interior then approved a distribution plan for the assets of the Pinoleville Rancheria and the individuals listed in the plan were entitled to share in the distribution of the property comprising the rancheria. The status of the Pinoleville Rancheria as a federally-recognized Indian Tribe was restored as a result of the Stipulation for Entry of Judgment approved and entered in Tillie Hardwick v. United States, Case on December 22, 1983. It appears that the restored tribe reorganized in 1985 by voting to approve a Constitution that included criteria for membership in the Tribe, although the Secretary never gave final approval to that Constitution. Petitioners, and plaintiffs in this case, qualified for membership under the 1985 Constitution. After the Pinoleville Rancheria regained its federal recognition, there was a sharp division within the tribe over who was properly a member. After a Special Tribal Election was held on June 21, 2003, the Regional Director recognized the Tribal Council elected on that date. In 2005, the Rancheria ratified a new constitution, renaming itself the Pinoleville Pomo Nation. The 2005 Constitution set out different membership criteria. As a consequence, many erstwhile members of the tribe, including some of the Plaintiffs and Ukiah Valley petitioners, were disenrolled from the Rancheria.”
(Courtesy, the Ukiah Daily Journal)
THE RETRIBUTION by the Democratic Party against their left is pretty harsh, but not against their right. Senator Joe Lieberman — he goes (in 2008) and he endorses McCain at the Republican National Convention against Obama and he comes back after Obama wins to Washington and they give him a major chair of a major Senate committee.
— Ralph Nader
By Mike Sweeney
The final Environmental Impact Report has been completed on the proposed Central Coast Transfer Station and will be discussed during the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors’ joint meeting with the Fort Bragg City Council on the coast next Tuesday, said Mike Sweeney, general manager of the Mendocino Solid Waste Management Authority.
During the meeting, the supervisors and council will first consider whether to certify the EIR as compliant with state requirements, and if it is accepted, a separate decision will be considered whether or not to move forward with the project, according to Sweeney. The transfer station would be designed, built and operated under a long-term contract awarded to a private solid waste company to be chosen through a competitive process.
“The proposed transfer station would improve the efficiency of solid waste disposal in the Fort Bragg area by consolidating trash in larger truck loads for hauling to a destination landfill,” Sweeney said in a news release. “It would replace the existing self-haul disposal site in Caspar and also the piecemeal truck trips made by Empire Waste Management to the Willits Transfer Station.”
The proposed site is located off Highway 20, and three miles east of Highway 1, at the northern edge of Jackson Demonstration State Forest. It was named as the preferred site by the supervisors and council in 2013 after a six-year search of possible locations in the Fort Bragg area, according to Sweeney.
The county and city have been partners in solid waste management in the Fort Bragg area since 1967, and both co-own the Caspar Landfill which was shut down in 1992, the news release stated.
Additionally, under a state law passed in 2011, the county and city can take ownership of the 17-acre site from Jackson Demonstration State Forest, which would be compensated by acquisition of land elsewhere.
Bound copies of the final EIR for the project are available for inspection at the Fort Bragg City Hall and Library; it is also posted on the Solid Waste Management Authority’s website at www.MendoRecycle.org. The final EIR includes responses to comments received from the public in March.
The item will be considered at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Fort Bragg Town Hall, 363 N. Main St.
More information is available from Sweeney by calling 468-9710.
* * *
FORT BRAGG doesn't need Sweeney's $5 million transfer station. Why? Because the "central coast" has an existing transfer station at Pudding Creek. Sweeney's transfer station, of course, is a done deal at the Supervisor's level and at the Fort Bragg City Council level. This thing has been in the works for at least five years.
My neighbors, all big libs with big jobs in education, government, the court system, and medicine, many of whom have moved up here from the NYC area, are a little nervous when discussing the new HUD initiative to build section 8 housing projects in the towns out here and move the esteemed residents of Hartford, New Haven and Bridgeport ghettos out here amongst us. These are people with Obama/Biden stickers on their BMWs and Volvos, down for every lib cause you can think of. But now, to quote the distinguished Rev. Wright, the ‘chickens are coming home to roost”, and nobody is too happy about it, just the thought of the hell reported everyday in the local news, murder, rape, knifings, arson fires, poverty, squalor, filth, dysfunction and general societal breakdown, moving in right next door, in your own neighborhood, and worst of all the public schools, fully funded and the pride of these small towns.
About 20 years ago some ‘affordable housing’ units were built, zoning laws were superseded (as they will be in the new HUD initiatives) and people from the ghetto were shipped out. There was alot of backslapping, gland handing, and high fives by local pols and the media at the moving in ceremony … the chief of police was there, looking tense … since then the place has been the scene of 2 brutal rapes, raids by the DEA, Marshall’ Service, State Police and local police, and this is only for 40 units.
Its going to be fun watching these people, some very influential with names you would recognize, oppose these HUD measures. Its a delicate subject for these folks, who loath to be called ‘racist’. But now crunch time has arrived, so to speak. Some will move out, some will try to make the best of it, some will emulate other Big Libs and put a big wall around their property and send their kids away to private boarding school … some, locked in by ideology picked up in the 1960s and 70s, will eat the sh-t dished out by pols they’ve supported all their lives, smile, and pronounce how good it tastes.
WIKIPEDIA ON THE 1992 PETROLIA EARTHQUAKE (included the Cascadia fault): The 1992 Cape Mendocino earthquakes (or 1992 Petrolia earthquakes) occurred along the Lost Coast of Northern California on April 25 and 26. The three largest events were the M7.2 thrust mainshock that struck near the unincorporated community of Petrolia midday on April 25 and two primary strike-slip aftershocks measuring 6.5 and 6.6 that followed early the next morning. The sequence encompassed both interplate and intraplate activity that was associated with the Mendocino Triple Junction, a complex system of three major faults (including the Cascadia subduction zone, San Andreas Fault, and Mendocino Fracture Zone) that converge near Cape Mendocino. The total number of aftershocks that followed the events exceeded 2,000. (Wikipedia)
Here's the link to read the rest:
Dear Editor:
The agreement Iran and the six countries reached is a many page complex agreement that lifts sanctions and places very strict limits on Iran's nuclear program over an extended period of time. The agreement obviously had a lot of give and take during the negotiations. As expected prime minister Netanyahu and the Congress's war hawks have condemned the agreement. The critics in Congress do not not have any suggestions other than to say no to the agreement. Their preference is to bomb Iran which would be an insane action. Do they think Iran would not react? We do not need another war, plus we need the Shia militias to defeat ISIS in Anbar Province. Obama needs to get on his bully pulpit and make it clear what are the consequences of not accepting the agreement. The war hawks love to have American boots on the ground in the Middle East which will end up with the loss of American lives
In peace and love,
Jim Updegraff, Sacramento
(And a whole new round of empire building for me and my friends begins!)
Dear Friends and Partners,
For nearly a decade, I have had the privilege of leading the marketing efforts on behalf of Mendocino County. I am humbled to have met so many amazing people, experienced unique places and events, and to have helped Mendocino grow from a sleepy tourist area to a world-class, one-of-a-kind destination.
Our travel industry has grown into a more unified, relevant, and influential power throughout the county and the North Coast region. Our local governments, businesses, and residents recognize the importance of tourism to our economy and quality of life.
More change is on the horizon for countywide promotional efforts. Local leaders and elected officials have worked for months to create an improved governance structure for overseeing VMC its programs and initiatives. This new structure will help bring great success and prosperity to our promotional efforts for years to come.
Change is good because change is progress and, on that note, I am thrilled to announce my new position with the City of Fort Bragg. Joining the City’s team as its Administrative Services Director allows me to bring my skills, passion for the community, and experience to new heights. I am very excited to work with the entire team at the City and to help make Fort Bragg prosperous for its citizens and visitors.
I look forward to assisting VMC’s staff and leadership with the transition to the new board of directors over the next few of months while settling into my full time position with the City. I care very deeply for VMC and the promotional efforts of this county and will help in any way I can, to orient the new board and to help find a new leader for the organization.
The hard work by all has paid off; the tourism economy is as strong as it has ever been. This momentum must continue to be nurtured. It is only through business owners, community leaders, residents, and government working together and supporting the goals of VMC (which will be renamed to Mendocino County Tourism Commission) that we can help Mendocino County’s communities thrive both now and in the future.
Mendocino County remains competitive in its marketing efforts to potential visitors even as other destinations increase their budgets and programs. Mendocino County is now perfectly positioned to rival the most successful counties in the state.
We live in a truly extraordinary place. I am so grateful for the many remarkable, eye-opening and fun experiences, relationships, and accomplishments I was able to be a part of in leading VMC and the county’s promotional efforts. Thank you to so many, especially my Board of Directors and staff, who have helped to make this past decade so incredible.
I am excited to continue to serve my community in this new position and hope my path will continue to cross with many of you as we continue our work to make the City of Fort Bragg and Mendocino County a great place to live, work, and play!
With Deepest Respect and Warmest Regards,
Scott Schneider
Executive Director
Visit Mendocino County
Aha, aha
Stupid girl, stupid girls, stupid girls
Maybe if I act like that, that guy will call me back
Porno Paparazzi girl, I don't wanna be a stupid girl
Go to Fred Segal, you'll find them there
Laughing loud so all the little people stare
Looking for a daddy to pay for the champagne
(Drop a name)
What happened to the dreams of a girl president
She's dancing in the video next to 50 Cent
They travel in packs of two or three
With their itsy bitsy doggies and their teeny-weeny tees
Where, oh where, have the smart people gone?
Oh where, oh where could they be?
Maybe if I act like that, that guy will call me back
Porno Paparazzi girl, I don't wanna be a stupid girl
Baby if I act like that, flipping my blond hair back
Push up my bra like that, I don't wanna be a stupid girl
(Break it down now)
Disease's growing, it's epidemic
I'm scared that there ain't a cure
The world believes it and I'm going crazy
I cannot take any more
I'm so glad that I'll never fit in
That will never be me
Outcasts and girls with ambition
That's what I wanna see
(Come on)
Disasters all around
World despaired
Your only concern
Will it fuck up my hair?
Maybe if I act like that (do like this), that guy will call me back
Porno Paparazzi girl, I don't wanna be a stupid girl
Baby if I act like that (Oh, Oh-Oh, Do you think?), flipping my blond hair back (Do you think?)
Push up my bra like that, I don't wanna be a stupid girl (Yeah, yeah)
(Do ya think? Do ya think? Do ya think?)
(I like this, like this, like this)
Pretty will you fuck me girl, silly I'm so lucky girl
Pull my head and suck it girl, stupid girl!
Pretty would you fuck me girl, silly I'm so lucky girl
Pull my head and suck it girl, stupid girl!
(Baby) Baby if I act like that, flipping my blond hair back
(Baby if I) Push up my bra like that, stupid girl!
Maybe if I act like that (maybe if I act like that), that guy will call me back (that guy will call me back)
Porno Paparazzi girl (Porno Paparazzi girl), I don't wanna be a stupid girl (stupid girl)
Baby if I act like that (maybe if I act like that), flipping my blond hair back (flipping my blond hair back)
Push up my bra like that (push up my bra like that), I don't wanna be a stupid girl (stupid girl)
["stupid girl" throughout:]

Baby if I act like that, flipping my blond hair back
Push up my bra like that,
Stupid girl
Stupid girl
Stupid girl
— Pink
CRAIG LOUIS STEHR on Maine's Sears Island Causeway July 10, 2015, with the GAC chemical plant and its acid drenched eroding shore in the background.
Photo: Ron Huber
The Mendocino County Library, Fort Bragg Branch, is Hosting The Art of Marbling Paper
On Friday, August 7, 2015, at 5:00 pm., the Mendocino County Library, Fort Bragg Branch, will be hosting The Art of Marbling Paper.
The Fort Bragg Branch Library presents artist Marykae Johnson who will demonstrate the technique and history of the Art of Marbling Paper. Participants will learn and observe the marbling process in action and get a chance to try the technique themselves.
Fourth Annual Kinetic Carnivale Gears Up
Tickets now on sale for August 22 & 23 Steampunk benefit in Willits
WILLITS, CA - On Saturday, August 22, and Sunday, August 23, Steampunk will return to Willits with the annual Kinetic Carnivale and Grand Ball, hosted by the Mendocino County Museum. Tickets are now on sale for the event, which this year will feature an expanded lineup of musical performers, entertainment, exhibits and demonstrations, vendors, Kinetic Handcar Races, and the famous Gypsy Time Travelers, who will bring their fully realized land yacht 'Florence the Freightliner' with costumed character storytelling and live blacksmithing to the festivities.
During the day on Saturday and Sunday at Recreation Grove Park, musical acts like French flamenco gypsy rock group, Dgiin, will bring their lively entertainment to Willits, and other entertainers, including Circus Maximus of Sonoma County, will perform feats of daring that promise to wow. Across the street, the Mendocino County Museum will host the ever-popular Victorian Sweatshop exhibit, where guests will be able to view antique sewing machines and learn about life in the Victorian era. Art cars will also bring their quirky style.
Attendees will have the opportunity to peruse goods and attire from as close as downtown Willits and as far as Portland, Oregon, while enjoying music and entertainment. An array of wares will be available, including items from favorites Quick Silver Mint, Frogworks/Faerywhere, and Scarlet Nrg’s Baubles, as well as many other new and returning vendors.
The Fair will also feature hands-on demonstrations and workshops. Make & Take stations for all ages will be a creative place to construct Steampunk sock squids, Fascinator hats, Steampunk goggles and clock-face collages. For young Steampunk fans, the Whimsy Circus will engage imaginations in an array of enterprises and adventures. The Hubbub Club and the Garberville City Band will provide live marching band music on Saturday and Sunday, respectively, and roaming circus performers will entertain the crowds.
On Saturday from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, the beloved Kinetic Handcar Races will return to the tracks, as the people-powered vehicles compete for coveted titles. On Sunday, these feats of engineering will also be on display for people to learn more about their construction and hear from the creators of the handcars.
Saturday evening’s Grand Ball will offer lavish entertainment. Returning emcees Bryan Arnold and Billy Hetherington will host the festivities. The event promises to live up to its name, with dancing and an impressive musical lineup starring headliners Diego’s Umbrella, as well as El Radio Fantastique, The Crux, and DJ Brycie Bones. Guests will also enjoy the talents of aerial artists, bellydancers, a performance poet, fire dancers, and other performers, along with experiences like the Tesla Coil and Ghostrider, a flame spewing motorcycle.
Those seeking comestibles will have a wide array of choices both at the Fair and the Grand Ball. Eateries such as Hellagood Desserts, The Lemonade Stand, Delish, Tsunami Nacho, Ultimate Souvlaki and Kashaya’s Brick Oven Pizza will be cooking up tasty delectables.
Official Beverage Sponsors Fetzer Wines and Mendocino Brewing Company will offer libations for those over 21. KOZT The Coast FM is the Media Sponsor for this year’s event.
The Kinetic Carnivale lineup continues to grow, with the Mendocino County Museum planning for a busy and fun weekend. “This is a great community event with lots to see and do,” said Alison Glassey, Museum Director. “It’s wonderful to see the Kinetic Carnivale continue to pick up steam.”
Proceeds benefit the Mendocino County Museum. For more information, including a continuously updated list of performers and vendors, and to purchase tickets, please visit www.KineticCarnivale.com.
Does Mr. Updegraff believe Obama’s administrations are not warmongering, or that Iran needs nuclear power being it has a wealth of oil, or that the deal had nothing to do with America’s desperate need for Iranian oil, as all oil is controlled by the Shias who cruxify and execute political disenters, homosexuals, marijuana and herion users, or tax other religions for privledge to be on Iranian soil? Does Mr. Updegraff hate America and Israel more than he loves Iran and the potential for nuclear war? What rights do women and people’s of color have in Iran, who are not Arab but Aryan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan#Indo-Iranian
What does oil rich Iran need with nuclear power? A Fukashima? Or perhaps a Shia version of the apocolypse? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_apocalypse
The question is: what was the justification for an agreement in the first place? Iran had broken no international laws, unlike the U.S. Iran had complied with all agreements regarding nuclear weapons — unlike the Zionists, who are given free rein to do as they wish.
Sanctions should have been imposed on Israel, not Iran. This whole sanctions business against Iran — and Russia — is like a horrific, drug-induced hallucination. Even so, those who claim to be liberal are beside themselves with joy over the “great accomplishment” of their hero, Obama, and his stumblebum of a secretary of state … no caps purposely, since that office has been unworthy of respect since at least Hank Kissinger’s time.
All this hoopla celebrating the agreement is ridiculous. It simply shows how easily public opinion can be influenced by an untrustworthy government and the lying, wealth-owned media in a country too lazy to think for itself.
Iran has broken dozens of International Laws. Here is a report from PAX (means Peace) Americana, a conservative organization, least you forget that Iran is conservative http://www.paxamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/SPECIAL-REPORT-Irans-Violations-of-International-Law-03-2011.pdf
Which is worse, a government that you don’t trust, or a government you trust to execute you if they find you guilty of being honosexual, dissenter, drug user, etc?
They’re both about the same in terms of “worseness”. What a country does internally is the concern of the inhabitants of that country, not outsiders. How would you like it if say Iran, or Russia, took action against the U.S. for its murderous police, its racism, its discrimination against those who don’t toe the Christofascist line regarding “morality”? There are plenty of Christos here who would happily stone homosexuals. If you choose to support imperialism and buy into the BS that is “Responsibility to Protect”, or whatever the current term is for justifying U.S. thuggery, that is your right. I do not.
“What a country does internally is the concern of the inhabitants of that country, not outsiders.”
This concept was part of Ron Paul’s campaign pitch in 08. The problem with this idea is that no country is an island in the age of globalization.
China has made great investments in America. What would China do if Americans protested the ports China owns in America and prevented the Chinese from doing thier business in America?
Think China would say, “Peace brothers and sisters we love you so accept the ports as your gift from us. Thank you for buying Made in China goods”..
My how accepting you are of globalization … and how quick to use its name to justify all. Hooray for the TPP?
Well I see we will have a serious discussion on the Iran nuclear agreement as we should. The major problem as I see the problem if we do not agree to the deal the only alternative to keep Iran from nuclear weapons would be to bomb the known sites where there is nuclear activity. First you might not destroy all their facilities and second we would have an all war with Iran. I know that would make the war hawks and the military industrial complex happy but could end with a large loss of American lives.
An interesting fact: Iran has the largest Jewish population in the Middle East outside of Israel It also has a large Christian population who worship openly.
And why is it any of our business to tell Iran what it can and cannot do? We have nuclear weapons, the Zionists have them, NATO has them, etc. USans need to awaken to the reality that it’s days as the main thug in the world are ending, and it’s time for an end to the psychopathic arrogance and self-righteousness of its corporate-chosen, so-called leaders. Plus, regarding Iran, there is NO PROOF whatever –just government lies — that Iran was seeking to build nuclear weaponry. The whole affair is just bad theater.
The nest issue coming up for President Obama is at some future time the State of Palestine (which is its legal name) currently a non member observer state will apply for full membership in the United Nations. It will be interesting to see how the U. S handles the application. an occupied State living in an apartheid state.
Interesting fact: The state of Palestine has established diplomatic relation with I believe about 80 countries. The Vatican is the more recent and the Pope has indicated he believes they should become a full member of the U. N. Then we have ICC issue coming uP. S. The State of Plaestine also has their own airline.