- KZYX Thoughts
- Oscar Drool
- Norman's Party
- AVHC News
- Catch of the Day
- Sargent Portrait
- Frank's Wild Years
- UFO!
- Mayoral Election
- Bridge Talker
- Stabilizing Slides
- Wildlife Films
- Writing Scholarships
- Behavioral Health
- Wine Awards
- Fish Numbers
THE MAJOR assesses KZYX: “What's missing from all the local arguing about KZYX and its management salaries, their rigged elections, their fundraising and budgeting, lack of managerial transparency, staff limitations, utter lack of community outreach, their frequent lapses in judgment, failure to follow their own bylaws, and so forth, is the inferior quality of the product. Generic and highly specialized blocks of music (two hours of “celtic” music? Four hours of bluegrass? Two hours of bad rock or Grateful Dead?), large swaths of piped in NPR, repetitive shows about individuals’ hobbies, sonorous Big Think programs by pretentious locals, and a few minutes of monotonal renditions of press releases supplemented by “According to the Ukiah Daily Journal…”? (The UDJ can be found quite easily without KZYX.) Not one local public affairs talk show about local matters? Where’s Norm de Vall? Why was he offed? How about a local realtor talking about housing or zoning? An occasional Supervisor or County official? Coverage of a court case? A debate on a controversy in the local news like water, housing, current pot law, fucking vineyard frost fans? Nuisances in general? Mental Health Services and Facilities?… What do we get out of our “local public radio” on local public matters? Nada.
“IT WOULD BE NICE if KZYX handled various internal processes better, but it would be much better if the station was even marginally in the same league as KMUD in terms of on-air production. If they were, we probably wouldn’t even be bothered much by the other stuff. Have you noticed that there are never any debates or controversies about KMUD's finances or internal processes? You know why? Transparency and smart, personable people in the power slots.”
* * *
THE EDITOR is also frequently asked why he “hates” KZYX. Editor? Please explain your negative self: “I don't hate KZYX. I simply think that as a public radio station it's a Potemkin enterprise, not a public radio station at all. It's really a jobs program for a handful of unpleasant unemployables who fear local discussion of local issues, and I think local discussion of local issues ought to be the be-all, end-all of local public radio. Why are we even discussing the obvious here? It could be a good thing but, given the way the station is organized as self-interested voting bloc, stooge board of directors, and so on, it never will be. Incidentally, having been an off and on member of KZYX's wacky family all the way back to ol' Wall Eye, I just signed up again as a member a few nights ago, being inspired to by the Tuesday night music played by Alan Kendall, which happens to coincide with the end of my weekly task, and whom I've tuned in for years simply because me and my best friend, Mr. Evan Williams, find Kendall's show most helpful in a therapeutic sense after a hard day's work. I've appreciated Kendall for years and have finally shown some cash appreciation. I also try to catch Jeff Blankfort's Wednesdays, from which I almost always learn stuff I didn't know. Other than them, I seldom tune in. I'm a print guy anyway. Kendall's the only time I zone out on tunes.”
PREDICTABLY, the worst movie of the year, maybe ever, took top honors. And just as predictably, the Press Democrat, as always thrilled to the bone by Movieland, to the bone, I tell you! And more fatuous by the day, put it this way: “Sunday's Academy Awards elegantly shifted the tone of the season from a fixation on snubs to a positive celebration of original filmmaking and purposeful advocacy.”
THE PD'S EDITORS wouldn't recognize original drool if it rolled down their chubby chin-chin chins and onto their shoes, and their idea of elegance is probably the meeting room at the Rohnert Park Ramada. “Purposeful advocacy”? A hundred dollar bill slipped into the sweaty palm of Mike Thompson?
A SATURDAY jaunt in the eerie winter sunshine to former supervisor Norman deVall's Elk home was most enjoyable. Norman was celebrating his 75th birthday among a fluid and large crowd of well-wishers who included Sheriff Allman, Gentleman George Hollister of Comptche, coffee magnate Paul Katzeff, the ever lovely Tanya McCurry of Ray's Road, Philo, Rosie Acker, ol' WhatsHisFace (Rosie's husband), and, I'm told, a couple of hundred Mendo people from all areas of the County. Food was plentifully delicious, there seemed to be a surplus of beer and wine, gaggles of little kids, and a spectacular centerpiece of a birthday cake. Norm, clearly not yet in death mode, looked good and happy, as any man would be with a fan club the size of his.
Minutes And Audit Report
AVHC, Board minutes are now available to review in the lobby of the center. The FY 2013/2014 audit report is also there. And hopefully, the committtee minutes, staff reports, and agenda information will be there too, soon if not already.
The draft minutes from the last (January 28) meeting are also up on the web site www.avhc.org . Please note that they imply the next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 26th at 6:00. No location stated, but I think it is again at the AVCSD Boonville fire department training room.
Changes At The Board Of Directors
The Board is now comprised of thirteen directors, up from ten. The two student directors (Maxence Weyrich and Mayte Guerrero) have both served previously, as have four of the other directors. Student director terms are for one year, from September when school starts, through the following August. Newly appointed in the last half of 2014 were: Heidi Knott Gundling, (Secretary); Emilio Torres; Kathy Cox (Vice Chair); Deborah Covey; and Clay Eubanks (on the Governance Committee). New director Ivan Jiminez was elected for a three year term last month. Heidi and JR Collins were re-elected for an additional three year continuing term as directors, and again appointed to the positions of Secretary and Treasurer respectively. Ric Bonner, Walter Hopkins and Eric Labowitz terms continue. Bonner was appointed again as President. Officer’s terms are for one year, and may be held by the same person for a maximum of two years. Dates of Director’s term expiration are now listed on the web site. You might wonder why some directors newly appointed in 2014 have different terms than others. It is because some were appointed to fill positions mid-term of resigning directors, and some to fill vacancies, or newly created positions. The normal term is three years but in the normal course of events the center would always have experienced continuing directors and some new ones.
The Board will be having a day of training in effective performance and management of a public benefit, non-profit corporation sometime between Feb. 22 and March 8. Consultant management trainer Catherine Marshall will be working with Heidi Knott and Clay Eubanks in preparing this.
Meaningful Finance Information Still Not Available
The Finance Committee supposedly met this last Friday at noon. Apparently committee meetings are not going to be open to the public, although their minutes at least are required to be. Check to see if there are any, or any staff reports attached to the agenda and/or minutes supposedly available for review at the HC waiting room. The list of Board Committee memberships was distributed, and should be attached to the minutes.
As yet there is no way to see the AVHC budget, or any budget-to-actual figures. Why is this important? A budget tells you what your organization plans to do and how plans will be funded. You can see if the goals seem adequate to community need. You can evaluate if the programs seem appropriate to the goals, and as the year progresses what success your organization has in sticking to the plan, and what problem areas need special attention. A good budget has line items which are explained in notes and which are based on your chart of accounts, . It is not a profit and loss statement, and it isn't an accounting report. For the directors to blandly report that "The clinic is in good shape, we made a profit.", apparently thinking that is a meaningful financial statement, should cause every clinic user deep concern. A budget is a planning and evaluation tool, and it is really troublesome that the AVHC directors do not publish their budget and do not have open budget planning hearings. Especially critical is the revenue element. How much of the program relies on grants? From what source? How secure is that? What grants will still fund the next fiscal year operations? What expenditures are required by the terms of each grant? What additional grants is the clinic seeking? For what program? What costs are associated with that program?
The clinic wrote off $35,000 in "bad debt" in December. Directors will be discussing a new draft collections policy at the Feb. meeting. Co-pay at time of service is being emphasized. A billing consultant has been hired to "study" the billing process, currently being handled by two full-time clerks and supervised by the business mananger.
A report on number of un-insured patients and any evaluation of success or failure of last year's grant-funded efforts to enroll more patients through Cover California, as well as status of current enrollment efforts would be helpful.
Last year the clinic spent a lot of staff time and energy on "needs assessment" with many confusing reports of results. Supposedly the community needs drive the program which drives the required expenditures. When last I heard there was no clear answer as to what the needs are as stated by respondents, nor as to whether respondents were representative of the patient community. So, how will the absence of clearly stated needs relate to "strategic planning" (maybe to be discussed again in July--although last year's strategic planning goals were never announced), and how will the lack of both relate to planned expenditures for the next fiscal year budget?
The minutes of the January meeting do give a tiny bit of financial information regarding the debt owed on our clinic building: we pay the US Department of Agriculture, rural community development program, $11,000 per month or $125,000 per year on the mortgage. Principal and interest? Or interest only? What rate of interest? On what total amount? Of which how much remains? When is note due? Can it be helpfully restructured ? Is there any building maintenance reserve in the budget? Any reserve for structure replacement or new facilities? What plans do the directors have regarding community fund raising to pay off the debt?
New Executive Director Search
The search for a new Executive Director continues. Bill Sterlling, chief searcher, reports there have been eleven aopplications received, four of the applicants have been selected for interviews. In the meantime, doctor Susan Smith is interim executive director.
The HRSA "project officer" was sent to West Africa on TDY Ebola related duties, and a new interim project officer, serving at least until April of this year is Nauleen Heer. Project officers work out of Maryland, but at least now there will be someone who can respond to questions and correspondence from the health center. HRSA is concerned about the lack of an accountable permanent administrative team since the abrupt resignation of the "shared management team" in May, 2014, and the appointment and then termination of Shannon Spiller as executive director in the fall of last year. One of the items that should be on an agenda for this month is a review of the current grant status, which are continuing, and for how long.
Dispensing Meds
Progress on submitting the dispensary licence application was delayed last month due to lack of timely submission of fingerprints by some directors.
Staff Training And Changes
Directors have discussed possible "staff discomfort" in potential conflict situations with management such as those of the past year involving the ugly termination of Kathy Corral, the conflict between Mark Apfel and Diane Agee and the Board, and the firing of Logan McGhan by Shannon Spiller and his turn-around rehiring by the Board in the face of the subsequent staff protest resignations. Rather than forming a board Human Relations Committee to better handle their personnel policy development they have opted to develop an "ombudsman-like" position. Last month a proposal to have staff psycologist Jessica McInich assume this role has resulted in her taking on the additional human relations duties.
All staff recieved training on new computer coding requirements for electronic record systems. This will improve accuracy of mandatory reports as well as helping with billing.
There was no Concerned Community meeting this month, people concerned come on next Thursday and ask your questions.
Cheers, Gene Herr
CATCH OF THE DAY, Feb 23, 2015
DYLAN BATTLEY, Willits. DUI, driving on suspended license.
JOHN BOLTON, Ukiah. Drunk in public. (Frequent flyer.)
WESLEY DICKSON, Ukiah. Under influence of controlled substance, probation revocation.
JAMES GODDARD, Fort Bragg. Drunk in public.
JERRY HADDAD, Crescent City/Ukiah. Maintaining a place for selling, giving or using drugs.
DARYL HAMMOND, Ukiah. Vehicle theft, burglary from vehicle, receipt of stolen property, grand theft.
CHARLES HENSLEY, Ukiah. Drunk in public, probation revocation. (Frequent flyer.)
JENNIFER HEVEY, Redwood Valley. Driving on DUI-suspended license, override of ignition interlock, probation revocation.
SHERRIE JONES, Redwood Valley. Driving without a license, possession of controlled substance.
JEREMIAH McCOSKER, Ukiah. Violation of county parole. (Frequent flyer.)
CAROL STACK, Crescent City/Ukiah. Maintaining a place for selling, giving or using drugs.
DANIEL YEOMANS, Fort Bragg. Drunk in public, resisting arrest, probation revocation. (Frequent flyer.)
Frank settled down in the Valley,
and he hung his wild years on a
nail that he drove through his
wife's forehead.
He sold used office furniture out
there on San Fernando Road and
assumed a $30,000 loan at
15 1/4 % and put a down payment
on a little two bedroom place.
His wife was a spent piece of used jet trash
Made good bloody-marys, kept her mouth
shut most of the time, had a little Chihuahua
named Carlos that had some kind of skin
disease and was totally blind.
They had a thoroughly modern kitchen;
self-cleaning oven (the whole bit)
Frank drove a little sedan.
They were so happy.
One night Frank was on his way home
from work, stopped at the liquor store,
picked up a couple of Mickey's Big Mouth's.
Drank 'em in the car on his way to the
Shell station; he got a gallon of gas in a can.
Drove home, doused everything in
the house, torched it.
Parked across the street laughing,
watching it burn, all Halloween
orange and chimney red.
Frank put on a top forty station,
got on the Hollywood Freeway
headed North.
Never could stand that dog.
— Tom Waits
Dear Valleyites,
I'm a new convert to believing in UFO's. Why? Because last Saturday night I was driving home on 128 heading North. On the straightaway near Monte Bloyd road I saw some very distinct lights low in the Western sky. I pulled over and had quite a show for at least 2 or 3 minutes. The lights were green flashing in a tight circle, the classic UFO shape. As I watched, the lights zig zagged around, dipping below the ridgeline. I could still see them as they hovered for a few moments and then they, (or it) shot off at an incredible rate of speed up the valley towards Philo. It was so low I could hear a deep humming and a whoosh as it disappeared.
I am curious if anyone else witnessed anything like this on Saturday night. Apparently there have been other sightings around the valley recently.
New Convert,
Mary Reilly
Dear Editor.
The Anderson Valley Election Committee (AVEC) has set the election date as the First Weds in April. Many bars are closed on the traditional Tuesday hence our decision.
The Poll Tax has been changed to an Expediting Fee where those choosing to participate can have their ballot counted first and often. The ballot counting is expected to be an all night affair and the enumerators are bound to be thirsty.
A candidate for the Search and Rescue Party could not be found. We expect the Sports Party to send someone to the plate.
Don't neglect registering with Vote or Else. We know your name and your pets' names.
Names Withheld
AVEC Communications Director
Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
What Is Being Planned
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) proposes to slow down and stabilize the slope movement of two slide areas on U.S. Highway 101 in Mendocino County at post mile (PM) 3.75 and at PM 5.30.
The proposed work will include building two anchor walls to stabilize the slides at both locations and repairing drainage within the project area.
The environmental document, referred to as an Initial Study (IS), is available for review until March 23, 2015 at the following locations:
Mendocino County Main Branch Library at 105 North Main Street in Ukiah
Cloverdale Regional Library at 401 North Cloverdale Boulevard in Cloverdale
The document is also available for review on weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the Caltrans District 1 Office at 1656 Union Street in Eureka. Individual technical studies can be requested by contacting Liza Walker at (530) 741-4139 by telephone or by e-mail at liza.walker@dot.ca.gov.
A public meeting is scheduled at the Hopland Volunteer Fire Department, 21 Feliz Creek Road in Hopland on February 26, 2015, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Contact Information
Please submit your written comments to Liza Walker at Caltrans, North Region Environmental M-2 Branch, 703 B Street, Marysville, CA, 95901. Comments may also be submitted via e-mail to liza.walker@dot.ca.gov. All comments must be received by March 23, 2015.
Special Accommodations
For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document can be made available in Braille, large print, audiocassette, or computer disc. To obtain a copy in one of these alternate formats, please contact Phil Frisbie, Jr., Public Information Officer, at (707) 441-4678, or TTY 711.
(Caltrans Press Release)
2nd week of Wildlife Film Fest reveals marine treasures and challenges
The 9th Annual International Wildlife Film Festival Tour continues into the second week of its six-week run on Friday, February 27 at 7 pm at the Ukiah Civic Center at 300 Seminary Avenue with two films centered on marine life. The evening begins at 6:15 pm with traditional and contemporary vocal and guitar music by Sheridan Malone.
Commissioned by the Smithsonian's Natural Museum of Natural History, "Ocean Odyssey" (57 min.) takes viewers on an undersea journey to remote and magical places as it explores an array of marine ecosystems. These wonders include tiny damselfish in their splendid coral reef habitat, sperm whales viewed up close, and the graceful ballet of giant manta rays. Viewers also discover the marine iguanas of the Galàpagos, the huge mola mola -- the heaviest known bony fish in the world -- and an ocean sunfish that reaches 14 feet. This stunning film reveals some of the most amazing underwater footage ever seen and offers reflections by Feodor Pitcairn and Bob Cranston, two of the most prominent cinematographers at work today.
Also playing: "The Water Brothers -- Plastic Ocean" (25 min.). The Brothers embark on a sailing adventure to the middle of the Pacific Ocean to the remote "Great Pacific Garbage Patch," a massive collection of plastic waste congregated together by swirling ocean currents known as gyres. What does the patch look like? How does it affect wildlife and the seafood we eat? Where in the world did this inconceivably massive amount of plastic come from and what can be done about it? The Water Brothers bring us some answers to this strange and disturbing phenomenon.
The Wildlife Film Festival will play on consecutive Fridays through March 27. Tickets are available at the Mendocino Book Company and at the door for a suggested donation of $10 for adults and $5 for children. A series ticket for all evenings is $50. Films are appropriate for older children, but parental discretion is recommended.
Proceeds from the film festival are an important funding source for the Redwood Valley Outdoor Education Project (RVOEP), a special program of the Ukiah Unified School District that provides outdoor environmental education program to over 2,000 students a year. For a full program of the film series and more information about the RVOEP visit its website, www.rvoep.org. To find out more about RVOEP, contact Maureen Taylor, Education Coordinator, at 489-0227.
Five full-tuition scholarships for young writers (ages 16-25) will be offered at the 26th annual Mendocino Coast Writers Conference, which takes place August 6-8, 2015. The scholarships are merit-based; no entry fee required.
Applicants should submit an application form, a writing sample and brief cover letter between March 15 and May 15. Judges will evaluate writing samples based on literary quality and appropriate use of grammar and punctuation. The applicant’s actual writing and dedication to the power of the written word are what matter. School grades and transcripts will not be considered.
Selections will be made and scholarship winners notified by May 31. Awards cover conference fees only ($550) and do not include travel or lodging expenses. If you have received a scholarship to the Mendocino Coast Writers Conference in the past three years, you are not eligible to apply for the 5-Under-25 awards.
5-Under-25 young writers are full participants in intensive writing workshops as well as afternoon lectures, panel discussions and literary readings and open mic. Their work is considered for publication in MCWC’s literary journal, the Noyo River Review.
The conference takes place at the Mendocino Campus of College of the Redwoods in Fort Bragg and features outstanding authors who are also noted teachers, acclaimed editors and agents, and a friendly, inspiring setting where writers connect with experts and each other.
For detailed information and an application for the 5-Under-25 scholarships, please check the conference website at www.mcwc.org.
In Anderson Valley: FEBRUARY 24TH
Disseminating information on Behavioral Health Programs and resources in partnership with the Mendocino County Book Mobile at the following locations:
- 9:00am - 9:30am Navarro Store, 231 Wendling St.
- 10:00am - 10:30am Comptche School, 31351 Comptche Ukiah Rd.
- 10:45am - 11:30am Comptche Post Office, 31101 Comptche Ukiah Rd.
- 12:30 - 1:15 Floodgate Store Parking Lot, 1810 Hwy 128
- 1:30 - 2:15 Philo Opposite Post Office, 8651 Hwy 128
- 2:30 - 3:15 Boonville Apple Building, 14400 Hwy 128
For more information contact MHSA Coordinator,
Robin Meloche at 707-472-2332
by Dan Bacher
As anglers get ready for the upcoming ocean and river salmon seasons, the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) revealed that 212,000 adult fall-run Chinook salmon returned to spawn in the Sacramento River and its tributaries in 2014.
About 10,000 adult salmon returned to the San Joaquin River system, including the Cosumnes, Mokelumne, Stanislaus, Tuolumne and Merced rivers.
The 2014 adult salmon return, or escapement, exceeds the minimum conservation goal set by fishery managers of 122,000 to 180,000 fish.
Representatives of fishing groups, including the Golden Gate Salmon Association (GGSA), are "cautiously optimistic" about the outlook for upcoming ocean and river salmon seasons.
Another 25,359 two year olds, called "jacks" or "jills" by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, returned to the Sacramento Basin. These sub-adults are capable of spawning, just like the adults are. The state and federal scientists use the "jack" and "jill" return numbers to develop models of salmon abundance for upcoming fishing seasons.
"Only a relatively small percentage of jacks come in from the ocean, with the rest staying out at sea one more year," said John McManus, Executive Director of the Golden Gate Salmon Association. "The number of returning jacks is multiplied to calculate the expected number of three year old adult fish out in the ocean."
"The 2014 jack count is about 25 percent higher than the 2013 jack count," he explained. "Although the multiplier that’s applied changes slightly from year to year, a layman’s analysis suggests there could be about 25 percent more three-year-olds in the ocean now than the 600,000 estimated at this time last year. This suggests there could be close to 800,000 adult salmon forecast for 2015."
The official 2015 forecast will be announced by state officials at a California Department of Fish and Wildlife informational meeting February 26 in Santa Rosa. This number will be used by the Pacific Fishery Management Council to propose times and areas where ocean salmon fishing will be allowed off the California coast, according to McManus.
The Council will finalize setting the 2015 season by April. As of now, the sport salmon season is set to open on Saturday April 4 off the California coast south of Horse Mountain, near Shelter Cove in southern Humboldt County.
"Things look relatively good on the Klamath River," noted McManus. "There, fishery managers were shooting for a minimum escapement of 40,700 natural adult spawners. Instead they ended up with more than twice that at 95,330. Another 31,000 adult salmon returned to the hatchery."
The Klamath River barely avoided a massive fish kill like the one that took place September 2002, due to direct action and protests by the Klamath Justice Coalition and members of the Hoopa Valley, Yurok, Karuk and Winnemem Wintu Tribes, along with lobbying and litigation by the Tribes and fishing groups, to release cold water from Trinity River to cool down water temperatures on the Klamath last summer and fall.
The release of the PFMC data took place as water rights attorney and California Water Impact Network (C-WIN) Board Member Mike Jackson warned of the tremendous environmental and economic damage that would result from approval of the Temporary Urgency Change Petitions to increase Delta water exports now before the State Water Resources Control Board.
He said that 95 percent of endangered winter run Chinook salmon perished last year, due to poor management by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation - and another massive fish kill could take place this year if the state and federal water agencies mismanage Central Valley rivers and dams and the Delta pumps like they did last year.
"Evidently after the Bureau of Reclamation’s killing of 95% of the endangered winter-run salmon last year, the Federal government has decided to propose a much worse water plan for 2015," said Jackson. "It’s a much more complicated plan, but if it is approved by the California Water Board it may send both the endangered salmon and Delta smelt to extinction. We will find out soon if the Governor’s office intervenes with the Water Board to help finish off the fish.”
“Once again, Senator Feinstein (D-Westlands) favors big agribusinesses on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley over the economic and environmental needs of the people who live in the Bay-Delta Estuary," said Jackson. "Commercial salmon fishing is a $1.5 billion economy, Delta farming a $5.2 billion economy, and of course there are the millions of people who live in communities surrounding the estuary. With this drought, we are poised to lose Delta smelt, Winter-run salmon, and steelhead as these fisheries are collapsing."
How will the massive die of winter-run Chinook salmon impact this year's salmon seasons? "Although we now know that federally protected winter run largely failed to reproduce in the wild in 2014 due to elevated river temperatures, fishing restrictions to further protect them likely won’t kick in until next year when they’re big enough to bite a bait," said McManus.
Complete information about the upcoming salmon seasons will be available at the CDFW salmon information meeting in Santa Rosa. The meeting is scheduled on Thursday, Feb. 26 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Sonoma County Water Agency, 404 Aviation Blvd. in Santa Rosa.
"The public is encouraged to provide input on potential fishing seasons to a panel of California salmon scientists, managers and representatives who will be directly involved in the upcoming Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) meetings in March and April," according to the Department news release.(https://cdfgnews.wordpress.com/2015/02/05/cdfw-to-host-public-meeting-on-ocean-salmon-fisheries-2/)
Meanwhile, Jerry Brown, the worst Governor for fish, water and the environment in recent California history, is rushing the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) to build the peripheral tunnels, the most environmentally destructive public works project in California history. The tunnels would hasten the extinction of Sacramento River Chinook salmon, Central Valley steelhead, Delta and longfin smelt and green sturgeon, as well as imperil the salmon and steelhead populations on the Trinity and Klamath rivers.
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