- Scotty & Kelisha
- Catch of the Day
- Young Resolutions
- Carry Forward
- Russian River Movie
- Running for KZYX
- Children Teaching
- Wearing the Shirt
- Insurance Windfall
- Democracy Gone
- Fast-tracking Fracking
- Marijuana Prosecutions
- Matthew Completes Craig
MENDO'S ROYAL COUPLE of Frequent Fliers are Scotty and Kelisha, described in their latest interface with the forces of law and order.

ON SATURDAY Decdmber 27uh at about 9:25 AM Ukiah Police responded to 125 South Orchard Avenue for campers. Officers contacted 31 year old Scotty Lee Willis and 26 year old Kelisha Alvarez who were both sleeping under blankets. The surrounding area was covered in trash, blankets, and clothing, and two shopping carts also containing garbage and clothing were nearby. Ukiah Police Officers had responded to identical service calls involving these subjects 16 times within the previous 10 days, wherein the subjects were either warned or cited for violating the City’s overnight camping ordinance. Ukiah Police had responded the night prior at 11:45 PM and warned both subjects regarding overnight camping, as they didn’t meet the criteria to be cited at that time. Willis and Alvarez were arrested for overnight camping, and booked into the County Jail. Other officers responded and spent considerable time gathering and storing Willis’ and Alvarez’ large amount of possessions and other items.
* * *
"OTHER OFFICERS RESPONDED and spent considerable time gathering and storing Willis' and Alvarez's large amount of possessions and other items."
THE UKIAH PD has taken the “serve” part of “protect and serve” to a whole new level in the case of these two who, before America lost its way, would have been confined to a state hospital program. As it is, the police spend many hours of public time taking care of them. And our judges just keep on sending Scotty and Kelisha back out on the street.
EARLIER IN THE WEEK, Scotty and Kelisha, had refused shelter because — get this — they didn't want to share space with black people!
CATCH OF THE DAY, Jan 2, 2014

HEATHER DEWOLF, Fort Bragg. Probation revocation. (Frequent flyer.)
DAVID JOHNSON, Ukiah. Grand theft, obtaining vehicle by theft or extortion, receiving stolen property, conspiracy, vandalism, probation revocation. (Frequent flyer.*)
JEAN MAIK JR., Calpella. Battery.
THOMAS PATTEN, Albion. DUI-Drugs, driving without a license, failure to appear, probation revocation.
* * *
*DAVID JOHNSON, Ukiah. Grand theft, obtaining vehicle by theft or extortion, receiving stolen property, conspiracy, vandalism, probation revocation. (Frequent-Frequent flyer with enough miles to get him his own room at the County Jail.)
JOHNSON has been charged in Mendocino County Superior Court with at least 28 crimes, many of them felonies, going back to 1995, plus a couple of traffic violations, a few civil charges and numerous parole violations. Johnson is also a registered sex offender.
SOME of the charges are, of course, drug related. According to a (typical) Ukiah PD report from October of 2013: “On October 1st at about 1:00 PM Ukiah Police Detectives were on Talmage Road near Cunningham Street, and saw 33 year old David Michael Johnson near the railroad tracks. Johnson was a parolee at large and wanted for violating his registration requirements as a sex offender. Johnson ran into the creek bed, and one officer ran after him while the other entered the creek in front of Johnson. Upon seeing the other officer Johnson tried to run the other way, but eventually surrendered. Johnson had a methamphetamine smoking pipe and hypodermic syringes in his possession, and was charged with resisting arrest and possessing drug paraphernalia and for violating parole.”
YET HERE'S OUR GUY kicking off 2015 with a vehicle theft somehow involving a “conspiracy.” Johnson also gets the usual charge of “probation revocation,” joining several hundred other Mendo miscreants who've had their probation revoked to no known consequence for them. One wonders what this guy will have to do before he spends more than a couple of days in the barred timeout room.
OUR NATION’S FUTURE (Photo of the day) — these two Ukiah High School students were briefly profiled in the Ukiah Daily Journal’s New Year’s Day feature on New Year’s Resolutions:
“The New Year's resolution of Jasmine Crumrine, 15, is to follow up with all the colleges mailing her information and start considering where she would like to apply. Kyle Patton, 17, hopes the next year will bring him closer to a job as a body piercer.” (— Nathan DeHart. Courtesy, the Ukiah Daily Journal)
A SHARP EYED READER recently asked us about the County’s large revenue “carry forward.” According to a pie chart in the County’s Budget Summary for FY 2014/15 the 2014/15 budget includes a whopping $8,850,853 of “discretionary revenue” labeled “carry forward.” Digging deeper into the budget in the hopes of having that explained we found this “explanation”:
“However, multiple County departments finished the year under their assigned Net County Cost creating a sizable carryover figure of $8,850,853. The reasons for the carryover are: Timely AB 109 claiming; Additional state and federal program revenue; SB 90 Reimbursement Claims to specific programs ($347,070); One-time revenue (approximately $284,336); Contingency Fund rollover; Unanticipated vacancies; Sizable HHSA carry-over.”
But nowhere does the budget package say how many “unanticipated vacancies” there were or why, nor is the “sizable HHSA carry-over” enumerated or explained.
We’ve sent an inquiry to County CEO Carmel Angelo for more on this interesting revenue source.
* * *
ANGELO’S budget expert, Deputy CEO Heidi Dunham soon replied: “When HHSA develops their annual budget, their estimates are based on the possibility of having to cover the costs of providing critical care and services to a number of high level clients. In these cases, the County is often required to use general fund dollars in order to cover the entire cost. When HHSA does not have the estimated high cost cases, the general fund money is not spent, and is carried over to the following fiscal year and reallocated by the County.
Heidi Dunham, Deputy CEO, Mendocino County Executive Office. (707) 463-4441”
* * *
Dear Ms. Dunham,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
However, this reply begs the question: Why didn't the HHSA have these estimated high cost cases? (Assuming there was some reasonable basis for estimating them in the first place).
Were services denied to some number of high level (mental health) clients? I assume we are talking about Mental Health clients, since that's where the reimbursement shortfalls have been in the past.
The last numbers I've seen on this subject were in the bid package and follow up questions when Mental Health was privatized. At that time (in 2013) the County told bidders that there were 983 active adult cases and 871 active youth cases. And that among those there were 15 "consumers in IMDs for a total cost of $350,240." (IMDs being institutionalized clients, I think, and therefore presumably "high level.")
Is it possible to find out how many were estimated and how many there actually were (including IMDs) and how much of a carry-over this over-estimate generated?
* * *
WE’LL KEEP YOU INFORMED of whatever reply(ies) we get on this apparently somewhat complicated budget issue.
THE RUSSIAN RIVER: All Rivers - The Value of An American Watershed. New screenings in 2015!
We're happy to announce five new screenings in 2015! We hope you can make it to one in your watershed!
Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 7 - 9:30pm
Cinema Numina's Relevant Film Discussion Group
The Church of the Incarnation
550 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Q&A to follow film. Register here to attend.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 6:00 - 8:00pm
Co-op Annex, 749 C South State Street, Ukiah, CA 95482
RSVP is required by calling 707-462-4778
or online here at ukiahcoop.com
Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 3:30pm
Sebastiani Theatre, 476 1st St E, Sonoma, Ca 95476
reserve seats at reservations@russianriverallrivers.com
Friday, February 20, 2015 at 6:30pm
Sebastopol Center for the Arts
282 S High Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472
For tickets, click here or call SCA at 707-829-4797
Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 7pm
Smith Rafael Film Center
1118 Fourth Street, San Rafael, CA 94901
Save the date - details for tickets coming soon!
This feature-length, non-profit film focuses on the complex, "boom and bust" history of the Russian River and its watershed. In so doing, the film investigates a story common to rivers and watersheds everywhere.
We look forward to seeing you at a screening!
Producers at The Russian River: All Rivers LLC
email: producer@russianriverallrivers.com
The Russian River: All Rivers – The Value Of An American Watershed is a fiscally sponsored project of the International Documentary Association (IDA), 501©(3) nonprofit arts organization. Contributions in behalf of The Russian River: All Rivers – The Value Of An American Watershed are payable to IDA and are tax deductible as allowed by law.
Subject: KZYX 2015 Board Vacancy
January 2, 2015
Dear Mr. Dennis O'Brien:
Thanks for all you do for community radio, Denny. Thank you. Thank you.
That said, as a KZYX Board member I enthusiastically welcome your candidacy for the KZYX Board. I need the company of someone like yourself on the KZYX Board. I can't even get a second for most of my motions. Being the lone dissident voice on a "rubber stamp Board" installed by KZYX management has been a very lonely place for me to be during this last year. Being the lone voice for change has left me not just isolated on the Board, but also vilified and pilloried by both the Board and KZYX management.
Here's what you can expect during the election: KZYX management has a huge home field advantage. If your candidacy seems viable, you can be certain that KZYX management will recruit one or more other candidates to run against you, as was the case with Doug McKenty (There was no candidate more qualified in the 25-year history of KZYX than Doug.). Or you will be minimized and mocked, as has been usually the case with the perennial candidacy of King Collins in every election cycle for the last ten years. (I admire and respect King.)
Expect that KZYX management will organize against you and get out the vote for your opponent(s).
Expect that KZYX management will endorse your opponent(s) both publicly and behind the scenes.
Expect that KZYX management will spread false rumors about you, i.e., you are a "troublemaker"; you are a "complainer"; you are a "lawyer and a litigator" and "like to sue"; you are "destructive, not constructive". And on and on. I can hear them already. Whew!
In the above, you should be ever-vigilant, Denny. You should be prepared to file complaints of election violations with the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) and CPB (Corporation for Public Broadcasting).
Here's the good news: the FCC has yet to renew KZYX's licenses. There's more. Complaints filed with the Ombudsman at the CPB, who did little to investigate violations at KZYX, have now found their way to the Inspector General at the CPB.
Chief among these complaints is the fact that money earmarked by KZYX for a Ukiah studio is missing -- $5,000 in community donations, $5,000 from a family foundation grant, and $9,000 from a 2014 KZYX budget line item. That's $19,000 total that has gone missing. This is serious.
Another serious complaint is that one manager at KZYX controls all programming — every aspect of programming — which may explain why programming is safe, boring, and bland, NPR-driven, and highly "yuppified" in the words of one observer in the community.
Here's more: KZYX membership numbers are absolutely stagnant. KMUD and KMEC are taking market share from the near-monopoly that KZYX once enjoyed. People are starting to pay attention. Also, KZYX underwriting revenues have been declining for the last five or six years.
Finally, Denny, during your!campaign keep in mind one overriding reality at KZYX: KZYX is not community radio, nor is it public radio; first and foremost, KZYX is a jobs program for the people who work there full-time. These people are either too incompetent to get a job anyplace else, or they are too entrdnched and unwilling to relocate. That's mainly why KZYX is a jobs program and a private clubhouse. It's job security. One member of management has been at KZYX for its entire 25-year history. The others are pushing ten or more years. Little wonder that KZYX staff will not disclose their salaries, despite numerous demands from both the public and the press to do so.
Salaries are secret.
What happened to the missing $19,000 for a Ukiah studio is secret.
What isn't secret is that the GM at KZYX gave himself a 10 percent raise in the summer of 2013. This is precisely the timeframe that Mendocino County government workers were losing their jobs to attrition or layoffs — about 30% of the workforce. The remaining workers were forced to take a 10% pay cut. For the GM at KZYX to get a 10% raise is appalling. It shows an appalling lack of solidarity with county workers.
Incidentally, I did not vote for this raise. I was locked out of the vote. The KZYX Board voted for the raise an hour before I was seated as a Board member.
Bottom line? KZYX isn't about radio. It's all about money. All about money. And the money in question? An annual budget of $650,000.
Good luck, Denny. I hope the members of KZYX are paying close attention during the 2015 Board election. The very survival of the station may be at stake.
John Sakowicz
Host and producer of "All About Money"
Member and former treasurer of the KZYX Board of Directors
by David Zirin
Eric Garner’s last three words as he was being choked to death by Staten Island police officers was “I can’t breathe.” Those words have since become one of the iconic slogans of not only the #BlackLivesMatter movement against police violence but of our times. These three words were seared into a much broader national and international consciousness after they were worn in pre-game warm-ups by some of the most well-known athletes in the United States. But it wasn’t just the LeBron Jameses and Derek Roses of this world who wore the “I Can’t Breathe” T-shirts on the court or on the field. A host of high school and college teams, far from the public eye (and in places as diverse as Berkeley and Colorado Springs) took those words to the court in a show of solidarity. Now one of those high school teams is paying the price.
The Mendocino boys’ and girls’ basketball teams, located in Northern California, were disinvited from the Vern Piver Holiday Classic basketball tournament last weekend because they had worn the shirts before a game on December 16. Fort Bragg High School (an institution with a black population of 1%) told Mendocino that they would not be allowed to play unless every player on the boy’s team and girls’ team refused to wear the shirts. The boys’ team was reinstated after every player but one agreed to this condition. That one very brave holdout is staying at home. As for the girls’ team, only a couple said that they would even consider not wearing the shirts with almost the entire team standing strong. They will not be fielding a team.
Principal Rebecca Walker of Fort Bragg issued a written statement on Friday explaining their position, in which she said, “To protect the safety and well-being of all tournament participants it is necessary to ensure that all political statements and or protests are kept away from this tournament.… We are a small school district that simply does not have the resources to ensure the safety and well-being of our staff, students and guests at the tournament should someone get upset and choose to act out.”
Keep in mind that up until now, there have been no reported incidents before any game, high school college or professional, in response to the players’ wearing the shirts. And we should ask: What kind of a message it is for a principal to send to young people that actually caring about the world and being educated on issues is somehow something that should be maligned and censored, if not outright punished?
As the father of one of the Mendocino players said to the Associated Press, “It doesn’t take a lot to suppress the exchange of ideas when you put fear into it.”
The stand that many of these players are taking teaches a far more important [lesson] than a school giving a lesson in bullying. Mendocino High School deserves our support as well as a clear signal that they are not alone. We should let them know that their community should be proud of every player, especially on the girls’ team, for giving a damn.
If you want to call Fort Bragg High School and register your disappointment, the number is (707) 961-2880.
If you want to call Mendocino High School and show them some love, the number is (707) 937-5871.
(Courtesy, edgeofsports.com)
“I WAS TAUGHT that justice is a right that every American should have. Also justice should be the goal of every American. I think that’s what makes this country. To me, justice means the innocent should be found innocent. It means that those who do wrong should get their due punishment. Ultimately, it means fair treatment. So a call for justice shouldn’t offend or disrespect anybody. A call for justice shouldn’t warrant an apology.
“To clarify, I utterly respect and appreciate every police officer that protects and serves all of us with honesty, integrity and the right way. And I don’t think those kind of officers should be offended by what I did. My mom taught me my entire life to respect law enforcement. I have family, close friends that are incredible police officers and I tell them all the time how they are much braver than me for it. So my wearing a T-shirt wasn’t a stance against every police officer or every police department. My wearing the T-shirt was a stance against wrong individuals doing the wrong thing for the wrong reasons to innocent people.
“Unfortunately, my mom also taught me just as there are good police officers, there are some not-so-good police officers that would assume the worst of me without knowing anything about me for reasons I can’t control. She taught me to be careful and be on the lookout for those not-so-good police officers because they could potentially do me harm and most times without consequences. Those are the police officers that should be offended.
“Being a police officer takes bravery. And I understand that they’re put in difficult positions and have to make those snap decisions. As a football player, I know a little bit about snap decisions, obviously on an extremely lesser and non-comparative scale, because when a police officer makes a snap decision, it’s literally a matter of life and death. That’s hard a situation to be in. But if the wrong decision is made, based on preconceived notions or the wrong motives, I believe there should be consequence. Because without consequence, naturally the magnitude of the snap decisions is lessened, whether consciously or unconsciously.
“I’m not an activist, in any way, shape or form. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred I keep my opinions to myself on most matters. I worked extremely hard to build and keep my reputation especially here in Ohio, and by most accounts I’ve done a solid job of decently building a good name. Before I made the decision to wear the T-shirt, I understood I was putting that reputation in jeopardy to some of those people who wouldn’t necessarily agree with my perspective. I understood there was going to be backlash, and that scared me, honestly. But deep down I felt like it was the right thing to do. If I was to run away from what I felt in my soul was the right thing to do, that would make me a coward, and I can’t live with that. God wouldn’t be able to put me where I am today, as far as I’ve come in life, if I was a coward.
“As you well know, and it’s well documented, I have a 2-year-old little boy. The same 2-year-old little boy that everyone said was cute when I jokingly threw him out of the house earlier this year. That little boy is my entire world. And the number-one reason for me wearing the T-shirt was the thought of what happened to Tamir Rice happening to my little Austin scares the living hell out of me. And my heart was broken for the parents of Tamir and John Crawford knowing they had to live that nightmare of a reality.
“So, like I said, I made the conscious decision to wear the T-shirt. I felt like my heart was in the right place. I’m at peace with it and those that disagree with me. This is America, everyone has the right to their first amendment rights. Those who support me, I appreciate your support. But at the same time, support the causes and the people and the injustices that you feel strongly about. Stand up for them. Speak up for them. No matter what it is because that’s what America’s about and that’s what this country was founded on.”
— Andrew Hawkins, Cleveland Browns wide receiver, on why he wore a warm up shirt saying “Justice for Tamir Rice and John Crawford.” (12 year old Tamir Rice was killed by Cleveland police in 2014 with a BB gun, and John Crawford had just purchased a pellet rifle at Walmart in Beavercreek, Ohio. Neither were brandishing their weapons at the time they were killed soon after being approached by police.)
FROM AN LA TIMES report about California’s new undocumented immigrant licensing program:
"…License applicants will have to provide documents to verify their identities and prove they reside in California. They will each also have to submit a thumbprint, pass vision and written exams and schedule a behind-the-wheel driving test. The special licenses will feature text explaining that they are "not acceptable for official federal purposes," such as boarding an airplane.
The DMV has been working for more than a year to prepare for the 1.5 million applications expected in the first three years of the program. An extra $141 million has been budgeted to handle the influx, with the DMV opening four new offices and hiring an additional 900 employees.
The cost has been a point of contention for critics, some of whom also complain that the new program rewards immigrants who broke the law with "quasi-amnesty."
Democrats in the Legislature, who argue the program will improve traffic safety by requiring immigrants who are already driving to study the rules of the road, pushed through the law allowing special licenses in 2013 after a decades-long battle.
In the past, many people in the country without permission had been able to obtain California driver's licenses because applicants did not have to prove they had legal immigration status. That changed in 1993 with the passage of a law that required any first-time applicant to provide a Social Security number.
The new law may be a boon to the auto insurance industry. Some companies are targeting advertising to those who are eligible for the licenses.
"This is a whole new population of individuals who will now be entering the market and shopping for insurance," said Madison Voss, a spokeswoman for the California Department of Insurance. About two dozen insurance companies in California have sold insurance to unlicensed immigrants for years, Voss said. …"
* * *
THAT’S RIGHT: “The new law may be a boon to the auto insurance industry. Some companies are targeting advertising to those who are eligible for the licenses.”
SURELY, we’d be crazy to think that that the insurance industry windfall had anything to do with the California legislature’s decision to issue the licenses!
by Dan Bacher
Governor Jerry Brown continued to live up to his reputation as "Big Oil Brown" with his administration's release of the finalized text of the state's regulations for fracking and well stimulation on Tuesday, December 30.
Although Senate Bill 4, passed in September 2013, requires California's Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) to complete an environmental impact report and approve an independent scientific study, "neither one of those documents were ready in time to inform the final rules," according to a news release from CAFrack Facts (http://www.cafrackfacts.org).
Although the regulations have been finalized, they will not go into effect until July 1st due to delays in coordinating multiple agencies.
“California has essentially reversed the regulatory process when it comes to fracking,” said Jackie Pomeroy, spokesperson for CAFrackFacts. “State regulators have finalized California's fracking rules a full six months before any of the mandated scientific studies have been completed. Given the long-term and potentially irreversible impacts of fracking and well stimulation, it is critical that we make policy decisions based on science—unfortunately, the current timeline makes this impossible.”
Pomeroy noted that in contrast to California, New York recently decided to continue its moratorium on fracking after concluding that the practice poses unknown risks to human health and safety.
After his team spent several years and over 4,500 hours reviewing scientific research, New York’s Commissioner of Health, Dr. Howard Zucker, declared that, “there are questions that remain unanswered from lack of scientific analysis, specifically longitudinal studies of [fracking].”
He concluded, “Would I live in a community with [fracking] based on the facts that I have now? Would I let my child play in a school field nearby? After looking at the plethora of reports behind me ... my answer is no."
"New York is the first state to put the science before the politics and come to a conclusion based on the weight of the evidence,” explains Seth B.C. Shonkoff, Executive Director of PSE Healthy Energy. "The decision is a clear example of how bringing scientific transparency to the issue - highlighting what we know and don't know - is an important component of responsible energy policy decision making.”
For more information on California's fracking regulations you can go to: http://www.conservation.ca.gov/index/Documents/12-30-14%20Final%20Text%20of%20SB%204%20WST%20Regulations.pdf?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=finalized%20text&utm_campahgn=Wates%20Policy%20Update
Jerry Brown, once known as "Governor Moonbeam" for his quirkiness and eccentricities during his first two administrations from 1975 to 1983, has in his third administration transformed himself into "Big Oil Brown."
Big Oil strongly supported the amended version of Senate Bill 4, the green light to fracking bill, that Brown signed in September 2013. Just ask Catherine Reheis-Boyd, the President of the Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA) and former chair of the Larine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative Blue Ribbon Task Force for the South Coast, who praised the governor's signing of Senate Bill 4 for creating the "environmental" platform to expand fracking in California.(http://www.wspa.org/blog/post/statement-wspa-president-catherine-reheis-boyd-signing-sb-4)
The Western States Petroleum Association is the most powerful corporate lobbying organization in Sacramento and has s0ent $31m179,039 since January 1, 2009 to lobby against anti-fracking measures and California's environmental laws, according to a report written by Will Barrett, the Senior Policy Analyst for the American Lung Association in California. (http://www.lung.org/associations/states/california/advocacy/climate-change/oil-industy-lobbying-report.pdf)
Besides supporting the expansion of fracking in California, Governor Brown has also rushed the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) to build two massive tunnels under the Delta, the most environmentally destructive public works project in California history; presided over record water exports at the Delta pumps in 2011; pushed water policies that have driven Delta smelt, longfin smelt, Sacramento splittail, Central Valley salmon and other fish populations to the edge of extinction; and implemented the oil industry lobbyist-overseen "marine protected areas" created under the privately-funded Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative.
For an in-depth review of Governor Brown's environmental record, go to: http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/09/24/big-oils-favorite-governor-jerry-brown/
What is fracking? Fracking is an unconventional oil and gas extraction process that involves injecting fluids into the ground at high pressure, according to CAFrackFacts. Although it varies by project, the fluids generally include a mixture of water, sand and hundreds of different chemicals, including benzene and hydrofluoric acid. This high-pressure injection creates fractures in rock formations where oil and gas is trapped. The fractures—held open by grains of sand in the fracking fluid—enable oil and gas to be released and pulled to the surface. (http://www.cafrackfacts.org/technology/what-is-fracking/)
FOURTH QUARTER NON-MEDICINAL MARIJUANA PROSECUTION STATS: Fifty-seven individuals charged with a marijuana-related primary offense had their cases resolved during the 4th quarter of the 2014 calendar year. The conviction rate for the quarter was 90%. Of the 57, 6 individuals had all charges dismissed against them. Two individuals were convicted of infractions. Thirty-four individuals were convicted at the misdemeanor level. Fifteen individuals were convicted at the felony level. Four of these 15 felons received local prison sentences. The 34 misdemeanants and 11 of the 15 felons are now on either supervised or informal probation. All 45 are subject to search and seizure on demand without a search warrant. As a term of probation, 31 of the overall 57 were ordered to perform a collective 4,925 hours (159 hours/person) of community service through Mendo-Lake Alternative Service.
(District Attorney Press Release)
All of the environmental complications, and all of the peace and justice related social issues, are now in a reed basket on a river bank, gently warmed by the sun. Please go there and sit down, and watch your breath effortlessly go in and out of your nose, as your stomach extends and retracts, extends and retracts, and it is all witnessed by...
Innumerable mother beings caring for one another, and the great void. Awareness and the fundamental realization lap on the bank, in the weaves of the basket, and in every ray of light, in all Universes. Water, basis of most living beings in this world, curves the light, a subtle dance. In the sediment, in the motion of fine particles, a pattern like the battery of a brain. Will you have tea, sit by the river? A nectarine ripens. The cup is a container for the gem-like wisdom of the Teachings, vapor before your eyes and tongue. A wind casts it beyond.
Thanks for reading — Gesendet: Donnerstag, 01. Januar 2015
— Craig Stehr
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